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About jayn

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Starting soon, SKYRIM
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout
  1. It has been years, but I think you are right. There were various plug-ins for that mod.
  2. I don't know if this mod author is still around, or if the author even plays/mods these days. Solstheim seems an empty place without the mod Solstheim Castle by Korana. I had grown so used to playing with the mod installed years ago that it was a let down when I was exploring along the southern coast and was not greeted by the castle. If anyone was interested in making a castle mod on Solstheim, I would love to see this remade in Skyrim (with permission, if it can be gained, of course). Just an idea, that I hope some awesome modder decides to do one day. Here are a few links that I could find: A video: http://vimeo.com/1529205 It is not in English, but there are 2 pictures of the castle: http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/1274 English version of the file, and her other files can be found here: http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/27167
  3. I love the Nexus sites and am glad I bought the lifetime premium membership. Money well spent. These sites, along with the awesome modders, have given me many more hours of enjoyment from all of my favorite games. Cheers to the Nexus sites. I'll have a few beers tonight while enjoying my heavily modded Skyrim to celebrate.
  4. this may help I've already completed that. I'm back with the daughter and the barrier is gone. The mother says to follow her, then she stands there and doesn't go anywhere at all. She keeps telling me to follow her, the daughter keeps saying her mother is taking us there and to follow her, but the mother does not move. just stands there.
  5. It is the main quest of Dawnguard that I am stuck on. I can not get the elder scroll from the soul cairn because Valerica will not lead me to it.
  6. I would love to know the fix. I'm having the same issue. Serana says her mother is taking us to the elder scroll. Valerica keeps saying follow me, I've defeated the dragon in the soul cairn, Valerica still stands there like a statue repeatedly telling me to follow her.
  7. I've scanned some of this forum and could not find a topic for this mod... Does anyone else hate not being able to change the inventory of followers, Thanes, spouses? I can't wait till someone far smarter than myself to make a mod for this.
  8. Anyone else see a shadow soar past on the ground and your like "SH**!" only to look up and see birds flying. lol. I do that all the time. :facepalm:
  9. I've been playing TES games since Morrowind's release. Other than a play through of Dragon Age Origins and a few games over the years, I don't play very many other titles. So, I'd say easily over a 1000 hours over the last 10 years. Yes, I have a social life. I've been married for 8 years, and have a 2 year old son and another due in a few months. I also work a 50+ hour a week job. I also have plenty of friends. I never let games get in the way of real life, but since I hate TV and haven't found an interesting book, this is how I kill time. I think I may spend more time downloading and installing mods than I do playing the game anymore. :biggrin:
  10. I see alcohol is on the list for many. My wife should be happy. Skyrim will make me stop drinking so much beer and wild turkey 101. It makes me sleepy. I don't want to sleep when I can be playing Skyrim.
  11. I've always felt Dunmer were the best for exactly what you mentioned. They always make good mage/Warrior and stealth characters
  12. I thought Tiber Septim was a Nord, who started the Empire. Wasn't his pre-Imperial name Hjalti Early-Beard? He could use the voice, which would make him a Nord.
  13. Name: Sorren Race: Nord Age: 30-ish Looks: Tall, heavily built, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, scars, a giant grin with several missing teeth, scruffy beard, and a honest but strong face. Skills: 1 handed dual weapons, light armor (subject to change), very little magic Personality: Once a serious, honorable family man. Now he lives life to the fullest. Tomorrow you could be a steaming pile of dragon poo. The 3rd son to a blacksmith, Sorren leaves home to seek his own life out of his brother's shadow. With the family business going to his eldest brother, and the second born as his apprentice, this leaves Sorren without a reason to stay in Skyrim. At the age of seventeen he leaves the small Forge and joins the Imperial Legion. Serving for nearly 13 years, Sorren makes a name for himself among his fellow soldiers. He is known for being strong, quick, intelligent, and dependable. Most of his time with the legion is spent in Bruma and the surrounding mountains. With over a decade of fighting and military training to draw upon, the tall and broad shouldered Nord gains a reputation for being a fierce and effecient fighter. While patrolling near the Skyrim border, Sorren and several other soldiers come upon a burnt out farm. The old man who lived there is near death and tells the skeptical soldiers of dragons. When they find the ripped apart livestock and the tracks of the creatures in the snow, the men begin to believe. Investigating nearby homes and villages, they hear more and more stories of the flying beasts everyone thought extinct. While questioning villagers, a man on a faltering horse rides into town and tells them of Dragons killing livestock and the owners, before burning down a forge and killing most of the family that lived there. By the man's description, Sorren fears it is his family and childhood home that has been attacked. When he asks for permission of several weeks of leave from his superiors, they deny it. After waiting several days and trying all the correct channels to gain permission to check on his family, Sorren decides to go without it. Successfully getting away from the legion, he heads with speed for his family home. Upon arriving, Sorren finds the smithy has been burnt and that his father, mother, and the middle brother have all died. The attack left his eldest brother with a missing arm and mad in the head. While trying to find a way to make sure his last family member will be cared for, the legion catch up with him and arrest Sorren for desertion.... This is the quick and to the point version. I plan on joining the Stormcloaks with Sorren. I want to RP him as a man with nothing left to lose and no fear of death. But, I don't want him to be the brooding and serious type either. Sorren has a positive but wreckless view of the world and life in general after becoming free and missing his date with the executioner. He loves women, not caring if they are tall, skinny, short, fat, ugly or pretty. With a love of strong mead and a nearly crazy love for punishment, Sorren stays in trouble and never backs out of a fight.
  14. I love the books. I had a Nord in Oblivion modeled after Uhtred.
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