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Everything posted by South8028

  1. 1. It is highly desirable that the pivot of the model and the pivot of the collision are the same. 2. After any manipulations with meshes, don't forget to resetXform. Learn to model from a plane/spline. Outlining any complex shape from a plane takes 5 minutes if you know how. Check out 3ds max tutorials on youtube. Learn basic editable poly manipulation. Making a collision based on a copy of the model is a waste of game resources.
  2. You can try obj. But in this case, do not attach the meshes in prefabricated models. Because max does not always correctly select meshes when meshes penetrate each other. My first attempt at making shoes. It turned out low poly. ~7.5k poly. Of these, the boots themselves are ~ 1.2k, the rest are laces. ) I will still redo the texture. I tried the belts, but they are somehow distorted by bones. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/1yWUv-9fastQcg
  3. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/1jL3v-Vkoqci5AHe is with physics, if physics is needed.
  4. No, you don't have to create a collision for every part. It's pointless. Only for those parts with which the characters interact. But it was about materials. Not about collisions. You must assign a separate material to each mesh that has its own texture in the model. How many textures you use - how many materials you have to assign. Or do one unwrap for all parts of the model on the same texture. To do this, select all the meshes. Apply the unvrap uvw modifier. Gather uv. Before Reset xForm, separate all meshes from each other, or reset xForm in sequence from child mesh to parent.Collisions have nothing to do with materials. Collisions do not have materials and it makes no sense to assign materials to them.
  5. When you already have 20 different meshes and you have aligned them uv to unvrap uvw (without unvrap uvw the textures will be crumpled). Then you just add 20, or whatever you need bsLightingFx/bsEffectFx. Assign your textures/bgem/bgsm to each material. Now assign a different material to each mesh.
  6. Don't have Outfit studia installed (installed with Body slide)? Clothes meshes don't need nifscop. This is done in OS. With OS, you can change any clothes for any bodies. Scale, sculpt, crop, copy, or create new bone weights, copy sliders, or create your own.
  7. True...Given the fact that the so called "update" were expecting will utilize some newer technologies it may include multicore/multithread fixes as well..... lol look at this for example... This is obviously in the CK... Where its dragging its feet while moving around in a location mod... ONLY ONE core doing the work... The others are handling background tasks that are running in the OS...Imagine if all cores and threads were active... For ck, I came across some kind of fix package. It replaces some c++ libraries, it is unstable according to reviews, so I was afraid to use it. But he makes ck fly. There are stable 60 or more fps, as in the game. But I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the number of cores involved. It is necessary to read somewhere on this topic ... I mean about ck.https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/51165 https://gamer-mods.ru/load/fallout_4/fiksy/f4ck_creationkit_fixes/138-1-0-11319 All in all. As far as I understand... The first link + the second link gives ck game fps in the render.
  8. I take any static from the game like a barrel and still dont see anything like a wireframe that i see in the skyrim vids... Do we even have to pass the vanilla nifs through elrich to see collision ?Either way i tried even passing a vanilla nif and still cant see anything... Here is one vid showing the collision mesh in nifskope...(maybe the feature is old or wasnt part of the fallout 4 version... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFobDphHdTg nif should not be passed through elrich to see a collision. Your nif created in 3ds won't have collisions at all unless you run it through elrich. When you created a nif in 3ds max and didn't use elrich, you should be able to see your collision in nifscop. After elrich, you will no longer see the collision in nifscop, but the collision will start working in the game.
  9. collisions visible in nifscop until nif has gone through elrich. After elrich, the collision can be seen in the ck render by pressing F4 (I didn't check, but people have written earlier on the forum). In nifscop, collision is represented as a node. When imported into 3ds, all bs and havok nodes open as bones. The collision is converted to a bone that is the parent of the entire model. Probably, collision is some kind of havok mechanic of rigging a mesh with a specialized bone.
  10. i dont think the game uses more than 4 cores... Hence core speed is the factor that helps game performance and not more cores..Also note the other obvious factor is the GPU and its vram (speed and size )... The further up you go from 1080p the less the graphics depend on the CPU and more of the GPU... Again this all is for this game...not newer titles... I never thought of playing fo4 in 2k or 4k. In my understanding, this is the act of converting fps to garbage. It's just that there are a lot of very cheap Epyc's 24-64 cores. I'm thinking about what to give preference to... Regular ryzen 6-8 cores, or less technologically advanced and slow, but very powerful server, maybe also on zen cores. If the fo4 engine depends on multitasking, then theoretically, 32 cores should affect the speed of calculations. ai will calculate navmesh paths faster, and it will be possible, for example, to spawn huge crowds of ghouls. ) I would like to know from people the experience of playing fo4 on servers with a huge number of cores.
  11. How much do you think PC performance in fo4 depends on the number of processor cores? Is there a real difference in game between a 10 core system and a 32 core system? How much does the engine support multi-core? I saw a video where Epyc 64 cores +64 cores was processing ~60k characters in Boston. But there was probably a bunch of video cards in sli. In general... Multi-core architecture vs CPU frequency and manufacturability?
