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Everything posted by Locky88

  1. "A yes or no answer"? I think I've already established that it has multiple answers, not just the yes and the no, it has multiple answers for a reason. As for "debate for narcotics" I could not care less, that is not the purpose of my study. Like I said before I am studying the reason people use drugs not some foolish moral concept. That sort of thing is ... well not my line of work. I'm more interested on the economic reasons. Don't over think the question! I'm not looking for a debate I'm looking for indicators.
  2. Yes I mean all narcotics from marijuana to pure heroine. The question is not vague!. For Talos's sake I'm not asking if you would be willing to use every drug out there. And if I'm not mistaken the answer is not a simple yes or no there are multiple choices. I can't tell you the exact reason I made my questions the way I did for the simple reason that if any of the participants knew their answers would be unreliable. But I can say the form is written this way because I am not studying personal drug choice only the reasons that make people use drugs. It is too vague... Are we talking about substances which are currently banned in most countries, substances which are in that grey area between being banned and medical usage, substances which are habit forming but require a doctors prescription (pain killers, certain steroids, ect), or mundane substances which are habit forming and can alter brain chemistry (alcohol, caffine, nicotine, yellow 5, ect.). All of which can loosely be classified as narcotics. Note that the question asks "if narcotics would be legalized for RECREATIONAL purposes". I know of no narcotic that can be prescribed by a doctor for recreational purposes. When prescribing a medication, "recreational" is never a medical purpose, at least no to my knowledge. Please read the question carefully before posting any complaint! . I received a lot of PMs on this subject so let me make it clear. When i use the word narcotics I mean ALL narcotics, ALL of them. As for your answer, i can't detail because that would be tampering with the subject group and it would take me weeks to sort threw the information in order to sort the reliable results. Just don't over-think the matter give the answer which you think is correct.
  3. Yes I mean all narcotics from marijuana to pure heroine. The question is not vague!. For Talos's sake I'm not asking if you would be willing to use every drug out there. And if I'm not mistaken the answer is not a simple yes or no there are multiple choices. I can't tell you the exact reason I made my questions the way I did for the simple reason that if any of the participants knew their answers would be unreliable. But I can say the form is written this way because I am not studying personal drug choice only the reasons that make people use drugs.
  4. Hello everyone! Since this year I will be writing my dissertation paper I will have to do a study on my chosen topic so that I can prove, analyse, describe and generally interpret my chosen study. So I post this topic for all those willing to take a minute out of their lives to help out a schoolboy. In the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1v3JBmkMeGH1I6OpcoXD-c6rjTZk2X1PdoRqrsqDlxdY/viewform you will find a form regarding my case study. The form does not ask for any confidential information so please be as honest as possible. And for those that are curious, YES, my dissertation paper will be studying the possible effects of legalizing recreational narcotics. A good day to everyone and a thank you to those that will be participating in my study.
  5. Hello everyone! Since this year I will be writing my dissertation paper I will have to do a study on my chosen topic so that I can prove, analyse, describe and generally interpret my chosen study. So I post this topic for all those willing to take a minute out of their lives to help out a schoolboy. In the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1v3JBmkMeGH1I6OpcoXD-c6rjTZk2X1PdoRqrsqDlxdY/viewform you will find a form regarding my case study. The form does not ask for any confidential information so please be as honest as possible. And for those that are curious, YES, my dissertation paper will be studying the possible effects of legalizing recreational narcotics. A good day to everyone and a thank you to those that will be participating in my study.
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