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Everything posted by Shadowfen

  1. Your problem is in the segment of code above... You are missing the "set" in front of "count1once to 1"
  2. From the UESP Oblivion wiki: Edla may attack horses, including the player's horse, as an unintended side effect of her AI for retrieving arrows after her target practice. (If a horse has been shot with an arrow, it goes into the horse's inventory and her AI will try to retrieve it from there by killing the horse. She won't attack the player or NPCs for arrows as her Responsibility statistic is too high to allow that.)
  3. What armor level is your character and how full was your inventory? There is a known issue with vanilla Oblivion inventory that is rather "full" and you are able to repair armor and weapons to 125% health - If you have a number of 125% health items in your inventory, then random items that are in your inventory may become invisible/not selectable. They are still there, and you can (eventually) get to see/select them again by gradually removing the items that you can see from your inventory until the hidden items come back into view. (As I recall, containers suffered from the same issue.) Edit: Sometimes I might have had to close the inventory screen after removing items, and then the hidden items would appear after I reopened the inventory/container.
  4. Maybe someone else knows another way, but I do not. Sorry.
  5. OBSE 17 or better provides the ability to work with strings. You would have to depend on that.
  6. Bash actually recommends against putting the mods directory in the same directory with oblivion. They don't even have to be on the same hard drive. You will have to copy mopy\bash_default.ini into mopy\bash.ini and then edit mopy\bash.ini to tell it where you have placed your Oblivion Mods directory.
  7. It's a little confusing replying to two different requests. :) So far as I have been able to determine, you cannot have two differently named (name visible in the game) references to the same object. For each unique name that you want to have, you need to have a unique object to make a reference from. In the case of the person who wants to have a "Player's Corpse" reference with the appropriate name, you could create the Corpse object in the construction set and then change the name to the player's name with a script (and place a ref whereever you wish). For the person that wants multiple unique "trophies"? best I can suggest is to create "x" number of these objects and rename them through a script - this gives you a fixed number of uniquely named things you could use. The problem is that the visible in-game name comes from the object - not the reference - so every reference to a particular object will always have the same name. When the object name changes, all of the references will inherit the new name.
  8. You might want to check the readme for Dark Dungeons. According to the information I've read, you should use one or the other esp - not both. Edit: I really should read to the end before replying. Tomlong already mentioned this. :biggrin:
  9. You might want to check the readme for Dark Dungeons. According to the information I've read, you should use one or the other esp - not both.
  10. Just use the later save file with the different name. It contains all of your work in it. The original esp is now an older version of the mod. You could rename the files so that your current working esp is whatever you want the mod esp name to be.
  11. I am running 275 myself - haven't gotten around to upgrading yet. I used the 275 self-installer for Bash and the Wrye Python 02. Just removed and reinstalled to see how it works for me. Run wrye_python_02-????.exe. When it asks for a directory, give it a directory to unpack the various package installation file into for subsequent use by the installer. It is safe to accept the default answers for all of the questions. Run Wrye_Bash_275_-_Self_Installer-????.exe. Verify that it found your oblivion directory and let it finish installing. (Optional) Create a shortcut to oblivion\mopy\wrye bash launcher.pyw for your desktop. You can use one of the icons in oblivion\mopy\images if you like. In oblivion\mopy copy bash_default.ini into a new bash.ini file. Edit your new bash.ini file to set sOblivionMods=E:\usr\Oblivion Mods where you replace the "E:\usr\Oblivion Mods" with the full path of the directory where you want to keep your mod archives for use with the Bain installer. That gets me a working wrye bash - and for reference, I'm running on Win7 Ultimate 64.
  12. As I dimly recall, there is a point in the wryepython install where one of the packages will ask you if it should be the default version. You should choose 'yes' for that, but everything else with that pretty much took care of itself I believe. Then Wrye Bash itself should get installed/unpacked to the Oblivion directory (where "oblivion.exe" is). Hope it is working for you now.
