I had an off feeling about this game so I didn't preorder it. Not that I ususally preorder games. I stopped doing that when digital downloads came around and stopped the launch day disc shortages that manufactureres used to use to encourage preorders. I did plan to buy it, eventually... when it was cheap enough. It was cheap enough by black friday though, so I bought a copy then. I've been playing it at least 30 or more hours and so far, as far as problems go, it's mostly just been late texture pop-in glitches when I spawn. I think I did have one or two invisible enemies that killed me, but I haven't had that happen in a while so it might be resolved. I had one or two crashes on exit, or instances where it closed the window but the process was still running. Also a few times where it perpetually tried connecting to a server and couldn't. Not enough to bother me, just a handful of times. I did notice something about this that will be a factor for some people and not others. It seems like the game really doesn't run well on slow connections. I play on three different connections depending where I am. At work we have 2mb/s, at my inlaws they have 1mb/s, and at home I have 75mb/s. The game really stutters like it's running at 15fps on the slower connections sometimes. Enemies pop in late, sometimes you teleport or rubberband. It's almost unplayable. On the 75mb connection at home it's smooth and I rarely get a stutter, and only late texture pop in at spawn. I tried playing with the graphics settings to help alleviate the issue but there's no noticable improvement. The game also really doesn't like running on my battery saver profile, even with the graphics turned down. I'm on an acer predator helios 300 i7-7700hq (2.8ghz, slightly undervolted) 16gb gtx1060 6gb. My biggest concern with the game isn't the issues it's having technically, it's the future content updates. I hope they consider creating a DLC that repopulates the world with NPC's to simulate "the rebuilding" after the current main story arc concludes. I'm pretty happy with exploring and looting the game world now, and the quests are entertaining enough despite the lack of living npcs involved in them. I'm not bored yet. So, yeah, it was worth buying at the black Friday price. I'm not sure I'd feel the same if I bought at full price. I think I'd have been upset for sure if I bought the power armor edition that came with the cheaper than expected bag (I don't buy special editions though because they rarely seem worth it to me to begin with).