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Everything posted by Antartic

  1. Aha, but you understand what I said, right? And yes, I can play with the original, but I want a remaster, I think it is understandable. Now, are you more interested in what you understand about my personality? Because this post is to talk about the game, don't worry for me, I'm good. Thanks. Sorry for your loss; I wouldn't suspect you had many left to lose. Better luck in your future endeavors. Edit: On a positive note, I found a a program to extract the character models for editing (thanks to madonnagwen). It's called CascView. Thanks for that info about CascView. I also found a post in Reddit teaching how to change some visuals, still not enough for the 3D models, but another step for aesthetics mods. https://www.reddit.com/r/D2RMODS/comments/p7q04k/how_to_mod_d2r_textures_without_editing_texture/
  2. What is your problem? I talked about what Blizz said about the changes. Do you agree that a beautiful woman cannot fight? Google “army women” or “sport women”, you will find even more beauty than in a nightclub. And what is that “learn from your injustice” what? This site is to share our knowledge in mods, so I am asking exactly that: do you know how to modd this game or not? Well, Blizz have changed some paints of half-naked women with fruits, or burkas. So, yes, it’s happening. https://www.pcgamer.com/world-of-warcraft-paintings/ Besides that, I don’t care if they have woke policies, I just portraying how ridiculous sounds their claims. And what is “unifying aesthetic”? I’m playing Diablo 2, the minimum I ask is to keep the original designs. Do unifying aesthetic in new games, not in a remaster. Great, that is the spirit! Sadly I don’t have the will to get into the game if it is not moddable enough to fix wokism. So before get into the game, want to be sure that Willem Dafoe won’t be my amazon. Lol PS: Not in a nightclub.
  3. Well, Blizzard have spoken about why they censored and made ugly the Amazon (and all characters in general), here: https://gamerant.com/diablo-2-resurrected-amazon-face-change/ Basically they claim that didn't want characters looking as if they "come out of a nightclub." So... a woman can kill hundreds of demons with lightning spears but the unbelievably thing is her beauty. Thanks for making fantasy a bit more BORING Blizz. Ok, let their wokism alone and let's focus on what we want: I also read that now it is more difficult to mod the game, I think it is mainly a thing about TCP/IP, to LAN multiplayer or so, not affecting visual changes. But since there aren't yet mods that fix appearances (including the always popular nude mods), I want to understand how difficult is to change appearance of the characters. It is just the necessity to make all the 3D model again? (which it is understandable that it is the most time consuming thing by far). Or there are also major problems to edit the main game? I want to understand this cause I won't buy anything until I can remove at least the main wokism from my entertainment.
  4. Nevermind, after a little research I've solved it by adding the command Playgroup Forward 0, or backward 0, in each Enable and Disable section of the scripts.
  5. Nobody knows this or I am asking for something impossible? In NIfScope this nif has multiple NiTriStrips for different sections of its panel, so there must be a reason for that I think...
  6. Girl Modder & jim_uk, I agree about NV has more role, better dialogues and in general is a better version of FO3, the part of the role, dialogues, etc, comes from Obsidian’s tradition, but the part of meshes, landscapes, sounds, etc, is 80-90% FO3, so NV could be considerer a big mod like Fallout Wanderers Edition (must be an expansion if they kept the original atmosphere but sadly not, is a big mod that allows you to play in another way). I said that I am against to change sagas, FO1&2 were canonic isometric RPG while FO3 is an Action RPG, so they ARE different games, this was bad but at least FO3 is a good game and is expected to have a sequel or an expansion, not another game. Obsidian did really good games when they start from scratch, but when they took sagas, they have destroyed them... Neverwinter Nights 2 has a better campaign than NWN1 but poor online, and online was the spirit of this game, destroyed... Dungeon Siege III is direct garbage that has none in common with previous DS1&2 (ARPGs with deep party control by mouse), instead they did a generic console game totally unworthy of Obsidian’s tradition. And New Vegas was the same: they attempted to be original changing a previous successful game and half of the players loved the smell of old FO1&2, and another half hate it, because they have used the wrong game. I’m expecting Pillars of Eternity because is an Obsidian’s purebred, also I’m expecting Wasteland 2 as the true successor of FO1&2, but I’ll not forgive Obsidian for the destruction of many of my favorite sagas... Finally you were right in all that you said, but at the end of the discussion there are our feelings and I really liked the devastating world of Fallout 3, the sensation of loneliness that only few games has, so why should I like that western crowded of cowboy robots of New Vegas? A “FO3 with NV role” would be the perfect game, but if I need to choose, I kept FO3 modded.
