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  1. If you can't find the ids then I am not sure what the issue is. If you could post the latest log, I could take a look, but it seems what is causing you to crash is not present in your save file.
  2. See if deleting form id FF0012EF in Resaver helps.
  3. What you describe can occur if you don't play with Engine Fixes. Install Engine Fixes and hopefully your dialogue issues will be fixed. See this post for how to properly configure Engine Fixes: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tpmf8x/crash_on_load_and_save_corruption_finally_solved/
  4. skee64.dll (Race Menu) crashes. To fix it, start to disable armor and clothing mods until you have localized the mod it conflicts with.
  5. I see you don't have Engine Fixes installed. This may cause crashes. Please install the mod Engine Fixes and configure your toml file correctly, and see if it helps against the crashing. See this post for how to install Engine Fixes and how to configure it: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tpmf8x/crash_on_load_and_save_corruption_finally_solved/ If you still crash with Engine Fixes installed, you may have a corrupted NPC. What you can do in that case is to delete this form id in Resaver and see if it helps: FF001967. Just search for FF001967 in the blank field in the program and then delete what shows up.
  6. You need to provide a Crash Logger SSE log instead, since Trainwreck is not detailed enough to give any specific details. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 It is very hard to solve crashes with Trainwreck only. But one thing you can try to do is to expand your save file size and see if it helps: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tpmf8x/crash_on_load_and_save_corruption_finally_solved/
  7. If you crash, you need to provide a crash log. Use Crash Logger SSE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818
  8. You need to provide the original log since an analyzed log is not very helpful.
  9. If you crash you need to provide a Crash Logger SSE log instead, since it is more detailed. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 It is very hard to solve crashes with Trainwreck alone.
  10. Please install Crash Logger SSE instead, since it is more detailed. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 But from the Trainwreck log, it seems there was some kind of issue with your journal. If this is the case, reinstall or install this mod and hopefully it will fix itself: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60837 If your menu is squished after installing it, get this as well: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/136793
  11. Your log was not very easy, but I've seen similar logs being fixed by simply installing Engine Fixes. So I would recommend to reinstall it and then do the toml changes. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tpmf8x/crash_on_load_and_save_corruption_finally_solved/ If reinstalling Engine Fixes does not help, then "open cities skyrim.esp" was mentioned, so you can try and disable it. If issues persist, I advice you to post your log into this advanced analyzer and see what it has to say: https://phostwood.github.io/crash-analyzer/skyrim.html Finally, if you still crash, post a log at the Reddit Skyrim Modding Community, as they have many excellent crash log readers. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/new/ As a last note: disabling mods in bunches may be able to solve your issue fast, since you don't have that many mods.
  12. Uninstall Trainwreck and post crash logger sse logs instead. I also told you to post your log to pastebin.com since you make it very hard to read your log and answer you, when the scrolling is so extremely long. I also gave you another fix with deleting form ids. Did you do it? Please use pastebin.com and try the other fix, as well as posting the Crash Logger SSE log instead, because Trainwreck is not detailed enough to give any specific details of your crash.
  13. I see you use CompassNavigationOverhaul.dll but don't have its requirement installed: Infinity UI. This will cause a crash. Install Infinity UI and see if the crashing resolves itself. If it did not, post a new crash log to pastebin.com and give us the link, since you may have more crashes. Edit: On the latest log, I see you have it installed, so this was not the reason. So I will continue to look at your log. Edit 2: I have now looked at your log and I see you play without Engine Fixes, which is not recommended. Please install Engine Fixes and and configure it properly and see if this solves your crashing issues: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tpmf8x/crash_on_load_and_save_corruption_finally_solved/ Another thing that you can try if the above did not solve it, is the following: It is possible a "Death Hound" with form ids FF000EAC and 02017EC2 is causing the crash. To see if this is the case, see if the crash resolves itself if you delete those two ids in Resaver. Just open the latest save, search for the ids one after each other in the blank field in Resaver, and then delete them. If they where responsible, the crashing will have stopped with them removed.
  14. I can see that you lack Engine Fixes yet have mods (wheeler.dll) that rely on it. This will cause a crash. So please install the mod Engine Fixes, and then configure it properly according to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tpmf8x/crash_on_load_and_save_corruption_finally_solved/ This should resolve your crashing issues. But if you still crash, post a new log.
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