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About Erikdeda1

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  1. Maybe rebuilding the subway system is a better idea; like when you clear out the ghouls and raiders people come in and start settling and rebuilding, and clearing the rubble between each station.
  2. Yep, that's exactly what I was looking for, thank you again Mr.Hammonds, sir. And thank you mccrab for trying to try.
  3. When you say "card", are you talking about the buttons on the NIF export screen? If so, that is 1/2 of the equation...although the most important half. The other part is the actual collision model and the settings on the Actor tab (Rigid, Static, material values, etc.) The NIF scripts might be advanced enough to overwrite the model settings (especially if you forget to set them) but I have not tested that scenario out. LHammonds Yep, I meant the button :biggrin: The most useful part of this is that you can put books into bookshelves that can't be moved, therefore the player can't accidentally move them, take em or etc...I used it to put an inkwell on a desk..which is really hard if you try to do it in-game and a lot less effective.
  4. Yep, no problems at all..I think that the Static|Weapon|.....|card is actually the key element in making them static. And the Weapon card could maybe be used to make havok objects out of non-havok objects. Non-Havok - Static, Havok - Movable
  5. Well how do you do it..I just don't get it..I look at the vanilla textures and look at mine and they look completely different...and mine doesn't work either... :sweat: If anyone could help me figure it out I would really appreciate it. P.S. If you want to see the files in question I uploaded them here: Help - Falchion
  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you, it actually helped me get the entire system and now I can import/export havok>non-havok objects in no time and with minimum stress :biggrin: EDIT: Sorry for such a late reply, I just thought I posted a thank you, sorry Mr.Hammonds.
  7. Thank you, the .ini file was broken for some reason and I just used one of the tweaking programs to fix it. Thank you once more.
  8. I came to notice that some of WoWs music could be excellent for oblivion (Like the music from elwyin Forest to be the new open world music). This is justa request, but it would make me very happy if someone could make this happen :laugh:
  9. Everything looks light like when you disable lighting in TES Construction Kit and I don't know why, it worked perfectly the last time I played and I don't recall modifying anything in Oblivion just updating my ATI Catalyst driver from 9.12 to 10.2 a few days back... Is this a mod or a graphic card issue?
  10. Bump. Stop bumping. If you have something useful to add, post it. If not, don't bump. AS
  11. I got to the point where I SHOULD use it; but It's like it ain't there (I can go right through it) The textures are there though...
  12. Simply? I want a full weapon rack whose swords can't be moved out or tampered with. http://www.oblivionsrealestate.com/Resources/Furniture/a_Wineracks.jpg And sure it would be better if it we're a container but the havok/non-havok is the main problem for me here; that and how to put meshes from 1 nif file to another in Nifscope
  13. How do you do that? I tried multiple times and the closest thing I got was a unusable Steel Longsword..
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