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Everything posted by STR4NGERxD4NGER

  1. You can try Reasonable Scrapping, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47940.
  2. I am working on a replacer so that all the MM will have the Service Rifle instead of the laser musket, and I want to change the quest reward for When Freedom Calls so that it gives 5.56 ammo instead of Fusion Cells to reflect the new weapon being used. **I am not familiar or comfortable with the Creation Kit, which is why I am trying to do this in xEdit. Unless the process is ridiculously simple do not bring up CK.
  3. Have you tried using IDEKs Logistics Station? It allows you to designate a container for collection (typically a workshop) and it will auto collect everything from connected workshops. Setup (in game): Build logistics desk and assign settler (1 per settlement) this will automatically create supply lines. Activate the desk (not the terminal) and select the "Set Up Locker". This will give you a misc. item that you should put in your workbench. Open the terminal and go to collection settings and enable global collection. By default it will periodically collect everything from deposit it in your selected workshop. Build a storage locker in each settlementThe storage locker will allow you to access the storage from any other settlement that is part of the network. Everything from Weapons to Ammo will be accessible. It also allows you to disable attacks at your settlment with designated for storage keeping your stuff safe. I do suggest setting the locker where there are no naturally accuring enemies. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48389
  4. I don't know if something like that is a possible due to the game engine, but there is a mod called Better Settlers that adds a larger variety in settler looks and clothing. It also has an option to add clothing and/or hairstyles from two other mods. BS: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4772 Extra Clothing: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22431 Hair styles: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8126
  5. Nope, not good enough, it doesn't do precisely what the OP wants. It doesn't use MCM. I mean sure, SKK provides all the information necessary to create an MCM menu but it has to be perfect or the OP will be rude. The whole point of this forum category is for requesting mods that you want made, and to provide details on how you would like them made. Unless you plan on making the mod or adding adding additional requested features you shouldn't have been responding.
  6. Guess what, I have used that mod before, and no it doesn't do what I am looking for. I am just gonna repost this and maybe someone who is actually helpful will respond.
  7. Congrats you linked a mod that doesn't do what I'm requesting. MWM is a decent mod and does what it describes but it doesn't even come close to what I am requesting.
  8. More Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone has been permanently removed from NEXUS with the mod author saying that he/she will not reupload it anywhere else. I was wondering if someone could make a similar mod as there are currently no alternatives. -Move attack markers out of the build zones to appropriate locations (ex: Sanctuary moved to across the main bridge and small bridge from the vault) -Adding more attack markers to settlements. In the original mod this allowed attackers to be more spread-out rather than having them cluster rush one spot. I believe you could also configure how many were used in one attack. -Enemy spawn variety, More Attackers had so you could customize the enemies that attacked your settlements and how frequent/rare certain enemies were. (via Mod Configuration Menu)
  9. Is this talking about when manually downloading and install mods?
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