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Everything posted by Zelda004

  1. So heres the request....i would like if someone could make me any of this armors so I can use it in oblivion.....here are the pics.... http://www.bruceglidewell.com/images/drow_maliken.jpg - armor of the dark drow God Maliken who earned his title by saying the mighty demons of darkness and become immortal....a power full armor with a super powerfull sword made by the darkest creatures no one had ever seen except Maliken.... http://dragonslayaz.com/DragonSlayer1.JPG - armor of the holy dragon God Fehastos who become hid power by drinking the blood from the holy dragon and become immortal....a holy powerfull armor with an sword with his power equal to the sword of the drow god....and an armor of dragon skin and dragon bones http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs4/i/2005/137/0/6/The_Great_Dark_Demon_Warrior_by_aca.jpg - armor of the Monarch of darkness Marbas..... its really strong but much weaker than the armor of the two Gods....he is Malikens right hand....and owner of the light destroying mace....the evil twin weapon http://media.photobucket.com/image/holy%20knight/TheDoomOfCheese/HolyKnight.jpg - armor of the Monarch of light Konstantine....the armor looks weak but its really powerfull, enchanted with strong magic....the power of his armor is equal to that of Marbas....his hammer one of the strongest weapons made on the world...the good twin weapon
  2. When I was fighting a org I thought....why hasn't any had the idea to make a beast hunt.....Like separate a piece of wood(a big piece) and make him into a hunting ground....and add new beasts in Oblivion,we have vampires....then,where are the werewolf's? So this mod should include werewolf's,bigger and stronger orgs,different sorts of big cat animals....some kind of goblin and org mutants...other intelligent beast...like human/cats....elf/bears....that's the idea.....so if anyone wants to make it.....if anyone fins it a good idea.....its important to put many and very,very strong beasts....
  3. Please,someone,anyone.....Id like to have this armor but I don't know how to make modes....Would you do this for me.....please? It should look like this :
  4. The idea is awesome....village guards would be grate.....have you seen this mode.... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10068 ....I love it
  5. Can anyone make me this armor: http://www.freakygaming.com/gallery/fan_art/dota_allstars/champion_of_light_paladin_-_kunkka.jpg
  6. the shield is great.....please let me know when is finished.....
  7. Its easier to type the cheat tgm (toggle god mod) in....and you cant die.....or is this to much?
  8. So.....here is the idea.....I would love to have a Croatian house in Skingrad.....so if anyone excepts this request....,do this....1 floor: change just the wall curtains.....replace 50 percent of them with Croatian flags.....and replace 50 percent of all paintings in the house with shields: here are the pictures of them.... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_gKfsH66oNLo/SSvUz3a9M9I/AAAAAAAAAyQ/I01aWph-uKM/s320/hrvatski+grb.gif , http://voiceofcroatia.net/Hrvatski_grb.gif , http://dalje.com/slike/slike_3/r2/g2008/m12/y130189207976680669.jpg , http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7GCcONQZiNw/Sx1y4dWg2tI/AAAAAAAAAiw/62SAFk9TPSQ/s320/grb.jpg and set this as the main in a place where you can see it when going in the house.... http://www.hrvatskipovijesnigrb.com/images/paste129.jpg ...... turn the basement in an armor and weapon depot.....and put in it huge mass of armor and weapons(in creates and do separate weapon and armor creates) and place few dolls with armor equipped in the basement..... Turn the second floor in an elegant democratic room....a room with a round table for guests and similar....something fine and pretty..... And the sleeping rood....just add a Croatian flag and above the bed this shield: http://www.sabor.hr/lgs.axd?t=16&id=10354 and add this shield somewhere in the room: http://zeljko-heimer-fame.from.hr/images/hr%29vt-or.gif ,make it more beautiful.....more elegant.....that would be all
  9. and the leht arm should be ib boundages.....and the H should look like this in gold color: http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/4900/4996/h_101_lg.gif
  10. Ok.....here I go...... it can look like thih armor: http://www.freakygaming.com/gallery/fan_art/dota_allstars/champion_of_light_paladin_-_kunkka.jpg (look at the pictur....the golden latter replaced vit the latter H but writen in runes.....and the armour should have a shield that lioks like this: http://voiceofcroatia.net/Hrvatski_grb.gif or a round shield with this picture; http://dalje.com/slike/slike_3/r2/g2008/m12/y130189207976680669.jpg ......and this should be all.....thats the combined pictures croatian armor......can you do something with that?
  11. Can I order a special request? I need something likr this: http://www.freakygaming.com/gallery/fan_art/dota_allstars/champion_of_light_paladin_-_kunkka.jpg Can you handel it? Take this like an chalange.....
  12. Hey....can anyone make me the armor....please.....I ll give you the description
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