Hello. Recently, I discovered a strange thing. After connecting to many plugins with .dll libraries, ENB stopped working correctly for me. For example, MSI Afterburner is enabled with RIVAtuner and, for example, ProfileRedirector (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92725) - the ENB is broken. I turn off one thing and it works. Also, with the above plug-ins enabled, you can turn off, for example: SKGE, Papyrus Extender, HDT Sitting Height Fix or Faster Sleep Wait (SKSE) and ENB is working again. It also helped to remove the .dll library from enblocal.ini. Somehow I remember not playing Skyrim for a long time, but left it completely working. Six months later turned on, and the land is black! Found that the ENB is broken. I could not understand the reason for a long time, until one day I decided to try to launch Skyrim without Steam! And yes, steam overlay was off for me. The very presence of Steam in the process of launching the game add .DLL and broke the ENB. And now, if I try to run Skyrim through steam, I get a Error: Failed to Initialize Renderer From all this, I concluded. There are some limitations to the implementation of .dll libraries in the Skyrim process. Or limitation in SKSE. This is probably the only thing that unites them all. So, if the ENB has broken down for some reason. For example, DoF or other effects stopped working. Then try turning off a couple of SKSE plug-ins with .dll. Not all plugins with .dll solve the problem, but many. I do not have enough knowledge to find out why. Used google translator. If someone rewrites it in human, then I will be grateful. I want to hear your thoughts on this. My game uses around 72 plugins dll + aorund 5 (hdtSkyrimOIT.dll, ScriptDragon.dll, SKSE, ENB) in root folder