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About sanada_yukimora
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Oblivion, DUH. LOTR: ROTWK. RJ-ROTWK mod rocks
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Final Fantasy VII, Oblivion, Silent Hill series, Samurai Warriors...too many to list.
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Hey guys. I've been gone for a damn long time...I apologize. My comp crashed because of...god knows what. Lost a crap ton of stuff I had been working on, short stories and what-not. Since then I've been kinda spooked about getting involved in stuff like this, for fear of working like a maniac and then having it all destroyed. Anyways, if you guys still want to do this I can and will help, but I'm still limited on what I can do (as always). I'm not out of ideas yet, and my hard-drive kept some of my stuff, but alot of it is dust in the wind and is gone, gone, gone. Also, if someone else wants to pick this up and try it, go right ahead. You can work off of the groundwork I've set, just give me some credit at the end please? Either way, I still think of this as a solid idea.
The towns aren't Legion posts though. The towns are guarded by the towns soldiers. The towns solders don't belong to the Empire, they belong to the town. Anvil Guards aren't Imperial Legion Soldiers. There would need to be seperate forts to accomidate the Imperial Soldiers, I think. And we wouldn't need a group on Valenwood anyways, or Elswhyre, because the Empire is on good terms with them. The Empire is on faulty terms with Black Marsh and Morrowind (thanks mainly to House Dres and Indoril, however much they may be weakened). And the, like I said, main fort needs to be either boardering the Abecean Sea coming into Anvil because the Altmer of Summerset Isle are boycotting Imperial goods and that would definately lead to a war, or in the Colovian Highlands. Maybe...we could put it closer to the Imperial City, or even expand the Imperial City just a bit... But the Imperial Legion HQ is in the Prision District...hmm... Either way, forts in the Colovian Highlands and right on the boarder of the Abecean sea in the west are absolutely vital to provide much needed reinforcements just to be safe from the possibility of an Altmer invasion.
Read my above post for an update on a possible idea; and quite a good one, too. I made some changes to how I plotted out the map. Each of them is now marked with a BLACK circle, (the black being my primary choice) and a RED circle (red being my secondary choice). Now, if worst comes to worst and all of the forts in that location are used, then we could look to another segment. But that's a worst case scenerio. I would definately prefer to use the ruins I've marked out. http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj46/Cyrodiil_Map/ Keep in mind that this is all done with the best possible strategic plotting in mind. I placed the forts in areas that are lawless, hard to reach, or require more defense. The MAIN fort will need to be around Anvil, the fort nearest to the town. In game, it seems that tensions are mounting non-stop with Summerset Isle, so we've got to pay attention to that; a threat to the Empire would be the Legions first worry.
I agree that we need to start getting our hands alittle dirty, I think it's time for us to start getting some of the stuff finished before it all really starts mounting up. I hate to say so, but I'm thinking this might be a multiple-month project... I said earlier that I think there should also be some sort of a suit of chainmail, something along those lines. That would be light armor for the light armor junkies, would be used for archers and mages to wear underneath their robes in battle. But most of our attention would be on Platemail and heavy armor, because that's where the Legionnaries strength lies; in their infantry. And what is an infantry division without heavy armor? ALSO, getting to something I've very much been looking forward to... When someone thinks of ancient Rome, what do they think of? Weird bathhouses, a dude getting assassinated on the floor of the senate house, wondering why guys were marching around in full battle armor with very small swords and leather skirts...and those SHIELDS. Those shields have always been so cool to me, seriously. In both use and apperance, they're perfect in every possible way. Due to the curve of the shield, an attack from a sword or a shield would simply slide off to the side. The shield is almost three feet long, so it protects a great portion of a persons body without even needing to be shifted. And, also, the Romans could use their Phalanx and their Tortoise formations out of it by locking their shields together! I need some information. It may need to be created from scratch, but I need to know if we can these shields. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj46/Cy...oman_Shield.jpg This would be a ~very~ big portion of the mod, since almost every Roman footsoldier had a shield like this. Square shields, tower shields, whatever you call them...they're perfect for this mod. And the problem with the area you've suggested in your first thumbnail is that the location there is a very big modding spot for others. Alot of people have downloaded mods that put mansions or castles there; most people could already have something there and we wouldn't want this to clash with that. Number two, however, looks good.
