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Everything posted by antistar

  1. Oof, that's a bit of a rabbit-hole, and I'm not sure how far it's worth going down it. Mainly because Bethsoft's world design didn't stretch far enough to cover that sort of detail, so there's not much to grab onto there - if you know what I mean. It's the sort of thing Obsidian gave a lot of thought to (for FNV), but not Bethsoft. (Or if they did, they didn't act on it.) I mean don't get me wrong; Bethsoft make worlds that are great to explore... they're just not so great to think about very hard - at least post-Morrowind. Anyway, it's something I have given some thought to - you could say that there were massive stockpiles of weapons, ammo, equipment, etc thanks to the war with China, and then suddenly very few people to use all those tons of guns/ammo after the bombs fell. You could also say that some organisations do have access to weapons/ammo factories (e.g. the Gun Runners). And hey, maybe others still bought the Contraptions DLC. ;) I don't know, it'll be what it needs to be (in the context of WARS), since it's mainly just background detail. For what it's worth though, when I'm designing something I do usually use reality (or believability) as at least a starting point.
  2. Yeah, I think some people forget that the Fallout games have always had a bunch of real-world weapons in them - and not just pre-"divergence" ones. Maybe due to the way Bethsoft have approached weapons in FO3 and FO4. But just look at Fallout Tactics for example. (Fun fact; I used to work at Micro Forte, the studio behind Fallout Tactics. Tactics was before my time there, but I heard some interesting stories about its development, and a bunch of the character portraits in the game are actually photoshopped photos of people I worked with there.) In any case, I'm not too concerned either way with Fallout lore when it comes to WARS. I'm not trying to be lore-friendly, but I'm not going out of my way to break it, either. I have had a soft spot for the TMP (slash B&T MP9) ever since Resident Evil 4 - that's why it's in the Modern Weapons add-on for WMX. So I am considering it. Don't know about the P90. I think I remember Shiny Haxorus working on some P90 animations though, so that might make it more likely. I also don't know about the Steyr AUG, but there'll probably be an L85 (another bullpup assault rifle) at some point. That was actually Hitman's suggestion; he was keen to get some bullpup animations out there for people to use. Oh, the laser noise stuff was just an aside during this LP of Factorio I've been watching. Somewhere before episode 20, I think; can't remember exactly, sorry. From memory he was basically saying the same things it said in the wikipedia article I linked to, though. Rapid, high-pressure expansion of air around the beam due to its heat. I'm not aware of any mods that do this, but if you were able to track it down, I'd be very interested to check it out.
  3. What I have in mind for WARS should address most of what you've said there. The "10mm Pistol" has been replaced by the Glock 20, but that's also a 10mm pistol... just a real-world one. I'll likely have 9x19mm and .45 ACP variants available too, and at earlier levels it will probably be the 9x19mm variant that you encounter. I'm not getting rid of the pipe weapons; I think they make a lot of sense. Well... maybe not how elaborate they can get, but that they exist. Before FO4 was announced I was considering adding them myself, actually - though I probably would've called them "zip guns".
  4. Clockwork is the most difficult, ambitious, complicated and time-consuming thing I have ever done - and if I ever try to do anything like it again it will mean that I have actually gone insane. It took nearly five years to make, and that is Far Too Long. a) I was actually watching an LP of Factorio recently where they were talking about that (in relation to a mod that changed the laser turrets in that game), and they said some interesting things. Apparently a sufficiently powerful laser beam will make a noise like thunder - for the same reasons lightning produces thunder. b) Probably not, but I suppose you could try to explain it away as the result of moving parts in a cooling system... or something. c) Well there's the accuracy of the weapon and then the accuracy of the person using the weapon. Right now I don't know if FO4 handles those things separately. (If anyone does know, er... let me know.) Probably not, sorry. Part of the idea behind WARS is to go closer to the real world, rather than further away from it. That said, I'm not planning to absolutely go ham in that area and use real-world brand names for specific after-market gun parts, or anything. I want to use common (but descriptive) names for things as much as possible - like "AR-15", for example.
