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Everything posted by Mashiki

  1. 9DM is basically 3DM clone. Thing is nexusmods can be randomly blocked, unblocked at times with the great firewall. It usually has more to do with three things, either the fear of something not being accessible, the want to translate and make money off it or translation and letting people who have a very poor/no grasp of english(and being unable to interact with a foreign language site at all) a chance to interact with someone who can "explain" the mod, this then begets derivatives of your mod and so on. The latter is also very popular in Japan, but declining with more people being proficient in english.
  2. Saying "latest version" really doesn't mean much. Builds based around Chrome 59/early 60 releases would fail. Same with Firefox/waterfox builds based around core 56.0/56.0.x not including the 56.0.3 builds. FF57 seems to be mainly stable and properly working. If on the other hand, you were using Waterfox 56(nov17) it was 100% broken. Palemoon which uses a fundamentally different way of dealing with the standards works 100% of the time though.
  3. In otherwords, they've decided to take the path of snapchat, google, youtube, various other companies/divisions and so on. Change something that worked perfectly fine, and instead of laying a backend that worked with the existing frontend, decided to toss it to the wind and make it so that it makes 270 calls to various api hosts to do something. Ever wonder why the layout for amazon doesn't change, fundamentally stays the same? I'll give you a hint, it's because it doesn't have to. Remember the big backlash against the Win8.x UX redesign to the point where MS had to implement something approaching the old NT menu system. Yeah, I bet you do. The whole point behind a UX redesign is to "add something" to the user experience, not to step backwards because everyone else is doing redesigns so we need to do it too! It also doesn't help that the pages are so fundamentally CPU and memory hungry it's stupid. This isn't just a nexus problem, it's a wider "web 3.0" problem. Half a dozen sites using the same stuff the nexus is can easily eat 2GB of memory and soak an entire core all on it's own. Seriously, I've been here a lot longer then you. It's a *bad* redesign, but being that the nexus has no real competition it's not going to hurt them unless the rest of the new developments are lackluster or an absolute disaster. edit: I'll bet that if you pasted the same link into Edge, it would serve just fine. Meaning that there's likely a compatibility problem between firefox and chrome and their web engines to properly understand what's going on. That in itself isn't a firefox or chrome problem, but a site compatibility problem.
  4. Start serving ads on your own network, and make sure that they're not serving malware and you'll likely have more luck with people not using adblockers in the first place. Nexus is large enough it could serve it's own ads. That does require work from your end, and it also requires users to trust you not to infect their machines. Offering a bounty or compensation if an advertiser infects users(such as unfettered downloads for life or some such) would also likely get people to turn off ad blockers. Sites like forbes have already seen a massive decline in viewership, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's dead in two years since it's effectively turned into a blog farm. News sites like the Guardian are going the same way as well, I give it three years and it'll be nothing but a blog farm as well. edit: This is the reason why people are blocking ads. https://blog.malwarebytes.org/malvertising-2/2016/03/large-angler-malvertising-campaign-hits-top-publishers/
  5. I'm seeing the same thing with witcher.nexusmods.com, soon as I log out though there's no problem.
  6. Yeah the 1.6fw is a really nice. I've got another box that's going to Win8 which is my work machine and has the same drive on it as well, which will be getting the 1.7fw update when it all goes over. If it looks good I might update this one too.
  7. Well for anyone curious on how well they last/life expediency and all that? Here's my OCZ Vertex which is a first generation SSD, Nearly 900 power on counts, with almost 8600 hours in use, full page file on the drive(12GB). The drive itself started out on Windows XP(x64), then went to Windows 7 with a secure wipe/repartition/reformat to deal with the partition alignment issue. I've got another 60GB SSD I use just for games that have nasty load times(Shogun2, a few MMO's that type of stuff). Though to be honest, it's about due for a secure wipe. I've been putting off doing a flash to the 1.7 firmware for over two years because I like the 1.6. Raw smart data for anyone actually interested.
  8. If that's the case, it could be that your PSU is actually right at the limit for the videocard then. So it was getting just hot enough trying to power up it was tripping the internal thermal switch. Something you might not know, you actually lose between 15 and 25% of it's rated wattage and amperage in the first year. And between 1-5% every following year. Glad to know you got it up and working though, cheers and enjoy they're a great card.
  9. Wattage means nothing. Especially on some junk PSU's, even some higher quality PSU's, as they use a combined 12v rail. You need to have a min of 30 amps across the 12v rails for it to even post if you're using a CPU made within the last year or two. Though most people are saying 32-35 amps just to be sure on a dedicated +12 pcie line. The card runs cooler than the previous 500 series, but it's power hungry. Post your model and brand of PSU, that'll help.
  10. When using the download manually option, and download in a separate window. The site is kicking back a page with no active links. Such as this: http://i40.tinypic.com/23vj703.png Though when using 'in page' it works fine. Seems to happen randomly throughout the site on random pages. Though most on http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43135 seemed to be kicking out the error of no links especially files over 500MB. I should add, that this applies across all browser that I have available. IE9, FF8, Chrome, etc.
  11. Despite this being a necro of a few months it might be worthwhile to know for other people having the 'crash through del north/south' areas that it is a save corruption problem. Reverting to a 'safe' save seems to allow you to continue on. Save corruption can also be triggered by using mods which allow you to create "new" items via the workbench, including new DLC. Do not use the workbench in the main area.
