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About Stormpriest1066

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    Fallout 4

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  1. For months now I have been having issues w Vortex "failing" to download a mod(s) from Nexus. That was at least circumvented by DLing the archive and dropping it into Vortex. But now, I'm getting a failure to download on collections. I have and have had a premium membership for years now, but I prefer an older version of Vortex as it allows me to mix and match mods that wld otherwise conflict (sadly done away w in the update to Vortex a few months back) and the obnoxious contrasting colour scheme that hurt the eyes after a few minutes. All I can assume is because I prefer to keep my eyesight sans migraines and want to keep the older options available, I am being, what? Blocked? In spite of a long standing premium membership? Or because of it? I am just looking for answers, not having some stranger go digging through my files to find...whatever. The problem is NOT in my PC seeing as I just did a full rebuild and reinstall of everything less than a week ago. Addendum, seeing as how this will happen to some mods and others? No, this is definitely a communication error between vortex and its parent site, Nexus.
  2. I did the same w the UGridstoLoad but still have screen tearing. Gonna look into the Castle mod I do have installed, The Castle restored in and out 2.1. There's another version (1.5) but one seems to be copied from the other. I'll see if a reinstall helps and if not, go into its files as suggested earlier
  3. I thought I had beaten this down but... no. the settlement bp_ is less than 3000 items, ... less than 2000 actually, but lately while in workshop mode, if my camera POV sweeps across a section of patterned wall or roof shingles, it's like the camera will grab a section of said pattern and "smear" it across what ever I change my POV towards. By heavily modded, I mean at present 476 mods. Although, some may be taken out as for what ever reason they have stopped working/doing what the author claimed. the attached pic is showing what I mean. according to workshop, that is simply a section of roof, but the blurred aspect worries me about saving it in Transfer settlements. NOTE, I did take a pic of it but the uploader her kept bitching about it being too big. serious answers only, please. I don't care about profanity/nudity, I do however care about rudeness/politeness.
  4. I had been having issues w random CTDs, open a door *crash* walk around a corner *crash* start convo w npc... you get the picture. So I got that sorted and... now TS wont load a settlement it literally loaded yesterday morning. After 1 or 2 hrs of puttering loading 1 or 2 % every15 to 30/40 seconds, will error out on Duffle bag or a church roof pc (yes, first thing I did was check the mods that offered those) I even tried w o scrap everything. I am at a total loss at this point.
  5. This will happen in char set up or in Looksmenu (slm 14) and only certain ones... Some of these are my own, and for a while I was simply resigned to an unexpected inconvenience. But, when this happened to only certain presets in this collection by Akira https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26385?tab=files (Alice as an example) I realized, I messed up somewhere in my LO but after having gone thru all recent texture DLs... nothing. Any tips, ideas or even wild hunches wld be welcome
  6. for starters, this is on a very heavily modded game (I know, 1/2 my answers are there) So, this does NOT happen when running a "Nora", but does when running a "Nate", When running a male toon, I am loosing convo prompts after initially saying "Hi" They just arent there. We're talkin even w Dogmeat. But, when running a playthrough as a fem... no prob in this regard. I have (just) enough experience to know it is almost certainly an unlisted conflict of mods, but I'll be buggered if I can figure it out. I have at any given point, removed all preset mods (quite a few actually) all terrain mods and even all weapon mods except for weaponsmith etc ( pain in the tailpipe getting that set up) any who, here I sit, hat in hand hoping some one w ill have an idea or three as to what can be done. P.S. ;I'm sure it'll be required at some point so if and when needed I can post a full list of mods I am running.
  7. What I got was an error msg saying "an instance was already active" which of course it wasn't, other wise I wldnt have been trying to open the bugger. I got a pop up req to report this after rebooting, so... here I am
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