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  1. Can somebody make a mod that adds in the original "Big Frigger" brand powerfist? Bethesda has progressively made the powerfist more and more lame, with fallout 3's being a pneumatic piston on a glove and 4's being just a pneumatic piston strapped to your wrist. I want the classic model back, the one that used the same technology as the classic supersledge (which bethesda also ruined in 4)
  2. But those aren't anything near what I want. I want a pulse gun like the one in Fallout 2, neither of those mods fit the bill for me :/
  3. Bump, this is getting buried pretty quickly :/
  4. Um... what's wrong with vanilla Skyrim dual wielding to where you need mods for it to work correctly? ._.
  5. Huh. I didn't know you could actually do this o.o Well, this'll certainly be useful when using total conversion mods. :)
  6. Can somebody make a weapon mod that adds this in? For the pistol version, this picture here could be a good reference - https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fallout+yk32+pulse+pistol&view=detailv2&&id=0FC99A70F43FE2C37F1FE1C04CB490F386231C81&selectedIndex=3&ccid=amkO4YaZ&simid=608048494199898343&thid=OIP.M6a690ee18699aa4a92ce27044ef6abc8o0&ajaxhist=0 (I do not claim ownership nor any credit for the image) And if someone makes it, remember, it shoots purple electrical "pulse" projectiles. I'd say the projectile mirelurk kings shoot at you could be used for that, just recolor them I suppose. I also would like the projectile to travel much faster than plasma projectiles.
  7. It's almost kinda silly how many shortcuts Bethesda took by using a good portion of Skyrim's under-the-hood assets. (Assaultron Laser Spell FTW) Anyway, I figured out a while back that changing the player's race in the console works. Hell, I even managed to change my race to Dremora. Of course nothing visually nor gamelplay-wise had changed due to the "meat" assets not being there, but it certainly seems the "bones" are there. Anyone wanna help me out here? I'm probably going to take a race mod off the Skyrim nexus and test porting it to Fallout 4. If it works I'll ask the author of that mod if I could put the ported mod on the FO4 nexus. But overall, this is just a little experiment if anything.
  8. Can someone make a mod that lets you play as a S'Lanter? I'm fine with however it's done, as long as some degree of customization is present, and it isn't too much of a hassle to start a new game without needing some wonky, unwieldy alternative start mod like the ones currently available.
  9. I'd love this. Then toss it out in the trash when I get my hands on a mod like, say, this here http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61931/? for FO4 xD lol but still I'd appreciate a mod like this, good luck.
  10. I was very dissapointed when I found out Fallout 4 didn't do anything cool or revolutionary or... anything whatsoever with Chinese stealth suits like what was done with power armor. Can someone make a stealth suit mod? Like, one that would be an alternative to PA? Complete with customization, a cyber-ey looking hud, etc.?
  11. I recently figured out player.setrace actually still works, in fact I managed to set my character's race to dremora :0 However this affected basically nothing... Is there any way I could sorta, like, "launder" content from Skyrim to be used in Fallout 4 using the Creation Kits? I want to see if I can make setrace do something for real. Thanks :)
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