  7. Yes, I mean with mods, obviously, without mods this (and most multiplatform games designed to be played equally on consoles and PC), are extremely boring, plain, empty, easy... It has no sense to play games only for the "plot", for a plot I prefer a novel, even a movie because in a game the plot is hardly compromised by your actions, a ‘hard’ plot limits your play, many times you want to do something and because of the plot you ended doing the opposite, right? And going back to the atmosphere, probably you’re right, but the only reason to bought NV was that I liked FO3 enough to buy its “sequel”. So I wanted more of the same, improved and expanded, not another thing completely different, right? Even having more ‘role’ or the attempt to ‘return’ to original FO1&2, I bought NV because I liked FO3, nothing more, and they have done whatever they wanted except a FO3 game... Fallout 3 is linear, yes the world is open but so are the worlds in GTA and like GTA once you start a mission/quest you're put on rails. Fallout 3 only has the illusion of freedom, in reality you have none. Bethesda didn't need to start from scratch either, Fallout 3 is a sequel, the world and lore already existed, it's a shame they didn't stick to it, nor was the engine new, it's a slightly tweaked version of the Oblivion/Morrowind engine. Yes, I mean all the meshes, textures, etc, even the Oblivion’s engine is from Bethesda, while Obsidian only needed to do almost a “mod”, so is not fair to say “NV has more role, more weapons, more locations, etc”, because that's all they needed to focus, is much less work having all tools, rules and world already developed.
  8. jim_uk, I agreed with that, but it is not fair to compare only plot vs plot, or quantity vs quantity, etc, because Bethesda started from scratch while Obsidian started with powerful tools and all background storyline solved to focus on this ‘sequel’. And about that sentence: “Plot is the most important in RPG”, I think that is completely wrong. Plot is important for a movie, a novel, or a linear game, but for RPGs is not ‘the most important’, in RPGs rules and a solid background are much more important than a plot. In FO3 you have complete freedom and the main storyline is a simple background of your own personal story in the game, IMHO.
  9. Looks like you have the wrong texture. Maybe you are using a replacer mod like EVE, try to uninstall this mod to see if is the cause. If is the case, to solve the problem go to “(game folder) \Data\textures\weapons\2handrifle” and check that all “laserrifle” textures are the same of the mod.
  10. We could argue forever about how postnuclear each game is and everyone will have a personal feeling. The fact is that FO1&2 were canonic-isometric RPG while FO3 is a FPS-RPG, so they ARE different games. If this is good or bad is another thing, personally I think is bad for any saga to change their style, ever, FO3 should never be called that, Bethesda could made a spin-off or another franchise, but for good or for bad is done and at least FO3 is a good game (different from Dungeon Siege 3 which has changed the saga style AND is an awful game too)... The problem with NV is that they wanted to return to the first idea with the wrong game; personally I think that would be fine if they kept the postnuclear style, but they come with another brilliant idea of mid-west and cowboys. So if I liked the devastation and loneliness of FO3, why should I like the western style crowds of NV? Obsidian had far less time, Bethesda also insisted on approving every little thing and took their time about it, it's impressive what they managed in just 18 months without Bethesda's cooperation. NV is almost a FO3 expansion, and that is not bad, I'm only pointing that is not fair to say “Obsidian did a better plot”, because they only had to deal with a plot, the rest were already solved: game engine, art, sounds, atmosphere... (well, sadly they've done a little more than an expansion and this is the result: half of the players liked and the other half hate that change).