There wasn't a ~Morrowind~ section of the Legion, it's all the same Imperial Legion, just a second branch of it. They expanded off into Morrowind, is all. I also think we should rethink Chrysamere and Lords Mail. There are tons of good ideas out there just waiting to happen. Could someone dig up some information on a guy who would be fitting to model some armor and a weapon after? We won't make a bow and a shortsword and all that, it'll be this sword or normal sword for people; that'll just add MORE work to you guys, and I really, really don't want to do that. You're all doing enough as it is and I can't thank you enough. I need some time to think on this, guys, give me a few days and I'll have a good set of armor and a weapon thought up! Dnuken, for the map image, look up above my post and you'll see where Cyron said 'PRESTO'. That's a link to the map with the sections and the segments. I tried to describe the location of each fort as best I could, so you don't have to spend ages looking around for it. But, seriously people, WE MUST CHECK AND MAKE SURE THAT THE LOCATION WE USE IS NOT USED FOR ANY OTHER QUEST. It is absolutely ~vital~ that the locations we use in this mod do not hurt or alter any quests (main or side) in any way, shape or form. We don't want bad ratings. Let's keep 'em good, people. ~Thumbs up~
Thanks ALOT, Cyron, you're a huge help already dude. I've went in and looked around, and found FIVE forts that are subject to be rebuilt. Each of them were chosen for their strategic placement around Cyrodiil, in places that seem to be quite lawless and out of the way; places that need more order, in other words. Note I payed special attention to the Colovian Highlands. In Segment 3 would be FORT 1. Look at either ruin 12 or ruin 16: I know one of those is Sancre Tor or whatever, so the other one would be the fort. Both are in the Mountains. In Segment 11, I'm thinking ruin number 9. It's right on Lake Canulus. If that fort is in use for something, then number 4. I always tried to pick an alternate option. Both of them are on the water. In Segment 7, either ruin 3 or ruin 18 there. Both are pretty much in the thick of it, but 18 is just a bit off the road. Black Marsh is VERY lawless, full of bandits, so it would get two forts in that general area. If everyone thinks that would be too many, then we could move one of them to Segment 5. Ruin 23, 19 or 6. Those three are right on the water around the Imperial City. Alright. Segment 2! Ruin 48 or ruin 12 seem like positive choices, perhaps. I'm feeling that both of those are prime positions. 48 is quite near a town which I ~believe~ to be Hackdirt, and ruin 12 is just off the road away to the east. Finally, Segment 1. I'm thinking Ruin 19 (since it's RIGHT next to the coast and mounting problems with Summerset Isle (listen to conversations in game) would call for some fortifications in that area and around Anvil) or ruin 6, just outside of Anvil, to the east. I need opinions on this, people, tell me what you all think.
That would be interesting, but I don't know what people would think of it. Martin died as a hero in the story, his entire original purpose. And the line of kings died with him; there were no other Septims, Martin had no children and Uriel Septim VII's children all died through assassinations through the Mythic Dawn. Those punks really messed things up...
I ~did~ work 'em out, but Cyron said it wouldn't be a good idea. He said there were items in game in those spots, even though the map said there weren't. So I can't figure out what to do now. If I could find a map with all map locations named, I could go in and scout the most strategic locations for rebuilt forts, perhaps... Does anyone know of a map with all of the locations shown and revealed, and named?
That looks pretty good. Like I said, I'm really not going for one huge tower but a castle more or less. Need alittle space for a garrison of Imperial Legionnaries, eh? Not to mention whatever civilians live with them, merchants, mercenaries, ect...
Nobody's said a darn thing about my idea for Chrysamere and the Lords Mail...
Yeah, I didn't want you to take it the wrong way or offensively or anything, I just thought that the flat-topped castle roof would go better with that look. Just the contrast of the grey stone and the brownish roof was weird looking, and plus you can't have defenders. That'd be a big thing for me, is having people around who can defend it. I'd even make an army of bandits outside using the CS and just do a big Castle-Defense stage, if it was me. That would be WICKED COOL. But anyways, if you would change the roofed towers to the flat topped versions so you could use archers and sentries, it'd work out better. But I'm...not shutting up, am I?
But that's the thing. It's military issued; it wouldn't be like Civilian buildings, going from apperance to apperance, it's all Legion. The Legion all uses one uniform, all uses the same style. The rest of the Empire differs from place to place, but what the Legion gets is all the same. The military can't be worried about diffrent styles in diffrent areas, they need to be worried about function and wear-and-tear over time, see what I mean? And being able to store things ontop of a roof, or garrison archers up there would be a much more useful ability then having a pointed top, if you understand my meaning. I get what you're saying and I think it's a good idea, I just don't know if that's how the lore of the game would have followed it. Look at the actual castles of Skingrad, Bruma, Cheydenhal, ect, ect. They're all almost identical. And I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes, I just woke up.
Cyronarxes, that's an awesome idea from before. I like that alot, actually. Both the idea about the jailing and the idea about the sieges. I wanted to see Legion members at the battle for Bruma, personally, it would be more like a war then just a few goonies in light armor. I mean, there are demons in full platemail and creatures with hides as thick as steel marching out of a thirty foot tall gate that leads to a plain of HELL and they're standing there in chainmail? WTF? So I'm all for support from the Legion in the battle for Bruma. But I'm quite worried about the coding and the work that will require in the CS. I don't want to put a workload too heavy on these peoples sholders. I mean, it's one thing to say it but to do it? I'm trying to get it as good as I can but without throwing TONS on the men and women who are going to do it...after all, I'm good with plots and ideas. I can't do much else, like I said before. And I'd really love to know if anyone else likes the idea of getting Chrysamere and the Lords Mail armor after you recieve the top rank, or the next to the top rank, in the Legion faction.
The only thing I didn't go for about the layout of your fort, Cyonarxes, was the roofing area. The top of it, the way it came up into the cone-shape with the point stood out against the stone. I'll say it here and now, it's tons better then I could, and will, ever do. I personally would rather go for the flat roof with the jagged top and spaces every five or ten feet or so for archers, personally. But this is just me.
We haven't started any of this in CS yet; my goal is to get everything worked out, get it all clean and 'shake the dust off' so to speak, before we get started on it. We should have everything planned out, should have it all ready to put straight into the CS without any second thoughts on what we need. Like I said, I want to get it all done in one big go without fifty thousand updates. I'm still personally for the idea of making new forts, but if we can change the old, ruined forts to the bigger, cooler castle ones, that'd be fine. I want to go for an Imperial feel as much as I can. More of a modern thing. The older ones are, I'm guessing, just that; ancient, old, ruined and decrepit. More modern, newer forts are my goal. I'm still, and will remain, all for the castle look. One tall keep is cool, but I don't like tall and narrow. I like walls, battlements, towers and a central keep in the middle. Trapdoors so you can get onto the walls, barracks, the whole nine yards.