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About nexbil01

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  1. that's probably the next step after I finish this test. I rolled back to a 50 day save and I am working my way back to 62 to see if it replicates the error.
  2. well it's good to know that other people have played much longer and don't have issues. I myself have about 4400 hours total played but my savegames have mostly been around the 50 day mark. I have used FO4 to make videos for the past 3 years using various mods for the video process. Whenever I finished a video I would return to one of my 50 day saves and start a new video using different mods. Some of these mods were new equipment, new face models, new lands, etc. Some mods were probably more on the beta side and should have taken more time to mature before being released. But I think that's something that everyone that uses mods has to beware of. I suspect it does have to do something with one of these sketchy mods. Then of course next-gen came along and who knows how that may have interacted with some of the mods. Now I have to figure out who is the culprit mod and whether removing it may fix the problem or if it's irrecoverable.
  3. out of curiosity, what type of mod is the RSE brothel mod? settlement mod? new lands? characters? It might give me some ideas as to what mod might be causing the issue.
  4. ok, so I shut down last night and tried it fresh and it still hangs at the loading screen. But if I go back to the 61 day save it will load up normally. So I don't think it's a hardware problem. According to Vortex I have 192 enabled mods with 57 disabled or uninstalled mods. I will try resaver to see if it can help though honestly it looks really complicated. As to mods that might be causing this where would I begin looking? character mods, settlement mods, environmental mods?
  5. just an update I dialed the game back to a save that was at 61 days and 13 hours and have played it up to 62 days and 10 hours and the game is again hanging on the loading screen. I can CTRL-ALT-DEL out of that process and restart FO4 and load up the 61 day save or any of the earlier saves with no problems. It's just on the 62 day save when the problem occurs. and just to address the hard drive question I have over 450 gigs of empty space on the hard drive so space is not a problem. Disk defrag found no fragmentation and error checking found no errors on the hard drive. I will totally shut down the machine tonight and attempt to boot up cold tomorrow morning and see if this makes a difference.
  6. no, I'm in my 50s. At this point I am thinking it's some sort of glitch that got carried over from a former save or possibly from fiddling with files to get the screen archer beta to work. I just have to put in 24 hours of game play to see if the glitch repeats itself or gets cleared up
  7. I will try to dial back to a much earlier save to see if this replicates
  8. not aware of the brothel mod so I don't have it. The only significant change I have had was experimenting with a beta version of screen archer. I had to replace the sap.dll file to get it to work but changed it back to the old file after trying it.
  9. I have recently begun to have a problem. I have finished the main quest line and have been running the game in sand box mode just travelling around, adding settlements, etc. My longest playthrough has reached 62 days and 12 hours played. I have found that if I try to log in under that save that the game will not log in. It will just stay in the loading screen until I shut down the game. If I go and load up a previous save from under 62 days and 12 hours it will load up but if I try to go beyond 62 days and 12 hours the same load error will occur. Out of curiosity I worked out that 62 days and 12 hours works out to be 1500 hours. Which makes me think that this may be some sort of upper time limit. So my question is if anyone knows if 1500 hours is a set limit on the game where you can no longer load the game or might this be some sort of other problem with my game build?
  10. does anyone know the ID for spawning gunner vertibirds?
  11. is there an existing mod with the institute crater on the pipboy map?
  12. Most likely cant find it here anymore because of the new nexus deletion policy. They deleted their work before the august deadline. So yeah, probably should honor their wishes.
  13. So basically you want gunners and raiders to farm and hammer nails into walls and weld the scavenger station and do all those animations that settlers do? Is that what you're going after?
  14. the legion ending is the best ending for fallout 4
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