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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by Taclooc1

  1. This just randomly popped up one day. Have no idea what it is or how it got there. Have not installed any new mods. Does anyone else have/see this and know how to get rid of it? Totally kills my immersion. http://i.imgur.com/z3sbjls.jpg
  2. Hello, recently I've had some serious problems with my Skyrim, and after working out some stuff, I finally figured out mods that were causing my CTD and now my game runs fine. Today though however, I decided to try and experiment with a few new mods. I downloaded four players homes: The Asteria airship Riverside Lodge Pinewoods Cottage Hunter's Treehouse and one mod, Jojo's Jedi Robes v2, that adds a new shack to Riverwood which includes the robes in the basement. For some reason, each of these mods causes a CTD when fast traveling. I've tried them one by one, and they all cause the same problem. When they're all off, my game runs fine. Any idea what is causing this? I've tried running BOSS and fixing my cache, nothing. One of the mods I used to have, Riverside Shack, was causing the same issues a few days ago, so I had to get rid of it, but it had never caused CTD issues prior to that. I know it can't be Hearthfire messing with the mods if it ran fine with Riverside Shack during my previous play time.
  3. Okay so I actually did end up doing a system restore to yesterday, and this restored me to the point before I updated NMM. You see, yesterday before these crashes started, I updated NMM when it asked me to last night. Today, after the system restore, I decided not to update when it asked me to, and what do ya know, my Skyrim works and no CTD after clicking Continue. Does anyone know what causes this? Why would my NMM update make my game start crashing? It's working fine for now, but I believe in the future one day I will forced to update my NMM, and then these problems will start again.
  4. Hello all, recently I've been having some troubles with my Skyrim. Whenever I try and hit continue game, it will show the loading screen briefly for a second or two and then just crash to desktop with no error. I've tried the following: -uninstalling recently added mods and trying to load the game -deleting skyrim ini and skyrimpref and restarting -installing skse and running skyrim through that -uninstalling every mod and trying to load the game -loading an older save -completely replacing current saves with a save list i had backed up from two months ago, nothing. What do you guys think I should do? Reinstall Skyrim with no mods? I have all my current saves backed up and if I reinstall, I want to be able to put them back in and continue with all my mods since I've invested quite a bit of time and I have a good story going for my character, ya know? The weird thing, this randomly just started happening out of nowhere. Never had the problem before. When this happened a few weeks ago, I system restored my PC to the day before the problem started, and Skyrim worked fine. I can't system restore now because I'm not sure when Skyrim was working properly and don't want to risk anything. Can someone please give me some advice and help me out here? I would greatly appreciate it. Brief system specs... 660ti i5 2500k sandy bridge 8gig ram
  5. I'd do these things. 1. Uninstall Oblivion, then reinstall it. That will make sure that anything that might have gotten modified in the data folder has been restored. 2. If the vanilla game won't start, then you might be looking at driver problems. Nvidia cards used to be notorious for issues. Update your graphics card drivers 3. try and start the game If you can get into the character creation, then go back and do the unofficial patches. Make sure the load order for those is correct. After the .esm files, UOP needs to load first, the shivering isle patch has to load after DLC shivering isles, and the unofficial mod patches have to load after each on of the DLC. If that works, then add darnified. You don't need natural, unique, or lod just yet. Until you get out of the tutorial section you won't see any of the stuff that they change. I'd do the tutorial first, then when you're finally outside, add each one individually and do some playing before adding the next one. It's worth saying that OBMM or Wyre Bash is a really good idea for managing your mods. I use Wyre Bash. At step 3, if the game still fails then do this 4. on the screen with the technical support, etc. click Options 5. turn your graphics settings to the lowest possible settings 6. try and start the game 7. if it starts, then go back and slowly increase your settings until it fails again. I hope this helps. It was the patches not in the proper load order. Thank you!
  6. I recently bought Oblivion and installed the following mods: Unofficial Patch Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch Unofficial Mod patch Natural Environments Landscape LOD texture replacement Unique Landscapes Darnified UI I went to play oblivion, and the main menu comes up where you click settings, tech support, play game, data files, etc. Hit play game, seems to load for a split second, then crashes. Doesn't even make it to the Oblivion main menu. I've tried uninstalling mods and using BOSS to check a log, but everything seems to be fine. Still won't start though. Anyone know a fix to this or may be able to offer some assistance?
  7. Nope I'm definitely banned from download the mod. Won't download with NMM when I click it to, and says when I try to download manually that I've downloaded it more than 50 times and I may be a bot so I have to speak to an admin.
  8. Recently I got banned or whatever from trying to download the Immersion Armor mod. It always stops downloading and gets errors or never even starts when I try downloading it with NMM. I keep continually trying to download it in hopes that it will actually stay connected and finish the download. Can an admin please unlock me from this? I'd really enjoy getting the armor.
  9. Recently I got banned or whatever from trying to download the Immersion Armor mod. It always stops downloading and gets errors or never even starts when I try downloading it with NMM. I keep continually trying to download it in hopes that it will actually stay connected and finish the download. Can an admin please unlock me from this? I'd really enjoy getting the armor.
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