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Everything posted by iDWr3Ck

  1. Sevenbase has a very nice body replacer. It is new, but growing with each passing day. I recommend that mod.
  2. Really anticipating this! Hope all is going well with it.
  3. As far as I know yes. I just got the game a week ago and installed SkSe the same day. Have there been any updates since then?
  4. So, for the life of me I cannot get this mod to work. I have tried looking for videos, etc. They all say to hit x to toggle it. Well that doesn't work for me. Any ideas or suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Yeah I run Skyrim on W8 64bit. So not a problem sir.
  6. I have that same CPU Asrock z77 extreme 4 motherboard Evga gtx 660ti superclocked 8 gb Kingston hyper x ram And a just a mechanical hdd from my old rig I run Skyrim on ultra settings easily with 60fps. I also have about 30+ mods on it. Fxaa ppi, HD textures, W.A. T. E. R, lush trees, etc. I have a bunch of visually enhancing and retexture mods on as well and armor and weapon mods. I still get 55-60fps almost always. The only time I see drops is when transitioning to a scripted event and when quick saving. During those times it drops to the mid 40's for a split second. If I were you I would get the ti version. You should be fine bro.
  7. iDWr3Ck


    Welcome! I too am new, hope to see you around the forums.
  8. Yeah 850 watt is overkill I suposse. But unfortunately all of the parts are already on their way.
  9. Yes sir, this will be my first build. And thanks man, I took a lot of time researching the components. I am kind of OCD when it comes to those types of things. I appreciate the feedback!
  10. iDWr3Ck


    My name is Derek. About to cross over into PC gaming (after a long,long...wait). Do some graphic design as along with web design as well. I am 25 years old too. How is everyone?
  11. How ya doing everyone, my name is Derek, and I am obviously new to these forums. I have lurked because the thought of games with mods has always intrigued me. The problem was my computer is pure trash. Anyways I finally got enough money together and ordered me some parts to build. I just want some advice on what you guys personally think about the components. Thanks in advance for any replies. It is much appreciated. EVGA Geforce GTX 660ti Superclocked Intel Core i5-3570k Corsair Enthusiast Series 850-Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certified Power Supply AS Rock LGA1155 DDR3 SATA3 USB3.0 Quad CrossFireX and Quad SLI A GbE ATX Motherboard Z77 EXTREME4 Cooler Master Enforcer Mid-Tower Kingston Technology HyperX 8 GB (2x4 GB Modules) The optical drive and hard drive I am going to take out of my current PC and use for now. So whatcha think? Modded Skyrim here I come...
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