  5. Thanks guys. That might depend on how such a mod is set up, and on however I need to set it up in the end. If I'm just editing existing levelled lists, and the other mod is just using existing levelled lists, it'd be fine. I did mention that incompatibilities would be likely in my commentary there, though. It's sort of par for the course with big overhauls. ;)
  6. Alright, hey everyone. I originally posted this WIP thread a few weeks ago, over on the new Bethesda.net forums. It's been a habit of mine for a while now (e.g. WMX, Clockwork) to post WIP threads on the official Bethsoft forums, so I decided to give the new beta forums a chance and did the same thing with WARS. However... there's very little activity there, and while the forum software they've got now is an improvement over the absolutely awful "old new" forum software, it's still not great to use. So it's past time I just posted the WARS WIP thread here instead! For a while there I (frustratingly) didn't have much time to work on WARS as I was insanely busy moving house. On top of that, the Skyrim Special Edition came out so I wanted to port Clockwork and get that out of the way. I'm back on WARS now though, thankfully. Here's what I've done recently; a Beta C-Mag for the AR-15 and Mini-14: - Beta C-Mag 01 - Beta C-Mag 02 - Beta C-Mag 03 Just screenshots of it in Substance Painter there. This was done from scratch, though I used this (very) old model by Twinke Masta as a reference for its dimensions. I kind of had to, as I'd used that model as a placeholder so that Hitman could do the animations for it. Speaking of which, if you haven't seen them already, Hitman has been posting some videos of what he's been doing for WARS on his channel, so check them out. Notably there's the AR-15 and Mini-14. (Note that those are only placeholder textures in the videos.) Next up, I'll be continuing work on the AR-15.
  7. FAQ The Weapons Mod Features (Exhaustive) (List of already implemented changes and additions, copied from draft readme for WARS. Updated occasionally.) Commentary An interview with me went up on Bethesda.net on 22-06-20, covering my mods generally but also touching on WARS and PEACE: - Monthly Modder: Antistar --- Part 1 --- Part 2
  8. Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS) Downloads - WARS - Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite - PEACE - Project Extend And Change Everything - War and Peace - WARS-PEACE Compatibility Patch - The War Room - WARS Compatibility Patches - Peace In Our Time - PEACE Compatibility Patches M1911 - WARS Standalone Weapon (M1911-WSW) Download: M1911-WSW Thompson SMG Replacer (TSR) Download: Thompson SMG Replacer TSR features the Thompson SMG as a replacer for the vanilla SMG, split off into a standalone mod. Similarly, M1911-WSW splits the M1911 pistol off into a standalone mod, but as a new weapon. Note: Everything below this point in the post - and everything in the second post - is considered outdated legacy information now. Refer to the Nexus pages above for up-to-date info. The world you knew has gone mad. Not the guns, though; they're just as you remember them. Well... it would be nice to say that, but Fallout 4 features firearms that are mostly made-up; not based on real-world weapons. "Fantasy Firearms", I call them. I generally like the way they look aesthetically... but they don't make much sense as actual firearms. Many are comically over-sized. Some have lots of excess junk on them that doesn't do anything, while others lack the detail required to convince as weapons rather than toys. In short, I prefer the approach Obsidian took to firearms in Fallout New Vegas: they're mostly based on real-world weapons. Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS) adds a range of new real-world weapons to Fallout 4. Some of them replace those vanilla fantasy firearms, while others are purely new additions and meant to complement the somewhat sparse arsenal of firearms in the base game. Not all vanilla firearms are replaced. Only some of the "Guns" - no Energy weapons are replaced. However the lacklustre firearms are just the most obvious, most visible face on a deeper issue in Fallout 4. Its combat mechanics overall are somewhat simplistic; more "arcade-shooter video-game" than "immersive sim". It seems like Borderlands was a strong influence on combat design in Fallout 4 - and I like Borderlands too! However I prefer STALKER... and Fallout New Vegas. So while WARS starts by replacing existing weapons and adding new ones, it doesn't end there. It also overhauls weapon behaviour and combat mechanics generally, aiming to create a more interesting, believable, consistent and immersive combat and survival experience in Fallout 4. See the Mod Features section below for more details on exactly what WARS does. Just to be up-front, however; WARS is an overhaul, and I don't use that term lightly. It's designed to make far-reaching changes to weapons and combat in FO4. Existing mods that add new weapons will usually require a compatibility patch to play nicely with WARS. Note that WARS has a sister mod in Project Extend And Change Everything (PEACE). WAR(S) and PEACE, you see? Where WARS is an overhaul targeting Fallout 4's weaponry and combat mechanics, PEACE is an overhaul targeting everything else that I think needed attention. The two mods can be used separately, but they are designed to be used together. WARS is built on the hard work of a number of people (i.e. it uses several modder's resources), but with additional work on these assets to hopefully maintain a high level of quality and consistency across the mod. I'm also incorporating my own from-scratch assets into WARS as needed. Additionally, Hitman47101 is kindly contributing animations for the weapons in this mod, which I'm pretty excited about. Here's the all-important list of weapons I'm aiming to include in WARS: Rough Weapon List (More detail in second post) Screenshots and Videos
  9. If you can believe it, I've been in almost daily contact with nvidia customer support about this since my last post. Running a huge battery of tests; swapping video cards back and forth, trying different driver versions and options, etc. It's been a huge pain in the arse. Basically it seems like nvidia messed something up with recent driver versions that breaks various older games, and unfortunately it looks like it can't be fixed simply by rolling back to older drivers. They really messed something up. We finally seem to have gotten somewhere though with getting Skyrim at least to work properly and not cause the computer to black screen on exit until you restart it. For me, at least, running the game in borderless windowed mode via OneTweak seems to have fixed it for the time being. Now there's just the issue of the new drivers causing Fallout New Vegas to crash instantly when it finishes loading a save... but that is a whole other issue.
  10. Only if Skyrim was the only game I was ever going to play from this point on - which it's not, of course. ;)
  11. I replaced my GTX 770 with a GTX 1060 just yesterday, and I'm having the same issue after updating the geforce drivers to WHQL 372.54. I did a bit of searching around and it seems like others are seeing the same thing. I just submitted a query to nvidia customer support about it; we'll see if I hear back from them. In the meantime, if anyone has any ideas, please let us know.
  12. Well this is exciting. Until now, with any mod that's popped up with the merest hint of maybe possibly having new animations, I've had to post something like "hey what did you say animations? Do you know how to get new animations into FO4?" :woot: ... Only to be disappointed. Thank you very much for putting all this together. What I'm most interested in are new weapon animations (e.g. grips, reloads, bolt cycling), so if possible, guides/resources/etc on how to get those into FO4 would be much appreciated. Once I get time (the thing that's been holding me up is my 4.5-years-in-the-making Skyrim mod that just went into beta), I've been thinking of making some new weapon animations myself if possible. I have actually done weapon animation before... but that was for an Unreal 2 mod over a decade ago, and I didn't really enjoy doing it. I just really want to see some more appropriate weapon animations in the game for real-world weapons.
  13. In response to post #37995420. #38007935 is also a reply to the same post. Thanks man; I appreciate it. :) I did actually try to send an e-mail to [email protected] about it earlier, but got a Delivery Status Notification (Failure) for it; not sure what happened there.