  13. You probably want to use the GetSelf function to get a reference to the magic effect target, and then test that reference to make sure that it is both an Actor (using IsActor) and is not a creature (using IsCreature) before executing the setessential on the reference. Probably might want to make sure that the reference is not to the player as well - I'm not really sure what would happen if you attempted to set the player as essential. <g>
  14. There are two mods I know of where you can obtain "forgiveness" for your transgressions. I have not played either one to know how good they are - they sound pretty good. Forgiveness and Slander Forgiven Sins
  15. The troubleshooting guide: The documentation does not seem to say what the right place is. I have been reinstalling python files and moving them all over the place and not having any luck. I can find about a hundred files some of them starting with "wx**" but I have not located a pure wx.py. There is a folder named wx, but it doesn't help me if I move it to make the file path C:\Games\Oblivion\Mopy\wx I don't know if it is relevent, but I am cursed with Windows Vista. From the reference in one of your quotes to python 2.5, it sounds as though either the document was not updated, or you have an elderly version of Wrye Bash. It also sounds like you have installed python yourself? I would advise pulling down the latest Wrye Bash (at least version 275 or better) AND the wrye python 02 file from TESNexus. The Wrye Python will install the proper version of python and all of the extras that bash needs in the appropriate places that bash expects to find them. Then install the new version of wrye bash, and everything should be find. Since you mention Windows Vista, I hope that you have installed Oblivion somewhere other than in Program Files (x86) - or less optimally have turned off UAC. Surely you must have since you mention having a modded Oblivion that works. :biggrin:
  16. From your other thread you said: This leads me to believe that your Oblivion is not "damaged" - you are just running into the Win7/Vista UAC issue. You could turn off UAC just while you install the patch, all mods, and organize your load order - and then remember to turn it on again - or else you can uninstall Oblivion and install it again in some directory that is not under \Program Files (x86). Many people use c:\games\oblivion. The basic situation is that your operating system is protecting you from oblivion updates and mods because oblivion is in one of Windows "special" directories.
  17. Make a copy of the file Oblivion\Mopy\Extras\Bashed Patch,0.esp and paste it into Oblivion\Data. Then you should be able to regenerate your patch in Wrye Bash.
  18. That (ElsweyrAnequina.ESP) is the more complicated scenario that Tomlong referred to. The best information I can offer about that is the De-Isolation Tutorial in the CS Wiki. The part that you are particularly interested in is the ESP Mastering. The esps you referred to above depend upon Oblivion.esm because they are oblivion mods <g>, and they depend upon ElsweyrAnequina.esp particularly because they want to be able to use resources which were defined in the esp (i.e. not available from vanilla oblivion.esm).
  19. Since you had only 2.5 python before you got PyFFI, then the version of Wrye Bash that you had required specifically the 2.5 version and would not work with 2.6 (which was what I suspected). Installing 2.6 changed some of the "make this version default" settings for python that caused Wrye Bash to cease working - because it was using the default (which was no longer 2.5). Installing the wrye python 02 will upgrade several extra python packages to work with 2.6 instead of the missing 2.5, and the newer versions of Wrye Bash now require Python 2.6. So, not only will Wrye Bash work again, but PyFFI should still continue to work. <g>
  20. I presume that it is loaded automatically, but I don't run the steam version myself so I must trust the readme. <g> Accordingly, once the obse dlls are in place for the steam version, you should be able to select mods that require obse and they should just work. (They should just work setting aside other factors such as load orders and mod conflicts of course. <g>)
  21. I believe that it is as simple as checking the esm file(s) that you want the esp to be dependent on (as well as the esp of course) when you load up Data in the TESCS, then make your changes to the esp (which you marked as active) and save it. Now it depends on the esm files that you had selected. (I mostly do it by accident and have to figure out how to undo it. <g>)
  22. I'm only mildly familiar with PYFFI but know that it is a python program. Did it install a version of python on your system (or did you install it) in order to support PYFFI? Which version(s) of python do you have installed? Which version of Wrye Bash do you have? Is it the latest available? If you do not have at least version 275 of Wrye Bash (with the Wrye Python 02 installation), you should upgrade to it.
  23. The file copying part was fine, but you read the wrong section when looking for how to start Oblivion (Steam) with OBSE:
  24. The UOP (at least the version I tried) can cause CTD's when they are newly applied to a save game that is long advanced (already head of most of the guilds, Champion of Cyrodiil, etc). I didn't know why, but it happened to one out of three of my characters consistently and UOP was demonstratively the cause.
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