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Everything posted by Sozerius
Basically to allow you to have people who are renting out rooms at your outpost like it is a hotel or apartment. This could give more purpose to outposts that are not meant to be for mining or resources - but rather for luxury accommodations. Giving you a reason to decorate and provide for the tenants! It would be even better if we could maintain the hotel site, defend from attacks, hire/assign staff, and make sure the tenants have basic needs met. But none of that is truly needed, what we need most is just the roleplay element of playing a landlord, and to do that we just need the tenants and the rent function!
I noticed there are already some differences in the outline color in the base game - it will either be a sort of light blue/teal for most things, and then a dark blue as well. I'm not sure what variables exactly effect that but since different colors are used already maybe the foundation exists to add more colors and variables
Keep Manually Installed Mods Updated?
Sozerius replied to ohiojosh78's topic in Starfield's Discussion
Idk, Vortex just flat out does not work sometimes and it is so frustrating that I am getting rid of it - miss the old days of Nexus Mod Manager where it was just a mod manager and didnt have any "managed by Vortex" file path BS - ugh! -
There are dozens, sometimes hundreds of objects to individually look at when checking for loot, so instead of looking at every notebook or empty chunk wrapping to see if it is something useful, it would be nice to know from a distance if the item is valuable or useful. Currently, everything that shows up in the scanner is blue - but, moderately valued items, likesay anything over 100 credits in value could be modded to show with yellow outline in the scanner (noticeable when compared to blue). And much more valuable items, likesay over 1000 credits in value could be colored with violet outline in the scanner to stand out.
RobCo Robot building Mod of course! I loved the little robots like the server bot or the oven bot, and safe bot was nice too - and now with Fallout 4, maybe build your own synth too.
Does not work for me either. tlc does nothing for moving objects at all, it just lets you float around to help with movement ( I use it for this specifically quite frequently so believe me when I say it does nothing) I have seen people doing it in videos so i know it does work for some people, but sadly not for me either. I got it to work once, and i can't reproduce how i did it....it was very random how it happened and not at all like it's supposed to :/ Just saw this in another thread, maybe they were using this? In any case it helps with the whole issue of placing objects in the red areas. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1267/? Edit: I just tried the thing in the link I just put - it works, and it is so much easier than the other little workarounds. You just click in the red as if it was green. And bam it works. There is a god, hahahaha
I don't pay that much attention to the 'settler' number, as that number magically raises up pretty fast to be honest - if I ever did lose any from an attack I definitely did not notice, but I was under the impression that you don't lose settlers to attacks (and when you are around they cannot be killed by enemies ie. they are immortal except to player attacks- your traps could kill them though) - I will go help a settlement if I notice and am not busy - I have to go back to places to micromanage my inventory and carry weight anyways so its not that big a deal, usually just takes a minute - and then fast travel back to whereever I was, usually after doing some buying and selling that I needed to do at the settlement anyways. ^^'
Does not work for me either. tlc does nothing for moving objects at all, it just lets you float around to help with movement ( I use it for this specifically quite frequently so believe me when I say it does nothing) - There are a few tricks to get around the 'red', you can place the object, say, a wall, that would normally clip into another object - and then you can place a spiked pole (a buildable object) as close as you can to that wall without clipping into it, place it, and then hold down the E button while your cursor is highlighting the spiked pole. If it is close enough to the wall, both the pole and the wall will become selected, and you will move both at once ( careful, if the wall is close to other walls it will select those too, so do this away from other objects, not too far, just far enough) - this will help to diminish the clip area around the wall, and base the clip more on the pole instead. Sometimes it is weird and doesn't work properly, in those cases what you need to do is do the thing where you hold the E button on the pole, while it is next to the wall, to select both of them - while both are selected (make sure they are green and not red) open the console, click the wall, type disable, hit enter, then type enable, and hit enter. Exit console, and then try placing the pole, with the wall. Sometimes you have to fiddle with it but it helps a lot I have used it to directly connect the junk walls that normally always have a space between them without additional stuff and you could even use it to fill in gaps where stuff is floating above the ground etc. And of course it helps when there is a hill or a slope and it is very difficult to properly place anything on it, likesay a long fence without going through a lot of trouble and still ending up with a poor result. I might just mention that I can't seem to get the pole to highlight both itself and a wall with they are on top of any wood flooring etc, so do it on just the ground outside. Yes I saw a mod earlier that might help you do this, have not tried it myself, but it lets you place a workshop anywhere and flag an area as a settlement, even indoors - I imagine you could use it within a vault - here is a link: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1050/?
There is already a female follower who has depth with "Vilja"- I think a male follower with dialogue as interesting should be created! I would like it if the follower had an interesting quest, touching on his personal ambitions (it would be cool if the follower meddled with one of the planes of Oblivion and got in trouble for this.. thus requiring your help, etc. Maybe even ending up in a trip there.) It really adds to the immersion in my game if I can feel like some of the characters are like real people. Because of this I don't really like followers without dialogue/backstory, etc. And quests can really add to it- as well as provide interesting stuff to do and think about.