  11. The problem described is typical of when you miss the route of the scope in GECK. Open your weapon in GECK, in the "Art and Sound" tab, the "Has Scope" checkbox must be checked and the "Target NIF" must point at a scope. You can choose a scope by the Edit button, but you need to have a scope mod, or if you want to use the original scope, unpack the original meshes in your game folder using the Fallout Mod Manager.
  12. Falconian, I like all under the Obsidian column but also keep in mind that is slightly out of context. considering that Bethesda DID the entire game from scratch while Obsidian only did (more or less) an expansion of FO3, if we take in consideration that only Fallout Wanderers Edition adds (proportionally) more content with less. By the way, I would prefer a Fallout 3 expansion keeping its postnuclear atmosphere, than this sort of 'cowboy' sequel...
  13. An interesting debate, IMHO Obsidian has destroyed every sequel they've touched... -NWN2 is graphically better than NWN1 (probably 5 years older) and its plot is better for single player mode, the only thing is that they've ruined its unique multiplayer mode by adding the necessity of a downloadable component for every persistent world. And the unique quality that distinguishes NWN is its online gameplay, destroyed by Obsidian... -Dungeon Siege III, I have no words to describe such abomination, in general lines is the casualization (consolization), of another unique saga hardly based on party and deep mouse control in isometric view... converted into a generic console game, probably fault of Square Enix, but it doesn’t matter, Obsidian did that shame... -New Vegas has better ‘role’ but FO3 is a wonderful game to mod and achieve a unique atmosphere of desolation like Mad Max 1 & 2, while New Vegas is populated of crowds more close to Mad Max 3 that doesn't fit in the sensation of loneliness that we felt being the Lone Wanderer in FO3. In synthesis Obsidian seems very good in their own games, but horrible in outside sagas, it seems that they don't understand the original spirit of a saga; they don't care the kind of game that they are intended to continue, starting from scratch with their own criteria. But when you love a saga (like the three mentioned), you expect more of the same, better and expanded, not another brilliant idea that shits in all that you loved of previous games.
  14. In GECK some objects are active by default, like most doors: you place any animated door in your mod and then when you interact with it, the door runs its open/close animation. But most objects has animations that runs only in certain circumstances. I want to activate some consoles like the “genericconsolpanelonoff01” to 06, located in “Meshes\clutter\consoles”, those nifs has the animations to turn on their lights but when I place them in my mod, they remain off and I can’t interact with them like a door. How can activate them in GECK? If a script is required I know how to add a script but I need the example please.
  15. Thank you for the confirmation, now just in case I must ask if removing with NifSkope is different than using Blender, or I should use blender. The problem is I've changed various armors with NifSkope.
  16. Yes, is more or less the way I wanted but with that script Night Vision will be active every time I wear that helmet and don't consumes Energy Cells. What I want is keep using the first script posted, but only when I wear a helmet, (not freely and with no gear, like VATS, as I'm using right now). Anyway thank you, I searched the imod command in the GECK page and it will be useful to other things in my gear.
  17. Nobody knows :( At least I am searching for a tutorial who explain this.
  18. I play with gore disabled, so in my armors I don’t need the NiTriShapes named “bodymeat”, “headmeat”, etc, that are invisible except when die with gore options. But I leave those pieces in my armors just in case... But now I am adapting my personal armor and I don’t care to see what happens if they hit my character, so in my personal armor I am thinking to remove those pieces of gore using NifSkope, to “optimize” my armor (also I am tired to see my armor segmented any time I open it in NifSkope). First question is if in the future I regret I can recover these pieces from other armor, right? Another question is if removing those pieces could cause known stability problems, or with other mods, or anything I can’t imagine right now.
  19. Fallout Wanderer's Edition is a compilation of the best hardcore mods, but not only that, also is a compilation of a large amounts of new armor, weapons and items, it works like a charm with Mart's Mutant Mod, Fellout and NMC's texture pack among others... But if you have been playing in consoles, maybe all of this sounds as a mountain of new information to you, so, to a time modding I hardly recommend the Gopher's video series, here: http://youtu.be/-SAeXsA6Nt8 It will guide you step by step to mod from scratch in each video with incredible detail. His two firsts mods are FWE and MMM, the two about you are asking.
