The lack of borders on UI elements and the pitch black background on the game main page and search pages really messes with my eyes. It needs to be a lighter color and not straight #00000. If you want to do an AMOLED themed style please just make that an OPTION instead of the default, because it keeps making me think my monitor viewing angle is wrong and colors aren't being portrayed properly.
Please, please, please, PLEASE do not make the beta design mandatory. I can not stand it, especially the home page. It looks awful. Please just put a button in that lets you switch between the old and the new. Please.
Attaching a script to a workshop item to have it conduct power at certain times wouldn't be too hard. Now, if you're talking something more intense like a sensor that specifically responds to certain light levels, I'm not sure if that is possible/practical
I'm not sure if this would work. I don't think that there's any way to make a spell take x magicka over time other than to make it a concentration spell, and I have no idea how the engine would react to a concentration version of an atronach summoning spell.
Thank you so very much for this feature Dark0ne. I started using Adblock because of the frigging autoplaying sound ads, which for some ungodly reason were the only ones that would ever load on my end. Now that we can actually get rid of those, I think it's time I whitelist the Nexus again.
In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199, #28097734 are all replies on the same post. If you don't like the porn mods, then disable adult content. The option is clearly labeled, and no one's forcing you to see them.