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Everything posted by joggernaught

  1. is it a possibility the NPCs you fight on the quest are related to them by faction? Or you picked up something like vampireism that causes them to fear you?
  2. " There have been iterations of them in Morrowind and Oblivion that did this to varying degrees... I'm personally in favour of retaining humanoid hands and feet, but I know others favour cute over serious and would like the more traditional paws; again if options were possible, this would be another place for them." Where were these little easter eggs?
  3. Zanarkand ruins could easily be a dwarf ruin, to appease skyrim lore... just my two cents. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a Midgar dwarf ruin version.
  4. I would love to see something like this: http://zam.zamimg.com/images/c/f/cf3e571fb5a90e6d9e0619598685799f.png putting a link because not 100% on how to do spoiler, but going to attempt to do that too. Would love to have restoration buffs on the pieces, as well as whatever school protection spells are, I think Alteration, and see some magicka regeneration.
  5. HAHA! I spent forever on the nexus how did I miss this one, the first picture was perfect. Thanks!
  6. If that doesn't work, there are a few mods that allow you to change your characters height. But I def want to try this child mod out. lol. Thanks for the post!
  7. I have the ApachiiSkyHair, and a few others, the braid they have is nice, but it falls onto the shoulder, while it looks good for standing around town and modeling, and being sexy it looks great, but for adventuring and fighting I rather see it hanging down my back not still over the shoulder. Thanks for the suggestion tho.
  8. Looking for a long braid that runs down the back. Not the kind that falls on the shoulder, down the back to mid level, think Lara Croft. If anyone knows of one, or can make one would be great. Please and Thank you.
  9. I use http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29803 as well, along with the better vampires, and the tales of lycopanthy or whatever its called. Just have to pay attention to the load order of the mods to get them all working together and correctly... i had it perfect at one point where as I ate bodys as a wolf it would feed my vampire, but right now i got perk trees for both, and can do both with no conflicting issues at all.
  10. yeah for what I am seeing from this video it is easy to change color sliders, and go that way, but as for adding designs onto armor is another story, and is way above my head. I guess I seriously lack the talent needed to build armor, I did get pretty far in making a dungeon tho, at least layout. Basically what I am trying to do is make Final Fantasy XI Artifact armor, with enchantments relevant to the kind of armor it is. Such as a White Mage armor will have bonus to all restoration, protection, and magicka regeneration. While the black mage armor would have Destruction, regeneration, and so forth, A red mage would have both restoration, and destruction, but not as much, one handed, and shield bonus, thought no as much as a fighter class, and a high regeneration of magika. for anyone familiar to Final Fantasy XI they would know what I am talking about in terms of armor. The only armor I have seen is a retexture of the Dragon Scale Armor to look like Kain's armor, and some other FF7 and 8 Character armor. While these are amazing looking, It is not what I want. I also wanted to go as far as including quests and new locations in order for people to get this armor. As Ghosu said, and I totally agree with, creating armor is advanced and hard, and way out of my league of skill, and probably will be for as long as this game is alive. So I guess this turned into a ohh ohh let me make something post to a Does anyone want to work with me, to create a series of quests and armors? I prefer to stick with the six main FFXI classes, Warrior, Monk, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage, and Red Mage since they are the easiest to balance in my opinion. I also have ideas, for quest lines for each, basically taking from the quest lines in FFXI and incorporating them into a skyrim world, for example, the treasure coffer quests.... First you would have to get the quest from character, that will spawn a special monster in Y Dungeon, and a quest that can only be opened by key in Y dungeon, monster that spawns will drop key needed. Then we have the more story quests, and with a few tweeks we could make them skyrim friendly. Anyone interested?
  11. For retexture, everything I am seeing is about Oblivion, do I follow the same steps for Skyrim?
  12. Thank you so much for quick response. Everything I'm seeing on the wiki is gimp with oblivion add ons... dont know if that means it will only work with oblivion or can i use for skyrim. I will be checking out creation kit straight away, Hope to have armor uploaded soon, then make a quest related to the armor.... possibly. Going to have a ton of questions along the way, but I am sure with all the guides out there I should have it done within the next.... 10 years...
  13. First off let me say.... Without the modding community I would have stopped playing skyrim about a week after it came out. I really love all the work and effort you guys put into your mods. I love everything about what you do. Hell I tell people when they get skyrim to do some of these quests added by modders and ignore the main game, because 9/10 they are better and more thought out than what you have from bethesda. Not saying they didn't make a great game, but you guys... just wow. I want to become involved, I want to make a mod. I want to make my own quest line, armor, armor textures, and I want to share it with you guys for everyone's enjoyment. Please help me make this a reality. Where do I start? What do I need? I have ideas for stuff that I find is missing from the nexus, and I want to make something great where people can sit and say wow like I do with every new mod I download. ----Edit---- Have stated below, I have the vision, but lack the ability. For those that don't want to scroll down, I shall copy my post to here. Basically what I am trying to do is make Final Fantasy XI Artifact armor, with enchantments relevant to the kind of armor it is. Such as a White Mage armor will have bonus to all restoration, protection, and magicka regeneration. While the black mage armor would have Destruction, regeneration, and so forth, A red mage would have both restoration, and destruction, but not as much, one handed, and shield bonus, thought no as much as a fighter class, and a high regeneration of magika. for anyone familiar to Final Fantasy XI they would know what I am talking about in terms of armor. The only armor I have seen is a retexture of the Dragon Scale Armor to look like Kain's armor, and some other FF7 and 8 Character armor. While these are amazing looking, It is not what I want. I also wanted to go as far as including quests and new locations in order for people to get this armor. As Ghosu said, and I totally agree with, creating armor is advanced and hard, and way out of my league of skill, and probably will be for as long as this game is alive. So I guess this turned into a ohh ohh let me make something post to a Does anyone want to work with me, to create a series of quests and armors? I prefer to stick with the six main FFXI classes, Warrior, Monk, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage, and Red Mage since they are the easiest to balance in my opinion. I also have ideas, for quest lines for each, basically taking from the quest lines in FFXI and incorporating them into a skyrim world, for example, the treasure coffer quests.... First you would have to get the quest from character, that will spawn a special monster in Y Dungeon, and a quest that can only be opened by key in Y dungeon, monster that spawns will drop key needed. Then we have the more story quests, and with a few tweeks we could make them skyrim friendly. Anyone interested?
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