  12. Not always. Especially in countries which are covered under things like fair dealing.
  13. In real, practical terms, the author of a creative work retains whatever rights in the particular work they were entitled to upon its creation. And unless they specifically waive them no third-party (e.g. the Nexus, or another modder) can decide they no longer have those rights simply because they don't respond to attempts to contact them. Not quite. That would be based on whether or not the mod author has the right to the copyright in the first place. Because the EULA or ToS may forbid any copyrights at all, and may cover them under the lisence of the game itself, or the toolset, or both, or none, or steam. Or all three. Or none or all of it. It can also mean that there's a variety of laws that come into play because the files are served from a variety of different places across the US and UK. So that means that each state that they're served from, and EU law, and UK copyright laws too. Because the content of the material is held with the original creator of the material itself, not the person creating the mod based on their content. It's not really quite so clear cut.
  14. Well the fixed width needs to be changed. You said it won't be, it needs to be. Nothing quite like having ~2/3's of your screen wasted. I realize that most of the world has moved on to widescreens but there's honestly no reason to be stuck in a basic 4:3 viewing area, when everyone has gone to 16:9 or 16:10. The real problem is this, it's cluttered and claustrophobic, which is the opposite of what you want to do when making something accessible, not to mention easy to view. I suppose if that's a core design choice, it should be looked at especially if there's a large number of people saying that there's a problem with it. In the meantime, I'll just use a userscript so it doesn't look like someone took the layout between two boards and squished it.
  15. It's not but thanks for playing. It does require that you only allow specific ads however, or you're allowed to preview them before they go into rotation. I've been down this road already. Really? Then why for ever why is the only option from canada paypal only(when I tunnel in, and paypal only when I'm logged in from japan)? Well your entire sentence is an pile of fud. But that's okay. Nix makes up about 40% of local attacks these days leaving about 50% to MS, and the other 10% to other localized non-nix variants(bsd and so on). If you flip the other way and switch to servers, nix and variants make up nearly 80% of intrusion attacks. So...yep. Nix is safer! Dunno, I seemed to do pretty good until I sold off my site to IGN, rolled in some cash and all that. I hand picked all my ads, did my best, investigated most complaints if people got infected and offered apologies when they did. It was rare, but it didn't happen often. I think oh 3 times in 7 years give or take. It's neither as hard to do, or difficult to do as some people make it out to be.
  16. Personally my request has been simple enough. Ensure that the ad's and ad network will never, ever infect me, and you'll get my views. If he can't, won't, or shan't do that, then no views. It's pretty damn reasonable compared to having my banking information stolen. I dunno about you but blocking ads, or the possibility of losing the $40k in the bank because an ad injects malicious code which logs mah keys...choices, choices. That and the last time I looked, he doesn't use anything besides paypal for to take payment. And I don't use that s*** for a very good reason.
  17. Well then the obvious thing is to block all ads(aka ABP or it's like), use a hosts file, use no script and leave a site on it's own until it can safely state that it's ads will never, ever, ever serve an infected ad.
  18. Yeah well, I've been down both roads. So I'll chime in in response to your comment. I've been a user the last few years, and happily used mods giving kudo's and support for what I've downloaded, that's the easy stuff. I've been a modder, and was well known back in the morrowind days. It's not that a lot of modders don't have thin skins, it's that people are assholes in general. And when they're not assholes, they're attacking you because you can't give them their my little pony moments. Most of us modders do this for enjoyment or simply because see something we can do, simply to do it. Or because something needs to be seriously fixed. In my own case, the original reason I stopped modding, bug fixing, and so on was because some stinking bastards stole my s***, claimed it as their own and I pulled everything, nuked my name, and went on my way. And there went 3 years worth of work for it because someone wanted to try jerking their epeen off my time and effort. 1000 unique downloads isn't hard, hell it's not even note worthy. Take a look at the 4 or 5 pieces of crap I kicked out. And they are indeed crap(and I may sometime get around to de-crapifying them). There's pushing 4k unique downloads between them, maybe more. Another thing is, if a forum is private, and we work on something, but people have read access they will PM the living piss out of you for everything. And to be honest I'm far too nice to say no to people on questions. I'm working on an oblivion project right now with two groups, the makeup is Japanese and US, Canuck and a smattering of english speaking Europeans. The japanese are highly protective of their workspace and posting areas(to the point of IP banning parts of their boards), the americans don't give a s*** as long as it gets done, the europeans jealously guard their animations, and scripts only relinquishing if told to and the canucks try to get everyone to play nice so it'll get done on time. It's like it's own mini hell, with brimstone and burnt maple syrup. I really haven't looked around to see if anything is anything yet in this forum. But maybe the best idea will be to see if the modders themselves see if it's worthwhile, and if it is. They can vote on a 'thread of the week' to open to the public to read or something, and get input on. That way it limits the amount of crap, it sates the appetites, and it allows people to give their input too.
  19. Might be related to the DDoS attack the other day.
  20. A simple thing to add, malwarebytes while good does miss things. One programs I'd suggest for 'omg wtf' type of scanning are SUPERAntiSpyware(and yes it's worth the money to buy). The other thing of importance, scans should always be done in safe mode where there is by default limited system access to RING's 1/2 by other software. Meaning, if you have malware you think you haven't and can't find(because it hides itself), it might, maybe, possibely be detectable in safemode. That doesn't stop rootkits sadly, and that's just another ball of wax.
  21. Actually I'd say in my case, I adblock all flash and unknown script types regardless of the site. Mostly because flash is the gateway to getting your PC jacked by malware, followed quickly by java and xss/css vulnerabilities. Yep I know you gotta support the site, but can you guarantee 100% that the ad server or those that are serving flash ads will never have a malware infecting ad displayed? If so, then you'll get unblocked. If not, then life goes on.
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