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  1. I haven't changed my point or forgotten anything. In the OP, it's said that if Argonians and Khajiit came into existence through evolution that they shouldn't look like they do. I pointed out that they were brought about through supernatural means and that evolution has no real part in it. You then said that anyplace where there is biological reproduction and selection pressures there is evolution. My counter argument to this is that real world eugenics practiced on humans resulted in differences so slight that it would not even be noticed by someone that wasn't already aware of it and knew what to look for unless it was pointed out to them by someone that is already aware and knows what to look for. You then said that millions of years vs. a few generations is a rounding error. That is a flawed argument due to the simple fact that there is nothing that suggests that Nirn has existed for millions of years. For anything I've said to be in error you would have to prove that Nirn has existed for millions of years or, you would have to prove that eugenics programs have been carried out on Argonians and Khajiit for an extended period of time.
  2. As someone else said, don't do the main quest. I've got around 900 hours on the game and I have not done anything in the main quest beyond killing the dragon at Whiterun's watchtower.
  3. If you're only level 12 then your heavy and light armor skills are probably really low and it's doubtful you've taken many armor perks. That means your armor rating is going to be low. Get more perks and higher armor skills and your armor rating will go up. Also, if the game seems too easy to you on max dif, why would you want better armor?
  4. Aren't there people shackled up in Castle Volhikar, or whatever it's called? Take a look in the creation kit and see how it's done there.
  5. If you manage to figure out how to do this, I'd appreciate it if you make a thread to talk about it as I've got a follower I've been tinkering with that's a heavy magic user and it'd be nice to have them be able to do more than set stuff on fire or electrocute it.
  6. If someone made a meter to measure morality, I'd hope they make it visible so I could see how long it would take to make it bottom out.
  7. It's possible but, would in part depend on what kind of mod you're making. Something like weapon and armor mods would be fairly easy to work on with other people since all you would have to do is send the mesh and texture files to each other, drag and drop those into the appropriate game folders, then link them to the game through things like formlists, and save it to each make your own esp. The same could be done for face presets and textures for custom followers. I think doing it for things like buildings and towns would require making esps that you trade with each other and merging them though.
  8. I'm with Kradus on this. Little kid being visited by hardened killers is not going to keep quiet about who performed the assassination or what they looked like.
  9. As far as I'm aware, Nirn isn't millions of years old so, I fail to see your point.
  10. I actually have that second one you linked already. I like to use that and the hoods made by Grace Darkling. Thanks though. :)
  11. You have to use bodyslider to create a body preset that you then save into the preset folder found inside bodyslide and then use that preset to build your armors.
  12. I think it might be more the difficulty in getting a NPC to operate in that manner. There are a couple follower mods that have healer NPCs in them. You might be able to DL one of those and modify it so they buff you with illusion spells.
  13. I don't know if there's a way to allow you to click on a door and get an option to lock it but, there is a really simple script you can add to a door that will tell it to close and lock on its own after it's been opened. I don't remember the exact wording for it but, it's something like Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AkObjectRef) Utility.Wait (5.0) Function SetOpen (false) Function SetLockLevel (255) EndEvent That's something you'll have to make using your creation kit. What I've just written would be used for interior doors so that once a door is opened it'll close and lock again in a few seconds. For something like the front door to Breezehome, you could probably get rid of the wait and setopen lines so that it just has the activate event, setlocklevel, and the end event. I'm not 100% sure. It's actually pretty easy to make right in your own creation kit though, provided you're willing to spend a few minutes experimenting and once you have that script, you can add it to any door you want to. If it's to be used on a house your character owns and you want it to require a key you'll have to be sure to set the lock level to 255. That's the require key setting. Otherwise, you would go 1, 25, 50, 75, or 100 depending on how difficult you want it to be for a door to be picked.
  14. This made me laugh and reminded me of my legacy characters, the Dings. There was Bill Ding, Stan Ding, May Ding, Fay Ding, and Wade Ding.
  15. Dragonlance fan? They're a dying breed. Hopefully someone makes them.
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