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I'm Really Losing Interest - Is this game even worth finishing?
Malikin replied to Nebrule's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
That logic (on Bethesda's side) is very flawed. There is only so much a modder can do to fix anything. Sure some things are easy. Others not so much. If I had access to the full software and I was legally able to do so, a complete clean up of their programming could be done. Then there is the overall approach to the game. I agree, it was not thought out. The male protagonist is a Military Vet, well give me the feel of being one. The female protagonist is a lawyer, give me the feel of one. There is trash, leaves, rubble on the floor, let me clean it up. These are just minor details, it is the fail at any large detail that can break a game. Bethesda can skirt by because they did not fail at a large number of large details (with exception of the details of those details). -
You could always use a bat file and give yourself all the materials you need. However, this would be very useful for those of us that just like to fool around with the build mechanism. Build, place...wait, no, *scrap*... build place. Deprecating resources issue solved with your suggestion.
The best part; settler: "yeah we will support the Minutemen" Me: Fool, this is sanctuary, you either support the minutemen or you hit the road. How the hell did he get kidnapped in the first place. (12 suits of power armor behind me, 5 very well armed guards, 2 robots, 30+ turrets). Next time, I leave whoever there, unless it is Marcy Long, then we pay them to NOT return her..... The pain is real. And when did I give permission for everyone to settle my home and then treat me like an outsider.
I'm Really Losing Interest - Is this game even worth finishing?
Malikin replied to Nebrule's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Nebrule: I can see why most of the houses are boarded up, I think it deals with how much systems can handle, even a high end pc will be taxed. Is it excusable, maybe, not sure. I was very saddened when I saw a really awesome building and it was boarded up. I wanted to go in, look around, and see if I could figure out what used to be there. Learn a bit about the people who died there. The settlement system seems like a good idea, poorly executed, but with good intentions. The longer I play, the more time it sinks from me. Talwyn224: Yes, yes, and more yes. The delay idea, and why oh why are defenses treated this way. HOW can someone from sanctuary be kidnapped? Better be some ninjas or something because that is impossible with what the player has done, well for some. Overall: I feel the execution of the game is seriously lacking. 1. Why do settlers talk to me the way they do, after all I do everything for them. Some respect would be nice. 2. If my character is a military vet, why does he put up with so much BS and not have dialog to match. Trust me, there would be some serious verbal beat downs going around, EVERYWHERE. BOS, listen up fools, your tactics are terrible. Gunners, let me inform you what real soldiers are like. MM, guys, seriously, gather round and let me teach you a thing or three. Railroad, seriously guys, I know I am old and out of touch, but I have probably had more official training then your entire organization and then some. Beth failed to get a real vet's perspective on the game. 3. They sacrificed, unnecessarily, RPG elements to improve FPS... it is a shame. 4... 5... 6... it goes on. I wonder if Bethesda forgot that there is this thing called settings, where options are found. A FPS heavy player can turn off the extra dialog, they can have their 4 options. With a simple click we can have our immersive expanded options. Very little coding there, and not too much dialogue changes (Even a sarcastic "Right" when someone tries to out think a 10 Int player will be an improvement). Settlements, ok how about an autopilot option, where settlements kind of take care of themselves, or the manual option that is the game now. It goes on. Is the game a fail, no I do not think so. Does it feel like a well polished addition tot he series, no not really. I feel so sad for Bethesda, they could have done so much more with so little impediment on their time. Sit down with a few Vets and get their ideas on how they would act in this situation. Trust me, Kellogg would have instantly known he was dealing with someone just as dangerous as himself. He would have felt it, he would have known, and his final words would not have been so cocky. They player knows this, but it failed to be presented. Bethesda could have spent a little and talked to some psychiatrists, therapists, even read a paper or two. People clean up trash when they can. If they have a settlement, they will alter it to feel better. See that rubble at the castle, it would be gone. Did that one gunner just see me mow down all of his friends, including me taking a MINI NUKE to the FACE, and just keep going (yes that happened), well trust me he would RUN, and not stop until he either met with his friends or died from something else. Reputation is everything, and really it is needed. I liked being the personal Grim Reaper of all Powder Gangers, it meant something. Marcy Long would have shut her mouth by now, right after I killed that super mutant bare handed, or at least give me an option to tell her to shut up, or make all the settlers around me tell her to do so. I know change is inevitable, well look at Fallout 1 and 2 and where we are now. But I feel a bit let down by Bethesda because some very simple, common sense things, are overlooked. The little details are off, and that is where it counts. Sure we have interestingly placed teddy bears, and some great little stories to read and listen to. They did a good job. I feel though, where they failed, and what would have made everything much better, all around, is that they did not ask us. They were silent, hiding the game until they could spring it on us. With some honest communication, some better coding (Bethesda you know it, I would have gotten so much flack and a lower grade in programming at Lehigh it I followed your footsteps. Sometimes a simpler method does not work, but the more complex, more words than needed is a bit too much), and well some faith in the community, the game could have been better. It is a great game, it is going to be modded like mad, and replayed often, and it will be loved, hated, and it is what it is. I think we are all upset over the little details, forgetting to stop and check out the weather (except the fog, the fog can shove it...), or the fact that there is refinement that is so great. We can pick apart the game all day, on an on, but in the end, we will make it what we want. I never did finish NV, a glitch stopped me and it was Never resolved. I never finished Skyrim, my hard drive died and so did my momentum. I will go back, one of these days, maybe if I have time. Right now, though, it is Fallout 4, and I have my son to find, and I have skulls to crack, and since sarcasm is what I have it will have to do (Settings, option, silent protagonist + more Special based dialog), and I am going to make the best of the game for now.... with mods. Is it a bit boring, kind of, can I go do something else, yes, but I do not want to, so find me a barrel or trash can and let the game of hide the NPC begin! -
the question is not if I can fit and make a settlement work with 21+ people. The question is, for settlement X, what is the optimal number? For those of us trying the settlement thing out, what is working, what is not. Is there a range to be experimented on? Without actually picking apart the values, can we figure out such things just experimenting in game? For Hangman's alley, the question is not about fitting in 21 settlers, but instead how many works best at that settlement. Then I can report my/our findings and thus others can apply those findings into their planning. After Thursday, for a little time, I will have free time to spend.
