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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. In response to post #73446193. I know I can tweak everything ... even in Windows 10 (May update) you can get the dark theme with one click but the default is light, that is the difference. Even if there are two installers, the automatic installer should have at least showed the path where it install files. Another thing, Vortex changed discretely my load order and the new load order recalled me the results I was getting when using LOOT. My load order never go beyond 50 plugins and I don't need that tool.
  2. I just installed Vortex to see how it works. The default "dark/gray interface" is not user friendly. Not good for the eyes. Go light for all interfaces, even Microsoft switched from Dark interface to light interface in the latest release of Windows 10. There is a reason behind this... Also using the default installer, the installer didn't even inform me where it installed his files and a warning "Some loose files will not load due to a bug in game engine...", "Fix or dismiss?". Should I trust blindly everything that do a manager? at least I should have some information about what he has done.. I just loaded a plugin from Skyrim LE (example the latest mod Citizens.esp) to see how this mod manager will react? I didn't got a warning menu message "Old plugin" like what do Wrye Bash (and that's a complain I have about that manager) but there is a discret "Triangle" warning and if you click on it you read: "This plugin was created by the original Skyrim and maybe not compatible with Skyrim Special Edition ..." At least here Vortex is more cleaver than WB and recognize he is not sure about this ... "maybe yes, maybe not... right?"
  3. In response to post #72735783. There is Chromium and I love Chrome and hate Firefox and Edge (Microsoft will revert to Chromium kernel in the future though). There is meld merge and I hate Beyond Compare and alike softwares. I love Notepad++ and I hate the bloated UltraEdit. I think everyone has the freedom to share his opinion about a software that is presented as the "top edge" of a site.
  4. @ Dark0ne Maybe it's too much asking but why you don't reserve some funds to Wrye Bash development as you did for NMM or Vortex? Knowing that this tool was founded by one of the best modders ever that has contributed to the elder scrolls community. The big handicap against WB development right now is that it was written by Python which is the language of scientific. Having diversified tools and solutions in the community will be a good thing. I understand well the strategy behind Vortex (a tool for "crowd") against WB (a tool for "elite").
  5. Old Wrye Bash user and manual order addict (no LOOT here) is passing. Congratulation to Vortex users for the new release though.
  6. The real guys that worked on xEdit for SSE are Sharlikran and Zilav. They ported the version of TES4Edit from Oblivion to Skyrim. Especially Sharlikran was very present in a lot of Skyrim development projects. Kudos to them.
  7. I think the title could be better because this modder has done very relevant contributions to the modding community. His racemenu mod (though to date I have never used it, maybe because I always choose an imperial male as main character and never look at my face in a mirror) is ranked Top9 in all times most endorsed mods which is a big exploit. Maybe he didn't have much time for modding in the latest years but nevertheless he will never be forgotten for his important contributions.
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