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Everything posted by MintedTea

  1. In response to post #44123740. #44124255, #44128340 are all replies on the same post. Ahh, alright, I understand. Know that I wasn't trying to be a prick or anything with this, it's just I can get a little impatient sometimes. I appreciate the work you guys all do though, so don't take this post the wrong way.
  2. Why won't you guys upgrade your servers instead of shutting them down as soon as the load gets too high? For over a week now I've been unable to enjoy the convenience of downloading mods via NMM all because you keep shutting the servers down. If it's a money issue I understand, but since your servers are sort of the most important thing that you currently own when it comes to maintaining your services. Logically that is where your priorities should lie.
  3. I have this exact problem. Every time I click New Game or load a save, even when disabling mods, I get an infinite loading screen. I've done multiple full re-installs, and I can't get it to work even in vanilla. People have suggested a lot of INI tweaks to me; none of them worked and have no relation to the issue whatsoever. If anybody has a definitive solution that doesn't require yet ANOTHER reinstall, I'd love to hear it.
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