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  1. Hmmm, that's strange. I've tested out cloth physics with the Irma outfit and it worked fine. Brought it in as a OBJ and copied over all the weights from the original and it worked like it should. Edit: @glummba, after you copy the weights and are exporting the outfit as a nif do you get a message saying cloth physics were loaded from somewhere and to choose the origin point? No it hasn't told me to choose an origin point. Actually, that's not entirely true. The outfit studio does not apply cloth physics when exporting true, but he does not need to use Blender or 3DS MAX. I use Outfit Studio and Bodyslide for all my mods, along with nifskope. What you want to do Gluumba is : - Load the Grognak Outift - I don't know what you're trying to do, but when you're finished, export the nif with reference - Open the NIF you exported with Nifskope and open the original Grognak outfit as well - From the original Grognak outfit, copy BSClothExtraData by right+click > Copy Branch - Then go to your modified Grognak NIF, right click on the very first item > PASTE BRANCH - Now right click anywhere on the preview window (everything but the mesh) > Sanitize > click all the options in order. - Save your NIF and it will work properly now. oh ok, i'll try that once i get back to fallout 4. I took a break due to this problem, another odd texture malfunction i haven't looked into and after finding out i need more RAM to fully utilize my video card. It just became a big project to get it up and running the way i wanted. but i'll test. thanks again for your guy's help
  2. Craaaap. ok that answers seems to line up with all the things going wrong, thanks at least i know now. If i make a fix then i'll probably upload it to the nexus. Thanks again!
  3. Hi, so i tried that, set each base section of the grognak mesh as the reference and hit copy bone weights on their counterparts, and the same bug is there still, so i'm not sure what the problem is. Any more help would be appreciated.
  4. Ok so whenever i edit the grognak mesh at all this problem arises where the bottom of the loin cloth on both sides stays in a static position without any regard to how the body moves. It still stays with the body, but it doesn't flap about normally and i don't know how to fix it. best examples are when you run and crouch Other Picture
  5. Found it, it's included in "don't call me settler" http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11306/? foudn it by searching Siren in a description search. Really hope they have a version without this, because i really like that mod.
  6. I had shaikujin's better warning for settl... and i tried uninstalling to see if that fixed it when i first tried to get rid of it, but it didn't fix it. all my audio mods don't touch notifications for settlements other than that as they'd have no need to. Do you have all the DLC? because i don't remember this being a thing in vanilla.
  7. Whenever you get a notification that a settlement is attacked it's accompanied by a long loud siren sound. Totally shatters immersion. Could somebody make a quick fix for this? I hope it's as easy as replacing it with a silent one and it doesn't share the sound file with the normal siren, because otherwise it'll probably need to be an F4SE plugin.
  8. I'm surprised so many haven't heard of discord. Also try curse voice. It's the same thing, but came earlier and has a few other features like mod stuffs and in game overlays if you want, discord might have that last one, not sure.
  9. In response to post #41716815. #41729290 is also a reply to the same post. Never had a problem with it. Better than all but the best in game voice chats and of course skype. I prefer curse, but if i started with discord i'd use it instead.
  10. So i guess it's all still being moved? I keep getting "The file is currently being uploaded to our file servers and it will be ready to be downloaded soon." even with my own mods. On quite a few things.
  11. i like wind noises, but when i'm 5 feet from my radio and can barely hear it that's a bit much. i don't mind if it was that way sometimes, like when the wind really picks up, but not all the time
  12. i don't think a flying camera would be bad, though it kind of disconnects you from feeling like your character built it, and as somebody who loves immersion that puts me off a bit. Obviously it could all be modular though. I was thinking of an interface kind of like the "too many items" mods for minecraft. or like what SkyUI did to skyrim. Just something suited for mouse and keyboard that utilized our extra buttons and makes looking through items a breeze instead of mashing arrow keys
  13. Basically after like 10-20 seconds (or any other variants) the junk fence gate will close on its own. I hate that my supply lines always open it and leave it wide open for anybody to come strolling in. i took time to wall off and secure my base and i'd like it to look the part too
  14. A UI for the workshop that isn't terrible to navigate, one that uses arrow keys as an option not a requirement. I'd like one that lets me use my mouse and other buttons to choose the item quickly insteald of hitting right arrow really fast repeatedly. Obviously you'd need a mouse toggle button so you could still look around when in build mode, but yeah.
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