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About akuma35

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. The Title says everything I guess: I'm currently at Lexington with my Character when this "Bug" started to appear: I killed someone from afar with a Sniper Rifle with a Headshot and kept dying myself as soon as the Kill registered?! I then proceeded to kill Ghouls, to my surprise my character didn't die. Then I encountered a Turret, killed it and died myself. I repeated killing the enemies with godmode on, but died even with tgm on. Disabling "Better Locational Damage" didn't help either. If anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it very much. Edit: For some Reason, I can't upload my Load Order so I'll be putting it in a Spoiler:
  2. Hi all, I'm currently using Photetrax ENB, but feel the need for change, because I messed up the Interiorlighting after doing some tweaks and forgot to back up my settings. As the title says, I'm looking for "the best" ENB for Interiors. So far I have tried out Excalibre, Prismatic and Visceral but as there are hundreds of ENB Preset on the Nexus, I was hoping for somebody to maybe share his preset or point me to a ENB, so I'd have a starting point. Any help would be very much appreciated!
  3. Hi, I'm having a issue where I am missing ground textures in some areas. So far the ground is missing at the entrance to the Aetherium Forge, Ruins of Bthalft and Frostmere Crypt. My Load Order does not include any Landscape or Ground retextures. https://imgur.com/a/Tvn32DR
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