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About docmadhouse

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    United States

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  1. I stopped playing skyrim for two weeks and now I started up again and I'm getting ridiculously low fps like 10-15fps. I have a i5 3570k, gtx670 sli, and 8gb ram. The only thing that has changed from the last time I played was I started playing battlefield 4 and had to download new drivers for it. I run bf4 max settings 1080p except msaa 2x instead of 4x at 60 average fps . It's almost as if the game won't recognize my gpu anymore and is trying to run off the integrated graphics.
  2. I keep having ctds at certain places in my game. At the end of every ctd log is the fxdustdroprandomscript error. I have tried downloading the fix even though it is already in the unofficial skyrim patch. The location it gives is broken tower redoub 02 I coc there and walk around but the error continues to spam my logs. Is there any other fix for this problem?
  3. So besides two ctds previously and one issue were textures didn't load in one interior my game has been fine for the past 20-25 hours. Now I am trying to complete the main quest and giving me a problem in solitude. If I am outside and save my game it won't load and I have to use the task manger to exit. The only way I can load is if I load a game from an interior first then load the outside one afterwards. The second problem I am having is getting into the winking skeever. About 50% of the time the game ctds. If I happen to get in and continue the quest, it will CTD on the way to the stables. System: windows 7 gtx 670 sli 3570k 8gb 1600 ram Boss Log: Unrecognized plugins: Papyrus log:
  4. im starting a follower heavy game with asis,ace, deadly combat, and deadly dragons and I was wondering if there are any random boss encounter mods. I have seen some random enounter mods but they seem pretty lore breaking. I just want a few strong, unique boss type npc's roaming around that I can run into for a challenge. kInda like deadly dragons for npc's.
  5. One night I was up late looking for mods and I came across a really interesting mod but I don't remember much about it. I thought it was for werewolves but after searching all the werewolf mods I could find I didn't find anything. Anyway the thing I remember from the mod is it added a sense of smell ability or something which you could use to track enemies. However you had to be careful because enemies like wolves could also track your scent. I remember on the mod page there was a video showing a pack of wolves tracking the player and coming to attack her. I know this is pretty vague but that is all I remember, hopefully someone can figure this out. -Edit- nvm I figured it out, nature of the beast II
  6. Small passive ability but what about water breathing. One of the vampire mods added water breathing because undead don't need to breath.
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