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Nexus Mods Profile

About iamthebigyeti

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. how do you successfully replace ALL the stormcloaks and guards of all holds outfits
  2. on creation kit I'm using uunp and I'm trying to change the orc boots on it their are 6 textures and the only one I want to change is orchishboots_02 which is just the actually boots and I want to change them to different boots like forsworn boots or something but keep all the other textures but everytime I press delete on the orchish boots texture it won't delete it all I can do is click on it press new and add the other boot that way but it doesn't replace the orcish boots Any help will be great as I just want to change the boots or learn how to a pic of the boots im trying to change are added
  3. on creation kit I'm using uunp and I'm trying to change the orc boots on it their are 6 textures and the only one I want to change is orchishboots_02 which is just the actually boots and I want to change them to different boots like forsworn boots or something but keep all the other textures but everytime I press delete on the orchish boots texture it won't delete it all I can do is click on it press new and add the other boot that way but it doesn't replace the orcish boots Any help will be great as I just want to change the boots or learn how to a pic of the boots im trying to change are added
  4. Can someone just give a step by step guide (an easy understandable one) on how to replace stormcloaks/imperials armor and town guard outfits with a custom made armor mod!!! ive looked everywhere but litterly none of them actually explain how to do it without someone else saying their doing it wrong :/
  5. how do you change the first person model? and what do you mean make a new texure set for the armor??
  6. So im pretty new to replacing things on creation kit and all i want to do is replace all the imperial and stormcloak armors (each one different) and the town guard outfits but i have no idea what im doing and dont want to mess it up can someone who has the time please write like a step by step guide to help me with this anything atall that is useful and important and try to not say do this or do that without saying/showing how to do it as im new thanks BTW i want to use actual armor mods to replace guards/imperials and stormcloaks and stuff im not going to be able to design my own armor (obviously)
  7. hi im trying to remove everything apart from quest markers and anything important from croup manor and add everything from this other mod that i am using called the slog new town its a settlement mod basically a villa with gated walls/shields is their any advice you can give to make sure it works perfectly with no problems as im new to creation kit and fo4edit can you explain step by step aswell as simple as you can aswell please thanks :smile: also any videos that help and are straight to the point with my issue would be awesome if you can
  8. Can someone help me please I really am getting sick of trying things and getting nowhere been at this now for almost 5 days if anyone knows what they are doing can they help me step by step as well the (preset I'm trying to use is called immersive wastelander and changes the looks of all the companions)
  9. im trying to make this cait overhaul mod work but i cant i add the tattoos and the body ends up looking weird the face doesnt change atall like i think its supposed to she doesnt have the weapons or armor equipped and im new to modding btw so if you can help me out by saying things step by step it will be much appreciated :)
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