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  1. Like so? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/_GoP_/TESV2013-10-0413-15-24-77.png
  2. 'Sup Nexus, you may remember me from my completely ignored other suggestion, Ultima IX weapons and Armor, and now I'm back with another great suggestion who'll probably follow the same path. We know Bioshock Infinite was kind of a bust, having them changed the gameplay so much it wasn't really the same game that earned all those awards anymore. Vigors have a zing to it when drank. http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/552004_10152022027045556_25129160_n-e1364095684118.jpg?w=558&h=9999&crop=0 But after that, you'll get awesome powers! Send crows at them! http://www.bigbadbob113.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/bioshock-murder-of-crows.png Grab them with a watery tentacle, or push them with a jet of water! http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/bioshock-infinite/thumb/6/61/Undertow.png/468px-Undertow.png Lift their butts into the air for easy shootin' (with the bow) http://www.thesixthaxis.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/BioshockInfinite-2.jpg Zap them harder than a thunder does to a lightning rod on a stormy night! http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/bioshock-infinite/thumb/f/f9/Shock.png/468px-Shock.png Avast, me hearties!
  3. Having chosen Stormcloaks in one savegame, I was quite sad how that affected nice people. Jarls, families and thanes driven away from their homes, the kids saying they hoped a monster would come and eat me.. I was quite shaken by how my actions of wanting a "free Skyrim" was affecting people. The Stormcloaks are racists, Ulfric doesn't care about the nords! He killed Torygg and left his wife alone to rule over a city when she's obviously not ready for it. I'd rather have a multi-cultural Skyrim, with Khajiits, Dunmer, Argonians, and whatever race that isn't Nord, being nice to me, greeting me like I've done good for them instead of being greeted like a racist scum who'd hang them on a wall and make carpets out of them. With that, I'm hoping to help the Empire grow strong enough to rip the Concordat and vanquish the Thalmor, because we all know this peace treaty isn't going to last and is barely even being followed by those bastards. With all this you might be thinking I have something against Altmeri. I don't. In fact I like Faralda and Nirya back in the college, and we also have Fasendil in the legion (yes, there's an altmer fighting for the empire! Isn't he awesome?), and Calcelmo and his quest for romance, and so on. These are nice Altmer and the Thalmor do nothing but make people prejudge their race. With all that said, I do support the Legion and their multi-cultural Empire.
  4. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31491 Morrowind Imports will put Solstheim items in dunmer shops. I guess this is a step forward towards the goal of this thread.
  5. Nevermind the skeleton key, you should regress to a save before the Savior's Hide and obtain both of Hircine's artifacts.
  6. Is there a mod related to Ultima IX: Ascension, besides this map http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20307? Like weapons and such. I've made an image heavy mod request thread, but it's slowly sinking to the netherpages and no one seems to be interested.
  7. I don't understand why they'd mock all the Daedra, one would think they would love ol' Herma-Mora. Anyway, according to what's known about TES, only one Dwemer remained after all the other dwemer anti-created themselves to become Animudum's metal body.
  8. http://wiki.ultimacodex.com/images/4/49/U9title.jpg 1981. The first game of the Ultima series was officially released. An epic series began, culminating in the ninth tittle. Ultima IX was still before the time of Oblivion, but Morrowing had already been out for a year. It was the first 3D tittle in the series, and within it, plenty of epic armors and weapons that could be used for lore-friendly mods in Skyrim, seeing as they're both medieval themed. Such artifacts included, but not limited to: http://lparchive.org/Ultima-9/Update%203-5/260e89ebbc420fd76f2b53db3edae425b90efd29.jpg The Flame sword, , with also a fine example of the music played when enemies were around. http://lparchive.org/Ultima-9/Update%2010-16/bac5ff9de5b0473a94583b15e374b3dd52106d3b.jpg The Helm of Radiance, a crown (part of a set of different artifact armor), which would illuminate a small area. Also shown is a fine shield called Kite Shield. http://www.ultimaaiera.com/wp-content/gallery/news-images/u9oloi.png Kiran Shield (which could be obtained through the collection of the Kiran Stones http://lparchive.org/Ultima-9/Update%203-5/d179537dd0e90dce67faed64899adc3400596119.jpg) http://wiki.ultimacodex.com/images/b/b6/Mgshield.jpg Mage shield. And plenty of others. Understand this mod will require a big knowledge in modding weapons from scratch and extensive research. I'll be more than willing to help with the research, but I don't even know if I can mod decently, so let's scratch that. For starter, this website has an image diary of someone's playthrough, and I found it very helpful for images of the weapons of this game. http://lparchive.org/Ultima-9/Update%201-1/ 24/02 Good news, someone had started an Ultima dungeon map mod. Bad news, apparently abandoned. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20307
  9. Yeah, PRTSC works just fine anywhere else. I've made a search for any .bmp files on my computer and nothing was found skyrim-related
  10. That may be, letting the game make new .ini solved nothing. Not really a mod, it just automatically added the lines to the .ini, I can just copy the intro skipper and data tab enabler lines into the new .ini, but the screenshot still doesn't work for PRTSC and the line was already =1 on the new .ini.
  11. Yes I have downloaded http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13575, yes I've added the line to the correct .ini manually. Nothing works.
  12. WOW! That pretty much solved everything, including fog and whatnot that I couldn't see before! You wouldn't also know how to fix screenshots would you? Tried to add the .ini line but it never worked.
  13. When being attacked by magic, thu'um or other sources of fire/ice/etc, I can't see the flame itself being projected only the burning on me or others. I've tried everything I could to no avail, I also can't rely on ENB because my machine isn't top notch.
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