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About Shurtugal08

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    Skyrim: Special Edition

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  1. Because its an older version. plus the ui part wasnt what skse was for anyways. it was for the additional functionality it added after updates. skyui didnt initially use skse to begin with anyways. its not the skyui we know today but if you dont like the default ui then its good enough for now if its brought back that is.
  2. You do realize its ported and IT DOES WORK. I have installed it and it is working. Don't post crap if you didnt bother to read and or test it.
  3. Loot already supports SSE It's not a "stable" build but it works, tested it myself. https://dl.bintray.com/wrinklyninja/loot/:loot_0.9.2-136-g480f386_skyrim-se-support.7z
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/855/?
  5. We do not know enough based on what has been told to us to deduce if tessellation is a feature they have included in the DX 11 engine. Unless the game itself supports the feature then mods will not be able to use it. I am not very deeply technically informed so anyone can correct me if I am wrong, but perhaps it can be enabled with ENB if the base game does not include it. We already have Parallax which gives a similar enough result as it is. No real reason for mod authors to use tessellation for this reason. Bottom line is we will not know for sure until we get more information about the title.
  6. ^^ Soooo much this. People bitching about a game that for the majority will be a free upgrade and will be much more capable in terms of modding is rather stupid. Its on DX11 which improves performance as well. They likely fixed some bugs while they were in there, and upgraded textures and effects. I mean who the hell complains about this when its free. So stuff will be broken at first. But this has almost always happened when the game was getting official patches anyways. If you never owned it this whole time then you have no right to b&@*$ to begin with.
  7. I forgot to include that it has been confirmed by Bethesda that mods should "basically work". So this implies that anything relying on skse and etc will need to be updated or w8 for skse, etc to be updated. But the rest should work. So the mod base wont necessarily be divided other than mods being made just for console if that's what the mod author decides to do. You seem to overlook the statement I mentioned about the possibility of ENB on SSE which would lead to SSE looking even better than what you can currently do in DX 9. I already stated that the memory patches do not work on Windows 10 as stated by enb dev. I am unsure if this also occurs on Windows 8. So x64 is very important for the modding community. I would recheck your facts about people not owning all the dlc.The majority of people do. This is clearly implied by the fact that USLEEP and the new USMP patches only support skyrim with all dlc now. Also a bunch of other mods require dlc. If you don't own them then pick them up now or doing the summer sale. it will still be cheaper than paying full price for sse. Though tbf there has been no mention of a cutoff date before you no longer receive the sse for free if you don't own legendary or game with all dlc before then. DX 11 has proven to give games on dx 9 a fps boost as well. Also since its on FO4 engine then its more optimized for multicore which is good for current amd users.
  8. This is so stupid. The main reason the PC version of the remaster exists is because modders need it in order to build mods for consoles. They already stated that mods that currently exist should be basically compatible. Anything relying on skse,enb and etc will obviously require an update. its DX 11,x64 and its free. There is no reason whatsoever to be spouting this crap. Also since its been confirmed we wont be seeing Elder Scrolls 6 for some years this is something to appease us for now.
  9. Yet another person who needs to be educated. First ENB cannot compete with SSE. It cannot duplicate the effects SSE is capable of. This is due to DX 9 limitations. SSE will be using DX 11. Now you can argue all you want that enb looks better in DX 9 skyrim. However if you stop to think, what if ENB is used on this new version? That opens the door to larger possibilities. Next is x64. Because of limitations on windows 10 and i think this affects windows 8, skyrim cannot exceed like 4gb of memory, even with enboost. Now with the x64 this allows the memory limit to be expanded to like 20gb or more. Saw a comment about fallout 4 limited to 20gb i think. This also allows even more mods that can take advantage of this expansion, with more creativity. Thirdly, they likely mainly only did a PC remaster in order for modders to be able to build mods for the console versions as you need the PC version in order to make them. Finally its free for PC if you already own Legendary or Skyrim+all dlc on steam. so why the hell not lol.
  10. You could wait for Skyrim Special Edition and see if that look appeals to you :p
  11. Based on this I expect by "Basically Yes" that means that they should be compatible if they are "basic" mods. I highly doubt that advanced mods will work right out of the box without some tweaking.
  12. Wrong. ENB cannot even come close to the new features special edition has. This is due to DX 9 limitations. DX 11 is much more capable. Which allows you to expand on what you can do with enb. Since this is a port to the FO4 engine then that also means 64 bit which increases memory and allows you to be able to do much more with mods. This does mean a wait time till skse,and enb are compatible but once they are I would expect a shift of players and modders to the special edition. Based on my understanding the Special Edition would likely need its own creation kit, because of the upgraded engine. This is why Special Edition is a separate title because it cant just be patched to upgrade to x64. However I wouldn't be surprised if they right out of the gate had some sort of way to make upgrading mods easier to increase the amount of modders who would likely also want to port their mods to the consoles. Since thats' the main reason most likely that is was remastered for PC to begin with as you have to develop the mods on PC.
  13. While it looks "promising" (I guess), I'm curious to know if this is going to be considered a DLC or a new game. And either way if current owners will be required to purchase it or if it will be a free thing for existing owners. I didn't see any details to such on the steam page. The SPecial Edition is free for those who already own SKyrim and all its DLC or the Legendary edition on Steam. Currently is unknown if this is applicable to consoles yet.
  14. DX11 on its own is enough to warrant upgrading to Special Edition over the current version. If done right then that could improve modding in general. Allowing better performance with more mods than we currently see on the old DX9 implementation. I am sure bugs that haven't been officially fixed will be addressed. The improved standard graphics will be a nice jump. I mean I have no problem waiting for mods if they need some reworking to be compatible with special edition. However as it stands we have very little information to work with in determining mod compatibility and such. We should see more info pop up in the coming months before its launch about how stuff will work.
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