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Everything posted by Grabstein

  1. *Oh*. Okay. I'll be honest, I never noticed. Unfortunately, I cannot take a look at that, until this evening. I shall, if no one else is able to figure this out before then.
  2. What, exactly, do you mean by "it does not work in game"? Is there no visible effect, or does the effect/spell fail or not go off? If you're attempting to alter the texture of the effect, make sure that the pathways match, ie in NifSkope check to see that the texture path is actually where the texture is. Have you tried to edit any other models with NifSkope? Are you having this issue with anything else?
  3. I've created a player house mod. For whatever reason, my NPCs are using the vocals from the Throw Voice shout. I will walk up to them, to talk, and will call me the various names that can be observed while using Throw Voice. I'm not sure where I could have screwed something up. :-/ Any help is appreciated.
  4. I'd not gotten around to creating a custom bard package. She's already got her marker but she's in need of a schedule. Yes, you are helping and I do need to finish cleaning up my mod so you can troubleshoot it. I'll try to do that, tonight. There is no crime faction and I'd have to check for the cell ownership, I believe it is set to none. I did notice, however, that the name-calling is listed under the "neutral" conversations, so it's possible that I've just missed something with the vocals. I *really* appreciate your assistance!
  5. I've four separate sleep schedules for all nine NPCs. Each, now, has their own sleep package that points them to their own bed, the bard included. As far as the bard goes, though, she shares the same eating package as everyone else, which works for everyone else. I should probably create more. Either way, even with a custom owned sleep package, she doesn't sleep. She just keeps playing and singing. Perhaps I should have a separate "bard" package, with designated hours, instead of a general sandbox package?
  6. Alright. Everybody is sandboxing just fine. My bard, though, won't *stop* sandboxing to eat or sleep, even though eating and sleeping take presidents. I've changed beds, as the Dwemer doubles don't seem to have activators, for NPCs. Also, each bed is assigned to an NPC. Sometimes, they'll go to bed, but not all. A few that do go to bed will get up after a minute. This is *really* getting frustrating. Yes, I'm working, still, on making this a stand-alone mod, for trouble-shooting purposes.
  7. Yeah, I've had that stuff set, already. Still getting the name-calling. :-/ I, also, need to work on the sleep issue. I'm giving up on the name-calling, for now. Yes, wander is turned on.
  8. To avoid the "multiple masters" error, you need to edit your SkyrimEditor.ini file to say: [General] bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 That will then allow for other mods that rely on *.esms to function.
  9. Alright. I added additional idle markers all over the place. At least 3 in each room. Without changing *anything* else, the "clumping" is gone. Everybody's moving freely, except my vendor, who's set for a small radius. Thanks for the idea, NoN. I've still gotta work on the sleep packages and get the name-calling to stop. The name-calling *could* have something to do with multiple uses of a single package?
  10. Great Googlie Mooglie, Batman! I *never* thought of additional idle markers! Gah!! Thanks for pointing that out! I'm thinking that I'll just make a sleep package for each NPC. It's not that difficult or time consuming. Yes, also, the cell is Ownership is set to PlayerFaction. It is set to the Keywords LocTypeDwelling, LocTypeInn and LocTypePlayerHouse. Yeah, I'm working on making the thing a stand-alone, too.
  11. Would creating several of sandbox packages with the same value work just as well as creating ones that varied by a few hours?
  12. Perhaps, some day. Once I've mastered the n00b area. XP
  13. Their sandboxing was set to "cell", which does not allow for a radius. It is possible that the sharing of packages has caused this "disturbance". The cell is owned by myself, is set as player home and as an inn (I've a bard).
  14. Alright. Here's a screenie of the first sleep package. And one of the layout. Note that I've marked where the NPCs are placed and the place where they decide to spawn with the sandbox package that ties them to the cell.
  15. Is it just me or does this level of "micro-managing" surpass that of Oblivion?
  16. Those are basically my thoughts, as well. I will get some screenies, when I get home. I only configured the sleep packages for times and location with the default "Furniture:Bed" setting. I've not yet specified individual beds, although each bed does have a specific owner. The only NPC that I have specified a bed for goes to bed 3 hours later than scheduled, every time. Waiting and fast waiting no not alter this. *EDIT*: There is only one cell, but multiple rooms. When I set their sandbox to cell, they all stay in the "common room". They do not spawn in the room they should, nor do they spend any time in the room they should spawn in.
  17. Alright, attempting to tackle the sleeping issue, since I can *not* figure out the name-calling. I made four separate sleep packages for my nine npcs. It did not work. I then added an "X" marker. They now draw to the room, but not at their apportioned time. I have assigned them each beds, but they do not sleep. They just stand there until "morning". Is this because I have the "X" marker instead of the individual bed targeted? The "original" sleep package is just a time modified "stock" sleep package, from the game.
  18. Straight from the mod page:
  19. I've not attempted to work on the packages, yet. Gonna work on that, in a few, as soon as I put to good use the valuable lesson of taking a screenshot or jotting down the mod order... >.> *This* is why I've gotta re-order my mods. lol I ran with a completely clean save and unchecked all the mods, save *my* mod. I even went as far as to change the directory name of the "Meshes" and "Scripts" folders. I'm still being heckled. T.T
  20. Have you tried "reverse engineering" the Khajiit head and putting it back together, to see if it's a naming convention or if there's just a texture in the wrong place?
  21. Um, no. I've not tried running my mod on a clean install. I don't have any mods that control AI or behavioral patterns. I shall attempt that, this evening.
  22. Well, yes, they are all running on the same schedule. I had all of them on the same "default" sandbox, earlier, and did not have the issue. Perhaps, it's because I've it set to cell, not to a reference? I just don't understand why they would all spawn in the same room, though, even with the same schedule. They're still set to sandbox, which they do, in the room they spawn in and *only* in that room. :-/
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