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About HerrBaron

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  1. Roger that. I do wish the "moderators" would move the requests somewhere else; there's so many of them you can't find actual discussion of modding among them.
  2. Every other post in here is a [Mod Request], while the posts actually dealing with details of mod problem solving are few and far between. Is that what this forum is really all about? Requests, not the actual work of modding?
  3. Just coming back to The Witcher 3 after many years away, and have a few mods installed that I can't really make use of or adjust due to missing "Mods" menu in-game. Can anyone tell me what I have to do to enable the in-game "Mods" menu, please? Many thanks, HerrBaron
  4. It still applies now as it did then. If for some reason you don't want to use the email I provided you (which goes directly to both of them), here are their profiles: Pickysaurus BigBizkit Thanks, Robin.
  5. Per Robin's direction, I'm trying to get a PM to a moderator regarding an issue with stolen content. Will someone please direct me as to WHERE I should do that? The contact link at the bottom of the page got me into an argument with Robin himself, so clearly, that is not the right place to contact a moderator. Thanks
  6. Hey RadiumSkull! Thanks for the reply! I should note, though, that the texture references in the NIF do work; I can see the textures both in the CK and in-game, and as stated above, they look correct except or the reflection/gloss issue I'm having. I tried using a BGSM file, and nothing looked right. I'll freely admit that I may have had the wrong settings in it, but it wasn't even close. Any other thoughts on this? If i do in fact need to use a material file, can you point me at a reference for what the fields are for, specifically? I have the material editor, but there doesn't appear to be a lot of documentation as to what it's all used for. Best Always! HerrBaron
  7. Hey Folks, I can't seem to get rid of the gloss on a custom texture I've created. It's reflecting light sources, and it shouldn't, since it has no specular or glow maps, just a normal and a diffuse. The original nif (DCKitPlywood02.nif) didn't use a material file; it had the Diffuse and Normals specified directly in the .NIF. I changed the textures in NifSkope 2, and resaved it with a different name. In creating the normal in GIMP, I used a 3x3 filter, since the surface is moderately rough. The problem is that in the CK, on examining the form that uses the NIF, the colors are correct, but it is reflecting a light source, and I can't find any way to turn that off. The surface is dull and flat. In-Game, it does indeed reflect lights. What am I doing wrong, please? Many thanks in advance! HerrBaron
  8. Gonna bump this; there are things I'd like to do along this vein, as well.
  9. Not sure you're gonna find that kind of resource. What I did in Skyrim Adventurer's Tent was to scale a small waterfall and hook it up via activator to an enable parent. The piping I faked with Dwemer valves, etc. -HB
  10. No go; I've since moved the function to a quest, on the off chance that calling GetINI* in an event was an issue. Still no go. As far as I can tell, these functions are simply broken. Does anyone know definitively if they are indeed broken?? Thanks in advance. -HB
  11. Sorry; the snippet isn't the complete function; it does import Debug just above Utility. Here's the whole script file: Scriptname ADVSMEntryTriggerScript extends ObjectReference Import Debug Import Utility Quest Property ADVSMQuest Auto ObjectReference Property ADSMEntryMarker Auto Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference akActionRef ) ADVSMQuestScript Mover = ADVSMQuest as ADVSMQuestScript if ( akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() ) akActionRef.MoveTo( ADSMEntryMarker ) Mover.MoveFollowers( Mover.DirectionIn ) Bool bSOT = GetINIBool( "bSaveOnTravel:MAIN" ) Notification( "bSOT = " + bSOT ) if ( bSOT ) Game.RequestAutoSave() EndIf EndIf EndEvent
  12. Thank you, IsharaMeradin! Don't know HOW I missed these! -HB Ishara, it states on the wiki page for GetINIBool the following: "This works for Bethesda created settings only, whether in Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini, or YourLoadedPlugin.ini. Note that, in that order, each INI will override the setting(s) of the previous INI file(s)." However, with these lines of code: Import Debug Import Utility ... Bool bSOT = GetINIBool( "bSaveOnTravel:MAIN" ) Notification( "bSOT = " + bSOT ) if ( bSOT ) Game.RequestAutoSave() EndIf And this in SkyrimPrefs.ini: [MAIN] bSaveOnTravel=1 the notification line tells me bSaveOnTravel is not set, as if GetINIBool() is not finding it. Shouldn't GetINIBool() be searching Skyrim.ini then SkyrimPrefs.ini and finding the value? Thanks! -HB
  13. Thank you, IsharaMeradin! Don't know HOW I missed these! -HB
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