  20. I know that there are a lot of excellent Night Vision mods (I am already using the Gopher’s Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision which is awesomely easy to use), but I want to do my own mod for study and fun, especially having in mind that it must be the simplest as possible (a minimalistic mod). I have this script working, no quest, no gear, only Night Vision at player demands (as well as VATS). scn ARTNightVisionScript ;Handles the toggle of Night Vision ;This version uses Energy Cells as power -> AmmoSmallEnergyCell short sActive short sEffect float fTimer short sKeyPressed short sJustActivated Begin GameMode if (IsKeyPressed 23 != sKeyPressed) ;If the key 'i' is pressed and released set sKeyPressed to IsKeyPressed 258 if (sKeyPressed) ;Do Nothing else if (sActive == 0) if player.getItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCell > 0 player.removeItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell 1 1 set sJustActivated to 1 set sActive to 1 else ShowMessage ARTNightVisionNoECMsg endif else set sActive to 0 endif endif endif ;Adds Night Vision effect if the Night Vision is on if (sActive) && (sEffect == 0) iMod ARTNightVisionISFX playsound ITMPistolUp set fTimer to 0 set sEffect to 1 endif if (sEffect) if (fTimer >= 10); if sJustActivated set sJustActivated to 0 else player.removeItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell 1 1 endif set fTimer to 0 else set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed endif ;Turn off Night Vision if player is out of AmmoSmallEnergyCell if (player.getItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCell <= 0) && (sJustActivated == 0) set sActive to 0 ShowMessage ARTNightVisionNoECMsg endif ;Turn it off if when the variable say so if (sActive == 0) riMod ARTNightVisionISFX playsound ITMPistolDown set sEffect to 0 endif endif End This script is perfect and I only want to add it to a helmet, as I’ve done with this Water Breathing script (but with Night Vision isn’t so easy) scn WaterbreathingScript begin OnEquip Player player.setav waterbreathing 1 end begin OnUnequip Player player.setav waterbreathing 0 end What is the simplest (minimalistic) way to attach the script to a piece of gear?
  21. I would like to be able to do mods as simple as possible but if it might cause conflicts with other mods, to be sure I must do my mods as it supposed to be. Thanks for the quick answer.
  22. I know that in vanilla the weapon is shown in low resolution by default, and 1st person turns it in more resolution only when you equip this weapon. This thing lower the render process in older PCs when multiple enemies. But If I’m carrying a custom weapon (that only I will be using in the game), the 1st Person Model Object seems unnecessary because (I think), Is less work to do (I need to add only one model in GECK), is less size of the ESP file (because it has less info), and is less work to process by the game (who only has one model to show). By doing that, I noticed that my weapons work the same with, or without, 1st Person Model Object. But I want to know if those assumptions are right, or I’ll need to add 1st Person Model Object due to mod stability, or compatibility, or another thing that I can’t imagine right now...
  23. Testing more deeply, the script works fine until the weapon condition reaches 0, then, if you switch scoped/iron both weapons turns 100% healthy again. I think it would be possible to fix this bug by adding to the script a condition somewhere, but I can't figure out right now.
  24. Perfect, I copied your script with few changes and works like a charm in my mod, haha! endorsed and kudos for you! Now, this is a beginning because I want to do exactly the same but without open the inventory, I am ok by duplicating the weapon in the ESP, the only thing is that I want only one model in my inventory (like your mod do), being able to change the view with the same weapon between (by pressing a key for example). I will investigate by modifying your script but if you have any idea please tellme. Thanks!
  25. I've been looking deeply about mods but found nothing, so I am willing to mod it myself but I don’t know where to start. I need an answer at least about if this is possible, and if it is, what is the best way to start (which mod or script do some similar to have some point of start).
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