Agreed. All of your targets from your contracts with the DB will not exist till you accept that contract, save a couple. No matter how strong the legends say the legendary sword is, if you get it right after you leave the sewers, it will be weaker than an un-named sword later on. No matte how strong your blunt skill is, bashing someone on the back of their head WILL NEVER knock them out. Nord's are hated by most. Kvatch is always the first target of a Daedra attack, no matter how unguarded the other cities are. 80% of all guards do NOT have a name. Guards will appear out of thin air when needed. Civilians will never join the guard to supply the guard. Instead, they will make some more out of thin air. Civilians will NEVER get tired of talking about the same thing over and over. Bandits somehow get the funding to get themselves Glass armor, when they never raid to get funds. Beggars will ask you for a coin in a old and poor voice, while asking them about rumors will give them a mighty voice that sounds like a king's. Imperial City, being the capital city and all, does NOT get imported goods from nearby regions. If the Imperial City does get imported goods, if any, it's from another city in the SAME region. Ghosts have mass. Seriously. >__> >____________>