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Everything posted by vipermkii

  1. Im just trying to produce a HD blank to color/re-texture. I think that the AO map produces the most 3d/shadowed looking blank so that's what I'll go with.
  2. Ndo2 has a convert normal to cavity option but it always produces a Diffuse map, this is why I'm confused as to what a cavity map is. Also, I read on wiki, I think, that most maps are cavity maps; normals were even listed as cavity maps. @Nuska: Neither of those articles mention cavity map. Also, my not so obvious bump put my thread back on top and snagged some replies :happy:
  3. Here is what I was able to do in a couple of hours of playing around. I converted the HD texture to a normal, converted that to an AO, triple layered the AO and then overlayed the original HD texture over the OA. The amount of detail is amazing! http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/608894-1366747095.jpg
  4. Wow, so no one here is a texture modder?
  5. Hello, So I'm trying to get to the point that I can re-texture armor completely from scratch. Following some advice that I got from Cabal, I got photoshop and Ndo2. He said that he uses bethesda's textures to make normal maps in Ndo2 then he makes a cavity map for the coloring. I can't figure out what a cavity map is but below is a diffuse map that I made from my normal map. Does it look like something that can be colored or am I doing this wrong? I also assume that a diffuse map is a type of cavity map? If this isn't the place to post this can someone point me to a forum/community site for people that make textures for this game? http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/608894-1366695345.jpg
  6. Erm, the flickering seems to have stopped on its own. Has anyone else experienced this?
  7. Hi guys! I'm having two issues that I can't seem to find much on. 1) When I zoom out in 3rd person, the back of every helmet becomes transparent. It's just the back and it is like the farther I zoom out the worse the hair clips. I recently change the hair style and I didn't notice any clipping at first but riding horses and zooming out I noticed it. I've had the same character since launch so is this common and I'm just now noticing it? 2) Steel/Skyforge war axes flicker when they have a blood decal going but only in out doors areas. I have removed every lighting, blood and ax texture mod and it still happens. I swear that I wasn't having these problems before! I'm wondering if they have come from the latest patch or what?
  8. In response to post #7841390. Are you kidding? Have you ever had to slog through 20 pages of comments looking for and answer to a problem with no guarantee that the answer is even there because you don't want to risk being the 50th person to post the exact same question and piss off and drive away the author?
  9. In response to post #7836700. #7837964, #7838010, #7838058, #7838308, #7838548, #7838722, #7838761, #7839396 are all replies on the same post. Dark0ne: Let me just say that I find FTNex's rant to be rude, distasteful and I am rather irked that it is tacked onto my post. I think we can all guess what FTNex stands for.Let me further clarify that I love the Nexus, if I didn't then I wouldn't spend my hard earned money to support it. The only problem I have ever had with Nexus is the comment system but I never communicated my dislike of it in the past. Now though, I'm publishing mods and donating to the site so anytime that I see the subject come up I am going to politely but loudly 'voice' my opinion on the subject.On another matter, giving everyone the ability to delete their own post would be nice. I know that I've needed such a basic feature in the past, mostly because I asked for help and ended up solving it myself or my post is out of date. I know of at least one time when I posted my comment entirely on the wrong mod page (it was really late at night).As to the comment rep system, I had no idea that Nexus had haters like that, as I said I was away for a couple of months during which it was removed; wtf is wrong with people? Thanks for answering that one DrakeTheDragon!And thanks Ahvaren for answering #3!
  10. In response to post #7838907. If every potential user knows that everyone who downloaded it has cast a vote, then the ratio of downloads to endorsements will speak to the quality of the mod.
  11. Since they are kinda relevant to this topic, I have three questions: 1) Why the heck can't any of us delete our own comments? I know this feature existed for a hot minute. . . 2) what happened to the comment rating system? Seems like it would help this situation. It might not solve the entire problem but before I was publishing mods I certainly made good use of it, upping helpful comments, awesome comments and shunning stupid comments. I wasn't able to use Nexus for a couple of months so really, what happened to it? 3) How about a system that kinda forces people to say yay or nay to the mods that they downloaded? Maybe once a week when people log on, the are directed to a page where they take the literal 15 seconds that it takes to click some up or down thumbs? It's ridiculous that the most endorsed file of all time has nearly three million downloads but less than fifty thousand endorsements. A more detailed endorsement system could alleviate some of that "does it work?" anxiety.
  12. I am very happy to see that nexus plans to give authors some control over their comment sections. I have read through the comments to this blog piece and so far the number one objection to this plan goes something like this "well if the author deletes all of the 'negative' comments then I won't know if I like the mod or not". This attitude is exactly why authors need the ability to delete comments. Comments are apparently affecting whether or not users download a mod when users should be taking the time to test it out and decide for themselves. Sometimes I cannot believe the absolute stupidity of some of these comments that I read, or the unbelievable arrogance of someone who's second post ever is a dissertation on how they think a mod is still in beta, etc. I had my first experience with bad comments recently. I released a mod that I kinda hoped would make the hot file list but it was hit early with several bad comments that I couldn't do anything about. I call these bad comments because they trash talked my mod while making no suggestion on how to improve them, they were almost malicious. Also, because of how quickly these comments showed up, I'm pretty sure that the posters didn't even try the mod but only looked at my rather simple screenshots. I ended up shutting off the comment section but I think that it was too late. And before anybody reads this and cries "I don't want a bad mod to breaked ma game" let me say that I have been downloading mods for years now and I have never had a mod that caused permanent damage to any of my games. It's real simple, save the game, install the mod, test the mod, if it works continue on with life and be sure to not endorse it (sarcasm here). If the mod doesn't work, uninstall it, revert to pre-mod save and continue on with life. It is that simple (personally, I learned long ago that 99% of mod problems are solved by adjusting the load order). Also, people need to acquire a certain level of knowledge before they jump into using mods. People need to know about load orders, learn how .esp and .bsa files work and except the fact that two mods that mod the same things are going to conflict. Long story made short: Modders want to kill malicious comments, users want some kind of peer pressure system to tell them if they should try a mod or not; perhaps the middle ground cannot be found in the comment section but lay elsewhere.
