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About oj480

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    Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas, Farcry 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution
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  1. Pretty simple idea, an interesting way to dispose of corpses, perhaps for roleplaying purposes, in New Vegas there was a mod that let yo cut up corpses and put them into garbage bags, Dexter style, something similar here, but maybe other ways to deal with them and/or mark them to not despawn in case of using raider corpses as decorations? Maybe gravedigging as well? Just a thought, it would be sweet.
  2. Seriously, If this were a thing I'd pay money for it. Its just too awesome.
  3. It would be nice to be able to turn against nocturnal, and dissolve the Theives guild in favour of your own family.
  4. Definitely a unique version of Ahzidal's armour set. That would rock.
  5. This: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1232880-a-serious-request-for-a-new-crime-overhaul/ Or possibly this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1357961-unique-ahzidal/
  6. In essence the idea was to be a separate entity from the Theives guild, but some good thinking about maybe starting out with them then turning against them when you become more powerful.
  7. Ahzidal's Armour doing all that cool stuff. Its cute, its nifty, it looks disappointing. Really all I'm asking is that some beautiful talented person whip up some new models for Ahzidals armour set so that it looks more unique, perhaps more battlemagey rather than nord warrior-y. That's all, it'd be nice to have some more uniqueness about it.
  8. Like the Camonna Tong? That could be interesting, But probably a separate thing from the overall idea.
  9. For the record, the Thalmor wouldn't intervene in the civil war as their goals are for the civil war to continue so as to weaken both sides for when the Dominions main force arrives. Or something like that, the point is they want the war to keep going.
  10. Right, so you see a lot of mods that add armour from things like Star Wars and Predator and all that jazz, my problem with these is they're completely faithful to the original, what if some gorgeous talented person were to take the armour, and then reimagine it in a "Lore Friendly" way, change for example a white clean technologically advanced Stormtrooper armour, into a gritty, reliable, medieval version of it, something more fitting to the realm of Skyrim. I'm sure it'd work out and look very cool.
  11. This: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1232880-a-serious-request-for-a-new-crime-overhaul/
  12. Now I've posted mod requests before and they've been ignored or just admittedly not that great ideas, but this is the big one, this is something Skyrim needs. Come on guys, I even formatted it so it looks pretty. Intro Crime in Skyrim is kind of lame. You punch a guy, you pay a fine/go to prison. You steal some things you pay a fine/go to prison. You murder someone you pay a fine/go to prison. They're about the only options for criminal behaviour in the game, and the rewards you may reap from these actions are negligible. However, crime in the real world is much much different, people can make large amounts of money. My request is that someone fixes the crime system, and by fix, I mean alter drastically by adding a lot of new crime content. Extortion, Racketeering, narcotics manufacture and distribution, all the crimes that seem to have been overlooked or poorly implemented. If You Want Something Done RIght... (Do Everything Yourself. If You Want To.) You would have to be able to do all of the things yourself, but also be able to hire goons to do the jobs for you, but with a smaller cut for you since you've paid someone else to do it, and since they're a criminal themselves, they may not return with your money/skooma/shadypackage/whateveritisyousentthemtoget. Late game, you would be able to have a whole group of goons loyal to you and who will do the jobs, and just take a cut of the return. The goons are sort of the Crux of the mod in nature, as you're more of a godfather figure, but you still have the option to do all the jobs yourself, it'd just take a longer time to go all over Skyrim and do them one by one. Keep Your Friends Close... (Hire Goons and Start Your Crime Family.) It would be great to be able to, for example, round up a crew of thugs and start a protection racket, which at times would be able to be handled by the crew and sometimes you would have to do things yourself, a courier could come to you every week or so and give you your cut and a letter explaining the total, minus expenses, crew payment, etc. This wouldn't be without risks, you would have to pay off the authorities so that your crime spree can continue, and not all guards may be crooked. But Your Enemies Closer... (No Fun Without A Challenge, Keep the Authorities Off Your Back.) Guards would also periodically try and shut your operations down, unless of course you've paid off your local Jarl every month, and hope they're feeling generous, you would have to hire your own guards to protect your assets, and to fend off any unwanted visitors, otherwise it would cut into your profits, which is unpleasant. Bribing the authorities would be perhaps a monthly thing, or maybe fortnightly, regardless, it would have to be an ongoing thing, and not cheap either. Breaking Bad Anyone? (Drug Trade, Sounds Like Fun.) As far as a Skooma lab goes, you would have to figure out a formula, a way to source the supplies, either in bulk or by manually shopping for them, work with a partner who knows the business (maybe cut him out if you see fit, kinda like the Morrowind mod "Vvardenfell Druglord", that mod was so much fun.) pay off the authorities again, find a way to mass produce your product and distribute it, either on your own, or hire some goons. You would also have to bribe the Jarls to leave you alone, some of whom might not agree and you'd have to find another way of keeping the guards off your back. Room For Aggressive Expansion. (Hire Goons and Take Over Dungeons for your own Purposes.) With the goons you hire, you could send them to do odd jobs for you, be it extorting the shopkeepers, dealing with a problematic business enemy (looking at you Khajiit caravans, stay outta my town, I run the Skooma trade here.), you could send them on all sorts of jobs. Ideally, the world is yours, and with enough gold, anything is possible. Heck, you could even take over existing skooma dens or bandit dens, and turn them into skooma labs or illicit gambling halls, betting on who wins out of the 5 wolves or the 1 skooma swilling Argonian. Gambling is fun. Story? What? (If Necessary.) You could receive a note from a mysterious benefactor, perhaps during your first stint in prison, or maybe it just happens, and he could offer you a job to help take out a rival crime group, you could help, and then proceed to climb the criminal ladder to the top. Or something else, as far as story goes, I find it secondary to the other content. But still, could add rival crime families as enemies you'd have to fend off with the above materials, hell, could even make the Dark Brotherhood, and/or the Thieves Guild enemies. (unless you're the head honcho of those particular organisations.) In Conclusion... (TL;DR) Basically, the Mod I am requesting makes you into a wealthy and powerful Crime lord, like Vito Corleone, or Tony Montana, but in Skyrim. Round up goons and use your criminal influence to fill your wallet and crush your enemies. I'd love to see this happen, and I'm sure I'm definitely not the only one. I'm aware it would be a huge undertaking, and would also probably definitely require SKSE, but this mod needs to be a reality, Crime doesn't pay, but it damn well should, and with this, it damn well could.
  13. Sload. Please for the sweet love of jesus Sloads. Its somewhat humanoid. Mostly. And oh god pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Sload
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