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Posts posted by Shadowfen


    -I tried installing the official patches for 1.2.0416 just to be sure, but when I did, oddly enough, It would not patch, it say "Old file not found" a dozen times



    Any advice would be greatly appreciated


    BTW, you don't need to install the official patch for 1.2.0416 because you already have it (as a consequence of loading the disk 2 Shivering Isles of the GOTY edition - it comes with the patch already).

  2. Hey. I recently installed Nehrim for oblivion and have been playing it over christmas break. I installed obse v.19b in the Nehrim folder and did some minor modding to the meshes, spell scripts, etc. Until today nothing has gone wrong except some expected performance lags. But when i tried to load the game this morning, i got an error message "Couldn't inject dll". I'm running every application as an administrator, i've patched nehrim and my base oblivion as high as possible, and i made no changes to my system prior to the bug. I'm looking for any definite solution.


    If nothing has changed, then you should start to look at things that change behind your back - like OS, antivirus, firewall updates.


    Try disconnecting from the internet (or disabling your network connection) and then turning off your antivirus and/or firewall. Now try to run oblivion/nehrim.


    If it works, either your firewall or antivirus is not permitting dll injections because it is perceived to be a "hacker" technique. You would need to figure out how to make your firewall/AV make an exception to its rule for oblivion.exe/obse_launcher.exe to be allowed to do that. And the Construction Set should have the exact same problem.

  3. I successfully installed Wrye Bash and then installed BOSS by activating the installer in the Oblivion Folder. BOSS works perfect when I click on it, it goes to the internet and updates the masterlist. Now when I activate Wrye Bash the BOSS logo does not show at the bottom of the panel. I also tried to install BOMM, but once I go through the procedure, it tells me that I need to create an empty masterlist. I try to do this using Settings to no avail. I looked at the help files on Wrye Bash, BOSS, BOMM and the internet but can't find anything related to this. Please, if anyone knows how to work this out, once again please let me know.


    BOSS recently changed the way that it worked so now you have to have the version of Wrye Bash that supports your version of BOSS. If you have the version of BOSS that has a BOSS directory and can automatically pull down masterlist updates, then you must have Wrye Bash 290 or better because the older versions of Wrye Bash don't know how the new BOSS works.


    Edit: Also, I'm not sure that BOMM is compatible with the new BOSS - or necessary for that matter now that you can have a userlist to supplement the masterlist for your mods that masterlist does not have.

  4. I appreciate the advice and tips! I guess I am most concerned about encountering a major error, like the ones I encountered in Morrowind. I want as many of those Bethesda f-ups repaired as humanly possible. I like to play in such a way as to try absolutely everything within the game itself before consulting a printed guide or a website for advice or extra information. My frustration with Morrowind was partly fed by this playing style; the final straw was that expansion pack quest that I tried to defeat for weeks. By the time I had given up and looked up info online to discover that it was programming error, I had no saved game to return to that pre-dated the quest. (One of the main points Bethesda made to avoid the constant crashing was to keep only 3 saved games, which I had begun to do; so it was the advice of how to avoid one type of programming screw-up that forced the impossibility of following the directions for fixing another).


    I will research this OOO and FCOM mod. I don't see a need for custom armor or weapons, but strict superficial improvements would be fine. Anything to increase the immersion and self-directed theatrical experience. Nothing to alter the danger.


    Once you've installed your GOTY disk 2 with Shivering Isles (and coincidentally the latest official patch), get and install the Unofficial Oblivion Patch mod(s) which make sweeping fixes to a variety of oblivion bugs and oopsies. I'd also recommend Denock Arrow and Toggleable Quantity Prompt which take care of a couple of glaring annoyances in the game interface.

  5. Win 7 64, and no I don't use program files folders for games.

    I went with 275 -> 287 -> 290 (before I did it that way, it wouldn't even run.)

    I've previously used Wrye Python 03a, wxpython, python, etc. so I shouldn't be missing any of that.


    Okay here's something that you might try:

    In the same directory as the Oblivion directory itself, you should find an Oblivion Mods directory. Inside that directory, you should see a directory named Bash Mod Data. Inside there is a Table.dat file - try removing it and allowing Bash to regenerate it.


    (I had hoped that the iKeepLog setting in the bash.ini would work, but apparently they have not finished implementing it yet...sorry)

  6. I followed the instructions, tried several times in case I missed something, as carefully as I could, and wrye bash still de-activates my selected mods. Going down your checklist, almost nothing ever showed up in the right hand window, and when it did, it wasn't something I recognized, it wasn't a mod I installed.

    " Remember, anything in the right hand window, check the left-hand checkbox. Nothing in the right hand window, no need to check the left-hand checkbox."

    I get the feeling then something more should have been in the right hand window once in a while... I really wish I knew what I was doing wrong, and I'll probably *headdesk* when I finally see it.


    I'm very close to giving up, and am simply exhausted over this. I had no idea using mods was this complicated -- it's nothing like modding Morrowind. But then I remember that I can't even bear a moment of unmodded oblivion, so I press on. ;)


    Are you running Windows 7 or Vista and do you have Oblivion installed in c:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86)?


