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About cpocurtis

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    United States

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  1. This is great! I've been wondering about something like this for a while. :D Good luck making it work with all games, but I probably won't use it until Skyrim comes out, as I don't play many of the Nexus-Supported games now (I recently discovered Minecraft :P), but I always look forward to things like this, and I love seeing people working together for the community.
  2. @Mcmodyou I commented on your video you gave a link to. Read it, so I don't have to repeat it all here too.
  3. For me, using Chrome, this is faster than the sites of the last few years. It's sleek, I don't know what people mean by user-unfriendly, and while the colors do seem a little off, If people took the time to read, they would know that this is far from complete. :P Although, I have one bug I've discovered. While on my User Area, when I click on "Manage your supporter's images," there are no thumbnails for the images on the next page to load (my supporter images), and when I click on them, they take me to a random image that is not mine.
  4. I'm in yet another minority when I say this... I like it! I think it was about time for a change, and I think you did very well, Dark0ne. Thanks! As for those with problems on IE8... Why are you using IE at all?
  5. Best sites ever!! Thank's so much Dark0ne, for helping keep this community going for so long!
  6. A long time ago, I had an Armor mod that I loved with all my heart. Then I uninstalled Oblivion in favor of Fallout. But now, (in anticipation of Skyrim) I'm back, and I want the armor again. It's the set from this picture. Thanks guys, this is an awesome thread. :)
  7. I'm not a scripter, but I assume it could be done in a similar way to the Railgun from Fallout 3. The Railgun could pin heads to walls, and I don't see why the same can't be done with a spear.
  8. I was thinking about the beginning of NV. When you leave Doc Mitchell's house, there a bright light and you can't see anything for a moment as your eyes adjust. Why can't this happen every time you go back into an exterior cell from a house, dungeon, or anyplace dark (any interior cell). And then I started thinking about the opposite. Why is it that after being in the hot and very sunny desert for a day, I can see just fine after coming back inside? In real life, vision is affected either way as your eyes adjust. Just an idea.
  9. This looks awesome, and I hope it's still going! Looks like the last post was a long time ago. Just wanted to see if this is still one of your projects.
  10. Thank you. I know it would be difficult, but it would probably be worth it. Like you said, RTS or Wasteland Defence is exactly what I wanted this for.
  11. I know about all of his most popular stuff, but I was wondering whether you could use a static machine gun (allowing you to pivot, though), in first person.
  12. I have been working for a few days making various Static Collections. One that I have made is a pickup truck with a mounted LMG on top. After making this, I began wondering about whether it's possible to make a mounted gun that can be fired. In case you're not sure what I mean, here's a link: Mounted LMG If it's possible, I do not have the scripting know-how to achieve it, but if someone with even an inkling on an idea knows, then please, I'm curious.
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