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  1. The archive version has changed so all the 3rd party archiving tools need an update.
  2. It isn't clear to me what the last 2 calls are returning - or more accurately - what context they are reporting on... A single Script, object, save, or the entire game. Anyway, I am sure that will become clear. I hope you won't have too much work adapting GOESE when that update drops...
  3. Oh boy - Yet another limit. Thanks SKK for showing yet another way we can crash this game!
  4. The issue is the game has a persistent reference limit, temporary references don't count however. Sadly all temporary references in ESP files are treated as persistent so that's where you can get issues (mods adding lots of content that aren't ESM). Both scripts understand this...
  5. That is my modified script only to tell you if you will have problems using the CreationKit (as it treats all refs as persistent). Use the version of the script without the _CK to show how close to the limit you are when paying the game.
  6. Changing a mod mid-game will always be risky, and with scripts especially so. I am aiming this project at converting non-scripted mods (or at least ones without persistent scripts) and just seeing how far I can get...
  7. As always, a huge amount of useful information - Thanks! The ChangeForm information does not directly answer my question but does help in me deciding which form types to experiment with (particularly that useful change flag list). Background to my question is I want to find which Form types can have their FormID changed without impact on a Save (because the save does not know about it). Due to a 'simplification' in the way Bethesda implemented ESL it is possible to change a formID outside the ESL range to a valid ESL one without impact on an existing save. However, 16777215 objects does not map into 4095 so inevitably there are some clashes when 2 forms need to be transformed to the same ESL formID. This is where I would like to improve my script to 'sacrifice' (renumber) any FormID that doesn't have to be 'save safe'. (and yes, I know this doesn't help if the mod is using GetFormFromFile in a script - but this will be a 'helper' script for those who really MUST eslify what they can).
  8. Obviously in-game objects that hang around - like references (REFR), actor, armors, weapons, magic effects, quest ID's etc are in your saves, but are 'ephemeral' ID's (resolved at game start) also stored? E.g. COBJ, DIAL,... What about other things that don't hang around - like projectiles, image space modifiers, movement types etc? Looking in Resaver isn't helping - unless the only important things are in the "changeForms" section - in which case only these record contents are important: ACHR,BOOK,CELL,CLAS,FLST,INFO,LCTN,LVLN,MGEF,NOTE,NPC_,PCON,PGRE,QUST,REFR,RELA,SCEN,SMQN (and obviously the base object of any objectreference - as that needs to be resolved correctly on game start!) Thanks in advance.
  9. I've only seen the texture smear caused by precombines (a dodgy mesh precombined) - not prevented by precombines... Do you have an example so I know what it looks like? And havok hates confined spaces - is that what you mean niston?
  10. We all agree. Especially precombines should not be necessary as they are just another form of SCOL. I think it was an afterthought they added to support Xbox
  11. Removed or disabled objects won't disappear if in PreCombines, but if you disabled precombines (no PCMB) then they should have gone.. Perhaps as you say some scripts are controlling them, or they are parent enabled. Odd though.
  12. I assumed you knew what you were doing, but mentioned the "bounds&Portals" for other people as it can trip you up first time. And "accepted wisdom" is clearing XCRI disables precombines, but I have found that the game "partial loads" this field - meaning if the master has XCRI data, and your override has no XCRI field, then the original XCRI is used. However no PCMB field in an override is an immediate "off". I document all this in my previs deep dive document.
  13. Removing/disabling precombines on interior cells forces the game to switch to "room bounds" and "portals" to work out occlusion. If these have not been set up properly then you can have voids appearing. The performance gain of precombines in small interior cells is minimal so disabling precombines as you have done will not impact you much. I would clear the PCMB field as well, as a removed XCRI field does not always disable precombines (depending on previous overrides - though I have not tested this on interior). However, no PCMB always disables precombines&previs.
  14. And if you are still taking requests - I would like a "GetCameraDirection" that returns the X,Y,Z angle of of the camera view (even in 3rd person or when sitting). And perhaps a "SetCameraOffset" to fix issues where the 1st person view is too high/low for the size of the player character. I know this call is available in the HighHeel system DLL, but it should be available generally... In fact there is probably a whole bunch of Camera type functions people would like... Thanks!
  15. I am running out of time before my vacation so don't hurry - I will park this testing until I get back. You will probably be a few versions on by then!
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