Mod: Assign Beds to Companions/Settlers
Malikin replied to Deleted2130632User's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Actually I think there does need to be a mod for this. Only, in the spirit of enhancing what is already in the game. How about a mod that puts an indicator on a settler. Some information like "Farmer, Assigned Bed", "Guard, Unassigned Bed", "Unassigned, Unassigned Bed"... -
In some cases the need to reload is negated by the fight ending. As for the animations, I am not sure why they could not work it in. To look at the pip boy, both hands are used, well one arm and one hand. The one hand is the default trigger hand anyway. As for the animations involved in holding and fighting, yes I am sure it would take some work. Considering the skill level of this modding community, given time, it will most likely happen. Knowing Bethesda, they will then take it, put it into the next game.. maybe...
Personally I would like to see something unique. Recoil compensation, Magazine Quick Reload Aid (something along the lines of spare magazines are stored in the arms, facilitating faster reloads), Targeting assist for hip fire, and of course Steady hand (mentioned).
Hello everyone, It is Finals week here at college and all I can think of is Fallout 4. So while I am studying and trying to stay as far from my PC as possible I had a question and hopefully an experiment to answer it. Do each of the settlement locations have a sweet spot for number of settlers. The info is rather vague, and there has been some speculation on a number of different forums. But no one has really answered it. Basically, is every settlement ok with 21+ people, or do some settlements just run smoother at a particular number? I am hoping to get feedback here, then I will attempt to match my settlements to your recommendations. I can then give feedback on what I find. I do not have all the settlements unlocked, yet. We can go over details and I will get a screenshot of my current available settlements after I get home.
I think my friends and I have found The overpowered weapon of the game. Plasma throwing plasma pistol. It is very light, it bathes your enemies in plasma, and it will take down just about anything that gets into range. All of this without any legendary effects. I looked it over, the effects can make it even more nasty, but, it does not need it. In the end, it is only really limited by the need to reload. A Neverending plasma Throwing Plasma Pistol would be OP.
Has anyone tried the staggering effect. Go to Covenant and buy that shotgun, trick it out and watch them dance. Oh look, it is a nasty Legendary deathclaw, and now it is dancing. Yes dancing, as the staggering effect is Wonderful. I keep mine semi-auto, and I slap a drum mag into that thing. It is my go to for close up and personal, the staggering effect makes even the largest of enemies manageable. Oh and btw, a staggering minigun is not as effective, that one is getting sold.
I think there is a perk for that! I feel like this needed to be a thing, that in the end the player can choose the player to be the winning faction. Lets face it the Minutemen belong to the player. Now if we could only get the faction modded to where it can actually feel like an effective faction.
settlements aren't sharing food or water?
Malikin replied to bladexdsl's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Do we need to set a provisioner at both settlements? Has this been tested? Can we consolidate all resources to one settlement, and then have a net going out, where the furthest settlements are all supplied from one location. So if ALL of my steel is at sanctuary, and all the supply lines radiate out, will I need any that go back in? -
new fallout 4 update today broke my mods
Malikin replied to RedBarrel's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I found "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\" in my Fallout4_Default file. Not sure what changes to make to it. I wonder if Gopher is going to make a new video. This is getting exhaustive, trying to keep up with them trying to out do the modding community, instead of working with the community. -
new fallout 4 update today broke my mods
Malikin replied to RedBarrel's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Could you please give some more details about your fix. Some of us are newer to this and need a bit more instruction, if you could, please.