Way to necro :dry: Why would you go to the effort of cracking it if you own it? Well, I find it eaiser for me to be able to go from one computer, to another without having to log into steam to play the game. also, having a cracked executable does have significant effects with heavily modded skyrim, making the game more stable, since the executable is already maluble. (200+ mods at a time) the same with the fallout games, and many other games as well. I also like to be able to install my games on my portable SSD, so I can just plug it into my friends computer and play it there. Can't do that with an uncracked executable, you have to instal steam, redownload it, and blah, blah, blah...... I find it suits my lifestyle better if I do it that way. ("Way to Necro?") NOT TO MENTION, THE PAIN IT WOULD BE TO REDOWNLOAD ALL OF MY MODS, JUST TO PLAY IT ONCE A MONTH ON MY FRIENDS COMPUTER. Yeah, That would take up so much space, I already have it taking up 50gb.