  12. i always setup models with a default texture before exporting....... So like i said above i think its a export issue from 3ds...)probably something it has doesnt belong and CK refuses to show it.. ( i saw it set up as bones and had a skin instance etc.. )... I even tried putting it through outfit studio but the model wont show up there either...I hope you remember that 3ds materials are not supported by default. bgs exporter installs new materials. The main ones to work with are bsLightingFx (surfaces) and bsEffectFx (effects, glass). They should appear in 3ds materials. By assigning a material to the bs mesh you can set textures (for n,s you will need to install a dds fix), and select bgem/bgsm (if you need them. I usually don't use bgem/bgsm because everything can be set up in nif).
  13. Thank you. I'll try them in game. We'll have to straighten them with morphs. I should have guessed right away to send you the body of the character. The plane of the sole is obtained at a very large angle relative to the upper part of the boot. the bodies in fo4 are quite different from what you used. But I'll fix it quickly.
  14. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/F3MzgRtHTSYtHwThis is cbbe and rigs for scale. For some reason, I could not open fbx in max, I had to export it to nif and then opened it in 3ds. You even made the straps and laces. Thank you. I immediately dismantled everything into 14 meshes, separately all parts of the laces and belts. Now I will do uv.
  15. Thanks a lot. I'll take a look today after work. I will send you the body of the character in fo4 scale. If you do something else, you will know the scale. By the way, you can probably use rig. There are fo4 rigs on the nexus, but if you don't want to search, I'll send you a fbx rig. To make it easier to scale furniture, weapons, etc.
  16. in max, you just attach the textures to the scaled plane. Finished projection. But it's hard to make shoes in Max (I don't know about Maya). Outlining in edit poly with shift these projections manually is very boring. Rib by rib. Then turbo smootch, or smootch mesh. I did not find other ways in the 3ds lessons. But laces, straps and uv are not hard to make. ) The boot itself is much more complicated.
  17. Yeah. Super. ) uv I'll probably do it myself, because there are also laces and belts. All on one texture. How did you make projections? I mean, where did you get them from? Do you have a way to make 2D projections from a 3D image?
  18. he problem with these boots is gonna be the shoelaces, I can do like a texture for the laces and then model teh dangly end laces but it might not look right with knees bending is all... ill see what I can do.I care about the shape of these boots. Straps and laces are not very difficult for me to make myself. The ends of the laces can be hidden under the belt. I always do a lot of belts and wires, so I'm used to working with splines. It is necessary to make one shoe, left or right. It is advisable not to attach meshes.
  19. can you make shoes, preferably in fbx? I myself work very modestly in 3ds, but a good shoe model takes me more time than an animated CNC machine. Already many people asked, but it is useless. Everyone makes high heels in large numbers, and they don't want to make other shoes. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/D1wAwXmybvSc5Q
  20. when bones are used, the meshes that are skinned on them should not be linked to anything other than the bones. If your entire model has a skeleton, then the entire hierarchy is on the bones and the meshes are not connected to each other. When a model is partially animated with bones, the skinned meshes must be separated from the model's hierarchy. Otherwise, these meshes will disappear in the render.
  21. cool...Just a clarification... Can i copy branch from the light ive placed each time and rename it or do i have to import a fresh nif (paste branch to 0 node )and rename it . Im asking because its murder editing transform from zero each time :P Pardon my English, I misunderstood the question. If we are talking about addonnode, then it is easy to re-create it in any amount in nifscop. Select niNode, left click > Node > Attach Node > bsValueNode. Name, for example, to bsAddonLight01. In value you insert the number of your addonNode from ck. Position the light in transform. Everything, the node is ready. It takes ~15 seconds.
  22. easy. Rename the name itself to be unique for each node. For example, name one addonLight01 and the other addonLight02. But make the index that refers to the addOnNod number in ck the same for everyone. Any quantity is possible. By the way, if the object is stationary, or you don't need the beam, but you need to light the area, you can make it easier. Make, or find some kind of nif spotlight / flashlight, etc. Attach to it in nifscop bs connect point named P-attachLight. The direction of the axis is equal to the direction of the light. Add your nif to ck, to light and adjust the light you want. Now you can attach any number of these lights to your boat.
  23. first thing i tried was to copy the files from the 2013 folder to the 2014 but may have overwritten something i shouldnt have... The video you posted doesnt mention overwrites which means i screwed up.Only way to fix it would probably be to reinstall 3ds and redo the copy pasting but as directed on the vid... when you run max after installing the plugins, you will get errors anyway. Errors regardless of the version of max. They need to be fixed by adding shaders from the bgs plugins folder to customize/configure user pathc. Then you need to put a dds fix so that max learns to work with dds bs5. Also on the nexus there is some kind of script, or a guide (I dont remember what it is), which eliminates the error when max climbs into the temp folder when opening a model with bgs materials.
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