    Which version of Wrye Bash do you have?

  7. hellow im one of the few who wants a mod that allows you to become a count of a city(other than kvatch rebuilt) and i do believe its an awsome idea but lets hope that someone would reply


    Try Windfall. It is possible, though not guaranteed to end the main quest as Count(ess).

  8. Hey there!


    I've successfully installed the Kvatch Rebuilt but I don't know how to get the ball rolling. Talked to everyone in Kvatch, looked at a video walkthrough and apparantly the Elder Council gives you a note?

    I've already waited for two sets of 24hrs and no one has approached me.


    Help asap please!!


    You just have to wait of Roadblock (Igor Rodblock) to track you down and give you a note. It takes more than just a few days - I seem to recall 10 days but I'm not sure.

  9. Although it's not mentioned, -1 does work for humanoids (3 doesn't do this). I know this for a fact, as I use it in one of my own mods.

    acutally i tryed it in this line

    if GetPCInfamy >= GetPCFame && TargetRef.GetCreatureType == -1 && TargetRef.GetDead == 1

    Its effectivness is very inconsistent...


    Is it the GetCreatureType that is inconsistent or the GetDead? I've experienced interesting results from GetDead...

  10. Hi,


    I would like to somehow solve the problems UOP (Unofficial Oblivion Patch) is giving me. I recently reinstalled Oblivion using Francesco's (instead of my usual OOO setup) and the problem is the very same thing - crashes on death of the actor (enemies). First time I encountered this behaviour was long time ago on OOO configuration and after disabling/enabling all of the mods all what remained was the UOP... Disabling it and enabling all other mods made the game run much better and without crashes (but for usual very occasional good 'ol Oblivion random CTD).


    I first blamed the configuration I chose that it simply worked badly with the UOP but recent development made me change this opinion. Simply because a) the mods I used are largely different from previous setup b) I started to use wrye bash with BOSS to eliminate conflicts in installation and load-order c) again narrowing down the problem disabling various mods ended up with UOP to blame. I use UO Supplementary but that made no difference (didn't use that on the old setup and the problem was the exact same).


    I tried really anything from game settings, ini tweaks, compatibility mods, various obse based crash prevention dlls etc. No success. Again I did whole (and painful) enabling/disabling procedure with rebuilding the patch everytime. Only to remember at one point I did experience it before and in mid of the process I tried removing UOP. Voila, problem solved. This time however I even figured out what seemed to cause the trouble - (actors) death items - in the bashed patch. Removing that option from bashed patch somewhat helped but it didn't solve the problem entirely (unlike removing UOP altogether).


    So what am I after? The solution obviously how to use UOP with somewhat heavily modded game and not crashing in every fight because of it. I am clueless as how could I solve this other than just not using unofficial patch(es). I am no newbie in this, grasped wrye bash fine and solved several problems I had already but this one seems to be too tough. Any ideas?




    I have also had problems with UOP causing crashes. In my case, it was with only a single character - one of the two that played the Vanilla game all the way through, explored everywhere, opened every door, etc. Then I added the DLC mods (but not Shivering Isles). Then I started adding other, small scale mods. Finally I added UOP, and started getting consistent crashes (for this one character but not for the others) - removing UOP fixed it. I shrugged and removed it because it wasn't a critical mod to me - I'd already played out all the vanilla quests just fine. Fast forward to today through mod shuffling, mod cleaning, reloading an operating system, etc and I still have those old characters - still play them too. Now I have UOP in my load order as well and things are just fine. I don't know...


    I suspect that one of the mods that I had at the time expected one of those fixes added by UOP to not have been in place, but I was never able to narrow it down to a mod pair with UOP being one and ??? being the other. Perhaps I've cleaned the offending mod, or dropped it because I found something I like better. I think the characters that did not have a problem for me had not done whatever the key trigger was for me and so did not have a memory of a "bugged" item or door in the save game that the UOP now insisted was changed (fixed). Wish I had something that I could suggest for you...

  11. Or another evil ad popped up, or they are still oldy linked to the previous trouble (from a while ago) where google/macafee marked every nexus site as malicious and your virus protection is slow on the update it's clear again.

    It works fine at me, I'm using McAfee.



    I'll vouch for my AV - they did yank all of the Nexus sites during the previous trouble and cleared them again.


    This is a relatively new phenomenon since I was at FO3Nexus within the last few days.

  12. Hi I got all excited reading the uesp console tutorial where it says you can run a batch file with a npc's RefID (the code you see on screen in console mode) to add/remove items. I was hoping it'd mean creating batch files to add and remove items from my CM partners, but for some reason copying the batch file example exactly with another npc didnt work


    I was trying it on agronak gro malog and it kept saying "37ff9.additem" couldnt be found when the code I wrote in the txt file was 37ff9.additem 3b1dc 1 (which is to give him back his raiment, which I removed) Also tried changing agronak to his BaseID which is 37ff8 but got the same message. Any clue what im doing wrong?



    prid 37ff9
    additem 3b1dc 1

    instead for the console.

