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  1. Try removing the high resolution packs and see if that helps.
  2. ^This. Sky Haven would be a perfect headquarters for the Dragonborn and his followers (or other Dragonborn and good dragons). Have you seen all those doors at the top of Sky Haven Temple? Surely some of those doors could be sacrificed into making personal living quarters, or an armory, kitchen, etc. Most definately. Sky Haven has a lot of potential.
  3. Huge Player owned castle mod with all the extra trimmings.
  4. I agree with OP I was pissed about them wanting to kill my dragon friend too. This could possibly be a massive mod. All kinds of ideas come to me when I think about it. Lets say its like this.... Option 1: Kill parthanax and the blades have a ceremony to make you their official blades commander and chief. Option 2: Refuse to kill parthanax and go on with out the blades or base ending the quest. Option 3: Talk to parthanax, He gives you a quest that could have 2 different outcomes A: Kill the blades and rebuild skyhaven as a player base to remake the blades with a new purpose of protecting skyrim and the "Good" Dragons. B: Banish the blades from Skyrim with pain of death if they ever return. C: Imprison the blades Permanently in a Sky Haven dungeon which would be added with the mod. Regardless of Option 1 and 3's outcome Sky Haven becomes the base of operations for the player and his followers. Option 3 would have the players followers and soldiers swear an oath to service of the Dragonborn instead of the Blades oath to kill dragons and such. Sky Haven would be upgradable inside and out. equipment racks, storage, Dragonborn personal quarters, crafting tables, recruitable soldiers with schedules etc... Outside would become a village perhaps with recruitable townfolk like blacksmiths and shop owners etc.... Just my thoughts on it.
  5. I'm just curious if anyone else has encounterd as many bugs in this game as I have. I've played through both main plots already and I'm seeing a lot of endgame bugs as well as all the ones I encountered through out the quests. The most noticible one is After I beat the civil war plot on the imperial's side I had a quest in my misc that said to report to the yarl of whiterun. So I fast traveled there and as soon as I entered the keep Hadvar shows up with his weapon drawn and is following me around like a puppy. When I talk to the yarl there is only the usual options like if the civil war was still going on... I leave the keep and Hadvar is still following. Guess I got a new companion lol. Another annoying thing is the fact that when you talk to npc's and someone random walks by you they stop and talk and drown out what the npc is saying. I've had bugs on almost every quest I have been on. Tried to do the blades quest to kill paarthanaux after beating the game and low and behold hes invincible now not that I really care because I really only wanted to see what would happen with the blades if I killed him. I even went and talked to Delpine and she said I need to kill him and there is "no excuse now since alduin is dead". I didn't get the marriage bug but I've read about a lot of people having a corpse show up at their wedding and killing the mood. Hopefully when the creation kit gets released the community can mabye do a unofficial bugfix patch? Kind of makes me mad that I paid $89 for a game that was apparently not tested and fixed properly before being released and I have to rely on making different save game files to try to get around some of the bugs. Thoughts and comments please. I'm curious to see how many people are having the same issues.
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