I really enjoyed some of the follower-oriented quest mods for Oblivion. 'Ruined Tail's Tale' and 'Tears of the Fiend' were some great ones for Oblivion. Have any mods like this been made for Skyrim yet? If not, could someone get something like that started? I would really enjoy having more mod content that focused on that kind of stuff, and I think others might too- especially since there seems to be a definate lack of that sort of thing so far (as far as I can tell). For reference, here are the nexus links to the quests I mentioned for Oblivion so that people can get an idea of what I'm talking about if they aren't familiar.. Tears of the Fiend: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/11598 Ruined Tail's Tale: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/3027
A shout that echoes loudly and causes pain the the ears of those in front of you- causing them to cover the ears and lean down in pain. A shout that temporarily prevents opponents from using magick. A shout that stirs the spirits of wind, creating a whirlwind in front of you, and shortly tosses npcs around in the whirlwind. A shout that causes enemies to become confused- attacking thin air and nothing with both weaponry and magick(and screaming while doing this). A shout that creates a temporary barrier of wind or energy in front or around you, so that enemies cannot get through(and neither can you). A shout that temporarilly imbues your shield with force- so that when you block or shield bump it sends force out through your enemies (similar to fus do rah but through shield blocking and lesser.)
I haven't seen anything like this, oddly. I don't like Real Time Settler because you might as well create a town in the Creation Kit if you just want to plop buildings into place(and you would get better results). In the vanilla game the only real kind of 'investment' option you are given with regards to upgrades or changes to areas is "decorations" for the home. But buying decorations is boring and nothing really happens- you pay gold and the furniture plops into your house. This doesn't even come close to the kind of feel I'd like to see with regards to helping a colony build and grow. Most mods that allow you to 'upgrade' an area with furniture, buildings, npc's, etc- currently use this systerm of paying gold to have everything plop into place. This is incredibly boring and seems pointless once it is finished. I am not invested in anything that got upgraded and I don't really feel a reason as to why it is even in my game, so if it is a mod I typically just remove it. A deep, involving story is something that can be truly immersive and great about Elder Scrolls and modding. And I love the concept of developing a colony- so this idea is the culmination of those two concepts. Skyrim is infested with all manner of horrors on the roads and off the road- so were a small town in an area that is far from the local Hold to be attacked, there would be nothing stopping bandits or monsters from completely destroying everything. So, a small town should be mostly ransacked and torn apart- several of it's inhabitants killed, and those not killed scattered away from the town or in hiding in nearby areas. One of the townfolk who runs away should end up in one of the holds to ask a Jarl for help. The Jarl's guards are tied up mostly due to the civil war and threat of dragons, so the Jarl sends out a notice that an adventurer or brave soul should go out to defeat the bandits and rescue any scattered townsfolk. The notice should be found the same way as Jarl 'jobs' are usually found in the vanilla game- you could ask the Jarl, or find out at a tavern, etc. All very vanilla so far- only once you get to the camp, you find that the town you were sent to help is now barricaded and it seems as though some of the townsfolk have joined up with the bandits. You speak with some of the old townsfolk who became bandits from the outside of the entrance to the barricade about why they joined and they say because of desparation and not being able to make a good living without protection. But some of the people who ran away are still hiding in caves nearby- those who weren't willing to join the bandits. The townsperson-turned bandit won't speak to you anymore, and your quest journal tells you to investigate for the missing people. There is a trail of blood leading away and to a barrow- inside you will find the townspeople huddled up inside with an Arkay priest who seems to be able to calm the Draugr so that noone gets attacked. Some of the people are injured, and the Priest is doing what he can to heal them- but needs you to update him on the state of the town. You fill him in, and he seems surprised that some of the townspeople decided to join the bandits- and notes that some of them may be persuaded to come to the barrow(and leave the bandits) if you can go into the bandit camp under cover- or join the bandits yourself. The Priest can offer you a blessing of Arkay as a reward. He also notes that you shouldn't tell anyone the location of the barrow unless you are certain that they are leaving the bandit clan, otherwise the bandits may go to attack them. The people in the barrow will also ask you to get them some food and various things to help them take care of the wounded. Some of the other townsfolk in the Barrow have information and objects that will help you to convince the townspeople to leave the bandits for the barrow. You should also be able to convert a couple of the bandits who were not townsfolk, who don't really want to ransack, steal, and kill- but do so because there isn't a better way to survive out in the wild areas. Some of the Townspeople may have also lost some things deeper in the barrow where it is more dangerous (due to the traps) that they need you to retrieve. The entire quest should have peaceful, yet complicated solutions to most parts and may even reach a point where the Arkay priest (perhaps aided by some daedric influence) is able to use the Draugr to drive out the remaining bandits. From there, there should be quests allowing you to help the town stockpile resources for building, farming, and trade. You might help some of them hunt- there should be quests related to Arkay as well. You will slowly be able to get craftsmen for the town(performing specific quests to get their support, not by just paying them) to repair buildings and build new ones- most notably building a wall to prevent future attacks. You should also be able to train some of the townspeople and help form a town militia so that the town can better protect itself. Ultimately this should lead to you aiding the militia in patrolling well known danger areas to clear them out and ensure the safety of the town- and to open up routes for trade with caravans. Some of the people may have found a liking to the barrow and may stay there- using the camp and providing a unique quest that involves studying the draugr and learning to better control them (one of these should be a former assistant to the Priest of Arkay). Most of the above is just an example of the kind of quest-line I'm thinking of. I don't expect any of it to be specifically followed or anything by anyone. But it should provide a sense of the kind of story-oriented mod I think would be interesting. Lastly- if there are any player-homes provided please don't flood them with mannequins, make them huge, put in countless trophy areas, etc. I think that cheapens the story element of a home. I would rather there be NPC's related to the home and a storyline surrounding the home, rather than have bloated and glorified storage space. Thats all.. I hope someone is interested in creating something like this. :)