  13. In response to post #7773583. +1 I thought I might be alone on this but then I found a 30 page thread on the forum about this very issue.
  14. In response to post #7772106. It works both ways pal. What about all of those users who can't find their data folder to save their life? That then go on to spam comment sections with message about mods being broken? You know, that horde of people who,even with NMM, manage to mess up a simple texture install and can't figure out why their character is "invisible"? I at least have the courtesy to send mod authors a p.m. when I think that there is a error instead of spamming their comment section with messages that drive away potential downloads. What if a modder abuses the ability to moderate the comment section of THEIR mod? What about it? Why should anyone care if they do? I certainly don't go diving into the comment section of every mod I try before I try it. I download it, test it out and if something is broken then I check the mod's comment section for an answer. If the problem can't be solved then I delete the mod and I don't endorse it. I been downloading mods from Nexus for a long time now and I know I have downloaded plenty of mods that have had a bunch of comments crying that it's broken etc., guess what? I installed it properly and it worked fine (I'm talking about way before NMM days). Had I gone by the comments I would have never taken a chance on it. This is something that has bothered me about Nexus for a long time and is one of the reasons that I have held off on making mods for a long time and is something that I would like to see changed. Maybe I'm the lone voice here, I dunno. However, since the topic came up, I'm taking the opportunity to make my point even if it falls on deaf ears.
  15. In response to post #7770287. #7770969 is also a reply to the same post. You just made my point that mods are looked over because of negative comments, many of which are unjustified. Also consider this: A user posts a comment about a legitimate error with a mod. The author repairs the mod yet the comment that it is broken remains. There is no guarantee that people who read the negative comment will also read the comment that the mod was fixed. Furthermore, so what if people abuse the ability to delete comments. A person can take one look at a mod page and tell if the modder is a serious and "professional" modder based on the quality of their description page, screenshots and the content of their comment section. I think lacking the ability to moderate the comment section is an infringement on mod authorship.
  16. Why don't you guys just give modders the ability to delete comments from the comment section. I have seen mods where there is a blitz of just bad, non-constructive comments that serve no other purpose than to drive away potential users. We take the time to make the mod and set up the page for it but we can't be trusted to moderate our own comment section? At least give us an ability to clear the comment section, I have at least one mod where I have had to disable the comment section completely because of a blitz of bad comments. I rely on the comment section for feedback but these were comments that just trashed talked the mod and offered no suggestions on how to improve it. Then there are the comments that try to bully modders into doing something that go something like this: "If it had -blank- I would download it and endorse it", like this somehow entices modders to work their balls off to satisfy one person. The comment section is so simple and easy to use, does it make more sense to add a few moderation options to it? Also +1 to oldest post first format! It would be a big help to people trying to troubleshoot a mod.
  17. I had the same problem. For me, it was caused by a mod called "Realistic Ragdolls and Force". I had an older version of the mod, I solved the issue by disabling it and I have not tested the latest version yet.
  18. Howdi! Does anybody here know if its possible to combine crafting and shrine blessings? For example, I craft a certain helmet and when I do it adds a blessing of kyne? I don't want it to be permanent or happen every time I equip the helmet, just when I craft it. Thanks for any advice!
  19. Hi, new modder here! I would very much like to add a torch glow effect to the flame atronach, but I have no idea where to start. so here are my questions: 1. The editior IDs, which is the atronach that is summoned and which is the one that exists 'naturally'? 2. Do I need to add this effect to all of the flame atronachs that the CK lists? 3. What is the editor ID for the torch glow effect? 4. Is this even possible? I have played around with the editor some, mostly i added a couple of new helmets and changed some NPCs; Ive been trying to do this for a day now and I have not made any progress. While I'm at it, I use the hotkey torch mod. When equipping a torch it make a clicking sound, I would like to change the sound effect to something fire related. Does anybody have any tips on how to do this? thanks for any assistance!
  20. Hi!! So I decided to do this and I discovered that the ring was on the main mesh but was missing from the 1st person mesh. So I copied the branch from the main mesh and pasted branch in the 1st person mesh under the main node. I had to adjust the x and y values a little, it shows up in game and here is the problem, it stays attached to the axe when its drawn from the sheathed position. here is a link to the turtorial that I used: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Making_New_Armor_Using_NifSkope Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
  21. So, does anybody know the trick to editing the iron helmet and adding it to the game as a new item? I can get the world model and the smithing and tempering recipes to work but I can't get the helmet to show on the character. Any advise??
  22. Thanks, I'll get started on that. I about the n.dds files, are those done with a special function in GIMP or do I just airbrush with those psychedelic colors?
  23. I think that I want to add the iron helmet to my mod, I would like to add one more section to it so that it protects the jaw. How do I get started with editing meshes?Can it be done with NifSkope?
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