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Everything posted by RinkaLeffel

  1. Hiya, Try "OpenTeammateContainer 1" and click on the NPC. This opens their Invintory to allow you to put stuff in, and take stuff out freely. (Helpfull for getting all the weapons in Operation Anchoridge out of the simulation)
  2. What If you didn't know it was the SkyUI mod, and also, I found it explained poorly in the readme.
  3. Way to necro :dry: Why would you go to the effort of cracking it if you own it? Well, I find it eaiser for me to be able to go from one computer, to another without having to log into steam to play the game. also, having a cracked executable does have significant effects with heavily modded skyrim, making the game more stable, since the executable is already maluble. (200+ mods at a time) the same with the fallout games, and many other games as well. I also like to be able to install my games on my portable SSD, so I can just plug it into my friends computer and play it there. Can't do that with an uncracked executable, you have to instal steam, redownload it, and blah, blah, blah...... I find it suits my lifestyle better if I do it that way. ("Way to Necro?") NOT TO MENTION, THE PAIN IT WOULD BE TO REDOWNLOAD ALL OF MY MODS, JUST TO PLAY IT ONCE A MONTH ON MY FRIENDS COMPUTER. Yeah, That would take up so much space, I already have it taking up 50gb.
  4. Okay, this is what I did, I got Skyrim legendary edition, and I registed it, installed it and then, I cracked it. as far as I know, Since I own the game, Cracking it isn't ilegal, (If that was the case mods would be illegal, especially the 4gb patch and SKSE which *can* both circumvent the DRM of skyrim) So, you can't have a legal Copy of skyrim Without steam, (unless you have that weird russian version? I don't know), but you don't need steam to run/play it.
  5. Don't know if your still having issues, but I fixed my problem withThis ini setting: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 -> change 0 to 1 and Boom, problem solved.
  6. Thank you, ever so, Very, VERY, much. it seems that number 3 was the exact problem I was having. I had a super awesome gaming computer about a year ago, but had to leave it behind when I moved. I finally got a better one, and wanted to play Skyrim right away, but this was screwing me up. again, thank you for fixing this problem (or at least providing the info). I'm going to spread the word around.
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