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Everything posted by EffigyofDisgust

  1. It's from a two part graphic novel based (somewhat loosely) on the Völuspa. It's called "Odin" by Nicolas Jarry and Erwan Seure - Le Bihan
  2. Since Skyrim is very much steeped in Norse culture, I find the lack of actual Norse wargear quite disappointing. not long ago I saw this armor and thought it would fit Skyrim perfectly: Another look: For the details of the helmet see: What do you think? A good fit for Skyrim? Any modder out there, that would be kind enough to make this real?
  3. Ok, we all know (and in my case, love) the Wuxia movies with the impossibly skilled protagonists. With all the magic in Skyrim, why not bring a bit of the flair of Chinese mythological skills to the Vikings? I was thinking of a spell, or spells, that let you summon spectral swords. Maybe as shield, maybe as projectiles, maybe as a spectral sword rain. For reference look at these two videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlHxz470ujg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLrBhSueAUM What do you people think? Possible? Interesting?
  4. This is more of a "is it even possible" thread with small bits of a request intermingled. I found myself more or less roleplaying Odin So I figured he should travel in style, meaning he needs his trusty horse Sleipnir: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/i/2009/077/7/6/sleipnir_by_akreon.jpg Sleipnir should be considerably faster than all the other horses (having 8 legs and being divine in origin) and unkillable. Running on land and water should be considered. However, walking on air I feel is a bit silly and flow-breaking. The problem is that this only sounds good on paper (or the computer screen, where I typed it), but is it even possible to create a working, 8-legged horse in Skyrim?
  5. Noone feels the same? I would have guessed at least people, who played the Legacy of Kain series would approve. Is the idea to difficult to realize and I don't know it, or is it just a lack of need?
  6. So, I've just now come around to try out the vampire in this game and frankly he is far from a lion among sheep... I think it would really help the game, if you also had a more violent option of feeding. Just take someone and bite them (random human, outside combat), or, in combat, make them stagger and then bite them (compare Vampire Lord). Cf.: (just skip ahead to 2:20)This, of course, should be counted as an attack against a person (in cities etc.) This can probabaly only work as a seperate power and I don't know how much work that would be. However, I do think it would make vampirism so much more worthwhile and fun.
  7. Sadly it's not really viable. It's one piece and doesn't have a reasonable armor rating. But it's good start.
  8. Hey, another Spawn topic. If you don't mind my asking, how are you getting along? Have you found someone to help you? Personally, I have no idea about modding, I'd only guess that your problem stems from in incompatibaility between the string formats of Fallout and Skyim... Should you manage to make this mod, would you make it publically accessible? There are quite a few people interested in Spawn here.
  9. Not like the spectacularly failed attempt that was Spawn Armageddon...
  10. Ah, damn...I looked for Hellspawn here on the Nexusforums, but found nothing. I've been a fan since I was 9 or 10 (however weird that is) and I'd love him in Skyrim. I hope someone makes this
  11. So, I've recently been playing New Vegas for a while and I found a mod that, I think, would fit very well into the world of Skyrim. New Vegas Hellspawn It's an armor modeled after McFarlanes Hellspawn: http://farofageek.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Spawn_Fire_Wallpaper.jpg Does anyone see himself able to bring this mod into Skyrim?
  12. After spending some time at the northern coast of Skyrim (Hela's Folly, Japhet's Folly, Broken Oar Grotto etc.) I couldn't help but notice that Skyrim's oceans are sadly empty. This may stem from a certain affinity to the aquatic life in general, or from my affinity to the Monster Hunter Games. The whole sea is just so earily silent. I just think it needs some fish, and, keeping in theme with dragons etc., some apex predators Like this one: http://www.digitalgames.fr/wp-content/gallery/monsterhuntertrii/hunter5.jpg or maybe a Kraken: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/050/c/1/kraken_attack_by_benwootten-d4qb1uh.jpg simply to make the seas livelier and equally as dangerous, as the dragon-infested land. What does the community think?
  13. #1: Don't watch the anime, read the manga. #2: Dragonball (at least up to Z) was based on Wu Cheng'en's novel Journey to the West, which makes its story actually quite worthwhile. I don't thing the fighting animations you'd want for Dragon Ball followers exist, and making them should prove very difficult.
  14. Personally, I would just love to see the armour of Imperius from Diablo III in Skyrim. One modder did a really good job with Tyrael's armour (wings and everything) here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8723 so I don't see why Imperius could not be done with flaming wings and his spear-sword. There is a modder's resource http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20602 however, I do not have the modding skills to create a texture or the wings. So, I'm hoping someone will create this. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120508025356/diablo/images/c/c2/Imperius.png http://easydiablo3.com/themes/MyTheme/images/GalleryImages/Diablo-3-Archangels.jpg http://www.blizzplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/diablo-iii-tv-commercial-spot-6.jpg http://obscuruscrusade.com/images/Imperius/fullfrontmodel.png
  15. Yes, I know, comic armours have been requested already, but no, I'm not talking about Spider-Man, Captain America, or Iron Man. I'm talking about more lore-friendly armours: #1 Pathfinder (Dynamite) http://multiverse-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Pathfinder01Preview.jpg I think, all three of these armours are viable candidates, although, personally (playing a heavily armoured Nord), I'd prefer Valeros': http://www.comicsbeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Pathfinder001-01.jpg #2 Sun Wukong - Měi Hóuwáng (The Handsome Monkey King) http://www.cosmicbooknews.com/images1/solicits/marvel/11-sept/FEARITMKDIG001_cvr.jpg http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix5/monkeyking1.jpg The Monkey would make a great Light Armour for thiefs, I think. Again, all comments are welcome
  16. To be honest, I actually like the templar insignia, but I'd have no objections, if someone decided to make the armour without it (either way, I hope will be willing to create it). Usually, with the suit comes a flaming sword of vengeance (as you can see on the last picture). This could be integrated, unless such a sword already exists.
  17. First of all, I'm new around here, so if I forgot some crucial step (like introducing myself) I'm sorry. What I would like to request/ask ist, whether there is an Azrael / Suit of Sorrows armour already in existence, or whether someone is working on one. I've seen some nice armours in the Immersive Armours mod that might actually function well as a basis, and, I think, the armour would make a nice addition to the Skyrim world. Reference pictures: http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/8700000/Azrael-4-batman-8710196-900-1365.jpg?1356709473128 http://continuityblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/az14.jpg http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/9241/798205-001_large.jpg http://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Azrael9.jpg Any comments, thoughts, and ideas are apprecaited. Kind regards
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