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Everything posted by Exodus1161

  1. http://www.superherohype.com/nextraimages/hellcycleexclusive.jpg Now THAT would be impressive
  2. Tip: When requesting any form of item that needs to be made, be it armor, weapons, shields etc, it is advised to post pictures, people don't normally go looking for pictures off a request they have no idea about for references, because they either can't be stuffed or they may find something by the same name and make it according to that.
  3. hmm if i did some of the skinning i would do ultra marines Blood angels blood ravens since it would only need a color change, it wouldn't be to hard to make any of the chapters
  4. hmm i wouldn't mind a chainsword in oblivion, and would be quite awesome if the saw teeth actually moved. idea about the massive pauldrons, most of the armor ive seen have the pauldrons welded to the shoulder and a bit of the upper arm, but what if you welded it ONLY to the upper arm, then it wouldnt get weird deformations, and may only get sleight problems of the top of the pauldron going through the armor, since thats what the space marine armor is like anyway, and evern add enchantments to it to be like real marine armour, eg fortify strength (bionic implants) fortify endurance and so on. i can help with some textures but cant really model to well. EDIT: also got some pictures i took in soul storm for reference http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/94/marinehw2.jpg if you need more just ask
  5. Ive edited some armor to try and resemble Arthas's Armor from warcraft 3, when i try to export it as a .NIF i get the error "You must specify at least one bone node" im fairly new to 3Ds max and have no idea what I'm meant to do to fix this sorry of this is a really stupid question
  6. The main think that strikes me in oblivion as a bit strange, everyone is so scared of the Gates to Oblivion, why? there are only scamps, clanfears and the occasional dragoth (or what ever they are called) and they never seem to go any further than a few feet from their gate, not every oblivion portal is spewing out a massive siege engine
  7. I didnt like having to kill all my DB friends for being ''traitors'', they all liked me, need to resurrect them so theres more than 2 mindless npc's walking around an empty cave for the rest of the DB days
  8. ive been looking on heaps of mod sites for these but none seem to have it. im looking for the light armor from Lord of the rings, eg Aragorn's clothing from the battle of helm's deep, Legolas's armor and Faramir's ranger armor Aragorn http://bp1.blogger.com/_1Xzfty0vQAQ/RdeaB7yVAnI/AAAAAAAAAEE/PzUI_pP3cZs/s320/3425aragornpromo2.jpg http://www.mir-figurok.ru/upload/images/img.1142695994.jpg Legolas http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/legolas_18inch_figure_L.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/ObliviousCharm/The%20Lord%20Of%20The%20Rings/legolas3.jpg Faramir http://uk.games-workshop.com/gondor/faramirs-escape/images/faramirs-rangers.jpg http://www.arwen-undomiel.com/images/faramir/Faramir_sorta_handsome.jpg hope some1 will take up this request, Thanks
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