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About MrManNo1

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  1. If he is, they didn't do a good job portaying it. Don't read if you don't want to know anything at all about that quest...
  2. The Imperials are just making best of a bad situation. In fact, it was pointed out (by Rikke, I believe) that nobody was even being punished for worshiping Talos in Skyrim until Ulfric got his panties in a bunch. Also, remember, the Empire was STARTED by a Nord, so being against them just because you're a Nord/from Skyrim doesn't really apply. And, honestly, does it really seem like a good idea to break up the provinces of men? They couldn't beat the Thalmor when they were united. What makes anyone think dividing up the Empire into even more groups will be beneficial to their long-term survival? Quite frankly, to me, from a socio-political viewpoint, siding with the Stormcloaks seems like it's just a bad decision, unless you want the Thalmor to win (in fact, I'd imagine the Thalmor want the Stormcloaks to win so they can swoop in and take over...it'll just lead to a repeat of the pre-Alessian slavery of men).
  3. Wait? Someone has a different opinion of what they want their game to look like? HOW DARE THEY! Burn then at the post! It's clearly the only logical solution!
  4. Anyone else having texture issues with this new "update"? My textures were all fine before the patch, and now they're so blurry as to be unrecognizable. My companion's glass armor, for example, is just a big old blur. I did have HD texture packs before, but nothing that affected armor. Anyone have any suggestions as to why this happened all of a sudden? (Note: I've removed all my mods and textures, so that's not it.) Janessa's glass armor: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002023919/screenshot/614968789492062934?tab=public
  5. Thank you very much. That seems like exactly what I needed.
  6. Hi. I am looking for two types of mods. I think both exist (I think I remember seeing them before), but I can't seem to find them. It'd be best if they work with FCOM. 1. A mod to remove the "mercantile" slider. I want to just be able to go in and buy and sell for the best values based on my mercantile skill without having to spend time tweaking the bar. It's just a time-waster, as I always sell for the best value anyway (I start high, and continue to move lower until it sells). I'm almost positive I've seen a mod like this, but I can't remember what it was called. 2. A mod to make buying and selling multiple items easier. It takes to long to sell all my items off after a dungeon run. Some kind of "checkbox" type thing where I choose all of the items I want to sell, then click one button to sell it all is what I'm looking for. I'm not entirely sure this exists, but I think I remember seeing something like it a few years ago. Even if you just know the names, that's fine. You don't need to actually link me to the mod. I'll look for it on my own. Thank you in advance for any help that anyone provides me.
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