  13. Alright. I don't know the specs for my computer. But it has a 2.5 terabite harddrive and runs mass effect 2 at high res absoultly no problem. So I'm pretty sure it cam run Oblvion just fine

    Heres the problem. Clean reinstalled. 4 times yes I know to delete the registery file all that jazz. But it keeps crashing at new game load it's unplayable I'll click new game get the sound but it just crashes doesn't move the map nothing it'll be like it's loading to go to new but it never finishes


    Did you remember to delete the oblivion.ini file that gets stashed in your save games directory? Recommend that you delete that and allow oblivion to generate a new one.

  14. I frequently install mods of my Steam Version of Fallout: New Vegas. I've almost never had any trouble with them.


    However, when playing Oblivion, while the mod installation method seems like it should be the same, it continues to act up.


    The Error is as follows: I manually install as normal through Program Files to the Data folder, but then when extracting the data and etc, etc... an error message pop-ups basically saying that it can't find the path, or the path can not be created and none of the files go through... so no mod.


    Anyone else ever had this problem? Any suggestions?


    I'm currently still hunting for the issue myself, but any suggested information would be appreciated.


    If it helps, I do have Shivering Isles installed.


    It is up-to-date.


    If you have Windows 7 or Vista, your problem is windows security is protecting your game from your mods. There are basically two methods to fix this:


    1. NOT RECOMMENDED. Turn off Windows User Access Control (UAC). This leaves your computer vulnerable to infection by malware.


    2. Uninstall your Oblivion game, and then reinstall it somewhere other than under c:|Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86). Many of us use c:\Games\Oblivion for our install directory. This will put the game in a directory that Windows does not really care about defending vigorously - so your mods and tools will work without headaches.

  15. As an update, here is a list of everything I have tried so far:


    Delete Morrowind

    Delete Morrowind CS

    Delete Oblivion, CS, and all mods

    Re-install Oblivion

    Re-Install CS

    Create new account on PC and give it administrator authority

    Shut down and restart

    Create mod while in Oblivion and attempt to save it

    Open and save an empty mod

    Open and save Oblivion.esm as a esp

    Use of different file names

    Combine Plug-Ins


    And a list more o things. I am reaching the end of my rope here guys. I LOVE modding. I have created a few good Morrowind mods and I really like creating mods for oblivion, but how am I supposed to share when I can't save a single mod? Morrowind mods save no problem. But it just doesn't want to work on oblivion and i hate it.


    One known cause of the problem is if you try to save a mod from the CS while you have it also open in some other program (such as TES4Edit). Closing the other program first will usually allow you to save normally.


    As a last resort, you can set a flag in the ConstructionSet.ini (same directory as your personal Oblivion.ini). Find the line that says


    and change it to


  16. the whole reason I used an alternate beginning mod was because Corrine is a customer race (the "breton freckled" race from Heart of the Dead) and Valen Dreth wouldn't speak to her when starting in prison, arriving by ship worked though.


    The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes that problem...

  17. I recently did a search in Tes Nexus with the key word 'level', and I couldnt find a mod anywhere that lets you exceed level 100 in level, attributes and skills.


    Is there a reason no-ones made this sort of mod?


    The whole vanilla levelling problem could be solved if the maximum level was raised to say, 300?


    Sorry if thats a bold statement, Ive never actually made my own mod so Im pretty clueless...


    Look for Elys Uncapper plugin. And the maximum cannot be raised past 255 because of the way that levels were written in the program.

  18. I've hit a bit of a snag in my Oblivion.....I'm using M.O.E. Main Quest Delayer and have attempted to start the main quest, I get arrested by one of the captains and it transports my happy ass to the prison just like the readme indicates. However, this is where the break comes as I have waited several days to no avail with the Emperor and blades not showing up. While I don't recall the Emperor may have been killed inadvertently during a killing spree in the Palace that I unwisely saved and had to console command most everyone back to life. What I'm looking for here in lieu of direct solution is to expedite the whole process with a "setstage" console command that "officially" hands off the Amulet of Kings to me and sets me off on the Main Quest after the starter dungeon. I've searched myself, through a number of forums and also checked the Dialogue readouts in the CS and have come up dry. Let me say finally that simply starting a new game, while always optional is hopefully avoidable as I've already run through most of the major quests as well as a few extensive mods like "Hillsborough Estate" which as anyone who knows that's played that takes a hot minute advance through. Thanks for the help in advance and happy holidays....


    Has the guy in the cell across from you spoken to you? Does your character have a custom race?

  19. can you give me more specific directions because i moved it and now it wont execute and it says i need to reinstall it,

    i have a 64-bit windows 7 btw if thats important


    Click on the link in Smooth613's response to you that is named "Bben's Reinstall Procedure". That's where the very specific instructions are.

  20. because I have never heard of the problem happening in a completely straight game.


    It's happened to me in a completely vanilla (not even SI or DLC) Oblivion game... once you have the ability to repair things above 100% health and have many such items in your inventory, things will start to disappear (and not just armor or weapons ... potions, ingredients, clothes, clutter... anything can disappear from view). It's terribly annoying. They are as you say still there, and once you start removing stuff from your inventory (or the container) it missing items start reappearing.

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