  14. Oh hey, an old UT3 map of mine is in there; DM-Courtyard. That takes me back. Guess I should probably claim it like it says on there. :)
  15. I am busy right now (Clockwork has taken a very long time but I want to finish it, dammit!) - anyone who feels like taking up something like CM should just go for it. I do hope that they're open to suggestions/advice, though. :wink: I said the same thing, of course; not much point adding things just because you can think of them. They were just examples, but if you're curious about my thoughts behind them: Brass, Explosive material, Gunpowder - Ammo and explosives crafting Bricks, Mortar - Construction with bricks Clay - Making bricks Dye, Thread - Crafting clothes Iron, Paper - Speculating about mods that might add more detail to object breakdown; some things are made of iron, not steel. Or paper, not cloth. Paint - Construction, painting weapons/armour Solder - Partially or completely replacing adhesive in recipes for items with lots of metal (e.g. guns). Stone - Construction
  16. Craft Master The short version: Caliber but for crafting components. The detailed version: I suspect there will be a lot of mods that expand on the crafting system in FO4. Some of these mods will likely add new crafting components, to be used in new or existing recipes. If two or more mods add the same component (e.g. brass, paper, stone, etc), things would be a bit messy for people using those mods together. They would be finding multiple different kinds of (ostensibly) the same component - each of which could be used in some recipes that call for that component, but not others. A solution would be to create a mod like Caliber, mentioned above; a master plugin that contains a bunch of common crafting components that other mods could draw upon. Hence the name "Craft Master" (CM). The general idea is that CM wouldn't add any of these components to the game world itself. A mod that needs a component from CM would be the one to add that component to the world - e.g. by having it as a result from breaking down items, adding it to levelled lists, etc. That said, there is the possibility of CM incorporating some kind of framework for adding components to the game world somehow when a child mod sets a global in CM or something. (E.g. "shipments" available from merchants.) That's sort of why I put this up as a brainstorming topic; discuss! I've been thinking about this for a while, but I wasn't sure when to put up a thread. First there were no FO4 modding forum sections (because the game wasn't out), and then there were, but they were/are moving so quickly it seemed like it would be lost in the crowd... and I was too busy just playing the game, anyway. In any case, I can see myself making CM, but I don't have any solid plans right now for when that might be. I still want to finish Clockwork before I get distracted by making mods for FO4. We'll see how long my willpower holds out. I'm not... "laying claim" to the idea of CM or anything; that'd be sort of silly. I thought I should put the idea out there in case it hasn't been already though - and sooner rather than later, given the sort of mod it would be. If someone does feel like picking this up and running with it, my advice would be: - Look at how Caliber works if you're not familiar with it. (I'm not saying copy it, but it's a good reference point.) - Be prepared to be in there for the long haul. CM doesn't necessarily have to be a high-maintenance mod, but occasionally updating it with new components (that have been requested, say) is to be expected. - Following on from the above; be prepared to hand maintenance off to someone else if you no longer have time for modding FO4 at some point in the future. - Don't feel obliged to add every component that pops into your head, or the heads of random people commenting on the mod. There's not much point if they're not actually going to be used. - An ideal situation for adding a new component is that a modder wants it for a mod they're making, and perhaps has even made assets for it that they would like to contribute. Finally, here are some potential common crafting components off the top of my head: Brass Bricks Clay Dye (black, white/bleach, primary colours) Explosive material Gunpowder (maybe pistol and rifle powder as in FNV) Iron Mortar Paint (black, white, primary colours) Paper Solder Stone Thread This is definitely a community-oriented sort of thing, so yes... discuss!
  17. I've been thinking about this lately too. Something that might work alright is having an appropriate icon appear above each settler's head when you're in Workshop mode or looking at them (similar to how looking at a companion from a distance pops up a prompt). Some text info to go with it could be good too; e.g. "Caravan: Settlement X to Settlement Y", the names of the crops a farmer is assigned to, etc. I imagine all this will probably need the GECK and maybe F4SE, though.
  18. Very nice work, guys. :) I was just testing it out and it works beautifully; I'll definitely be adding a link to this on WMX's Nexus page (maybe once it has a more permanent download location). There was only one issue I noticed, and it would only come up in relatively uncommon cases: if a weapon mod does not have an effect defined in the weapon record, the description in your menu for that weapon mod seems to be chosen randomly. (Or maybe not randomly; I just don't know how it's chosen.) The Laser Pistol Combat Sights weapon mod from GRA is set up this way; no effect defined because it's mainly a cosmetic change to the weapon. I did a similar thing with a weapon mod for the .45 Auto SMG in WMX-HonestHearts. When I checked them out just now, the Laser Pistol Combat Sights had ammo increase listed for its effect, and the .45 Auto SMG Night Sights from WMX-HH had damage increase - from memory. The mod effects are just set to 'None' in the weapon records for those weapons.
  19. Arenovalis: I've sent you a PM. :)
  20. Nice: this feature can only help. If I could make a suggestion, though; this part: Could be a bit misleading. Perhaps it could instead say something like: It makes me uneasy as it is now. I don't want to claim that all assets in a mod belong to me if that's not strictly the case.
  21. Worked like a charm for me. I'm glad this article was here. :)
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