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About Zwor

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 3
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3, City of Heroes, Team Fortress 2, L4D

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  1. I remember a Texas FO3 free server for downloading, but there is only a Premium one now. I know I can just pay for a month of premium, but I don't have a way and the incredibly useful Visa/Mastercard gift cards don't do subscriptions. I can just download from New York server or whatever it is, but that just puts me at downloading 100KB/sec and lower, since I'm from Texas.
  2. Agreed. All of your targets from your contracts with the DB will not exist till you accept that contract, save a couple. No matter how strong the legends say the legendary sword is, if you get it right after you leave the sewers, it will be weaker than an un-named sword later on. No matte how strong your blunt skill is, bashing someone on the back of their head WILL NEVER knock them out. Nord's are hated by most. Kvatch is always the first target of a Daedra attack, no matter how unguarded the other cities are. 80% of all guards do NOT have a name. Guards will appear out of thin air when needed. Civilians will never join the guard to supply the guard. Instead, they will make some more out of thin air. Civilians will NEVER get tired of talking about the same thing over and over. Bandits somehow get the funding to get themselves Glass armor, when they never raid to get funds. Beggars will ask you for a coin in a old and poor voice, while asking them about rumors will give them a mighty voice that sounds like a king's. Imperial City, being the capital city and all, does NOT get imported goods from nearby regions. If the Imperial City does get imported goods, if any, it's from another city in the SAME region. Ghosts have mass. Seriously. >__> >____________>
  3. Don't intend to be confrontational and I certainly don't give a "rat ass" about the success or the failure of the French Army but what you suggest is simply historically WRONG.... my 2 cents At google, type in "french military victories" and click I'm feeling lucky. >________________________> http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/text/france.html Rule's of French Warefare: 1. "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman." 2. "France only wins when America does most of the fighting." 3. "When incapable of any victory whatsoever - claim someone else's" 4. "The Frenchmen only win when they fight other Frenchmen" >____> And... First Rule of Muslim Warfare; "We can always beat the French." This rule is identical to the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux. >_____> <_____< No offense. It's just France has hardly any victories. -------------- Also... There are only a few species of fish in Cyrodiil. 100% of them will try to kill you.
  4. No one has ever thought of putting another sword in their left hand. Regardless of how strong you make Renault, or how weak you make the Mythic Dawn in the tutorial, she WILL ALWAYS DIE IN ONE HIT. She is like the French Army reincarnated or something, she never wins. No matter how long you swim or run, your character does not get tired, even after just leaving Oblivion. Cliffracers never got around to populating Cyodiil, even though we are next door to Morrowind. That no one has ever thought of sitting down with the use of a chair. With the amount of Goblins in Cyrodiil, you would think they would decide to just get into one big group and raid a town. But noooo, they have to stay in their wilderness or caves. Lazy goblins. There is an Ayleid ruin RIGHT OUT SIDE of the freakin' Imperial City, yet no one decided to do something about it and explore it. That you are in prison for no reason whatsoever. A old and possibly senile emperor dreams about you, a person he has never before seen in his life. The old guy sends one of his guards out with one of the heirs to the throne. The old guard becomes a priest in a church in some obscure village and the boy goes there to worship. Even the blind can see how very wrong this is >_>. >_> <_< Yeah.
  5. Looking for this "M.O.E" thing. It had some features like being executed when your bounty was high enough or something.
  6. Zwor

    The Snow Arena

    Zwor sees evilkoal watching over his servitors. Knowing that now is the perfect chance, Zwor throws a Snow Grenade under evilkoal. "Kekekeke" Zwor muttered as he runs towards the center and starts building a fortress of ice and snow.
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