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Everything posted by djdude4567

  1. I recently had to reinstall Fallout 3 and installed a few mods (namely Fellout, FWE, MMM, and RH Ironsights, plus compatibility patches for each). The game worked fine at first, but has occasional crashing due to load order issues. I tried to run BOSS, but it wouldn't detect Fallout 3. I then downloaded and installed LOOT, but had the same issue.
  2. I recently re-installed Oblivion (hard drive crashed), and after changing around the settings, I get an error message that says "Failed to Initialize Renderer: GetAdapterDesc. () failed". I had an earlier issue with my entire PC freezing (caused by having 2 moniters), after changing around some .ini settings (I believe changing iAdaptor to 2 instead of 0), the game no longer crashes my PC, but gives me the error message. Any tips? Specs: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 ti Signature 2GB Edition 8 GB DDR3 RAM Win. 7 OS Intel i5 3.4 Ghz Quad-Core processor 1tb HDD (can't remember exact specs on it) 2x 24 in. BenQ Gl2460 Monitors
  3. Thanks for the help. apparently BOSS and LOOT think that I should be loading a patch for Pure Waters before loading Pure Waters (isn't modding fun). Again, thanks. I REALLY didn't wanna spend another day reinstalling stuff.
  4. My game has been crashing on startup, it's not a crash from load order issues (ran BOSS, LOOT, and manually checked). I had the same issue when I had more mods on, and I thought it was an ENB messing with dll files, so I deleted everything (uninstalled through Steam, deleted all content from the Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim folder, and deleted the folder in My Games) After a full reinstall of the Ultimate Edition and around 12 gb of mods, the game still crashes on startup. I took a video of it and uploaded it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqvinDCPAFU&feature=youtu.be
  5. I'm having a similar issue, I need to edit a bow to change the firing sound to an Intervention shot sound (dont worry about it), but there is no way to import my audio file so that it's in the list of available audio files.
  6. I have the same problem, I did some troubleshooting on my end and managed to figure out that it CTD's anytime I try to open a container (bodies, player inventory, etc.). I only seem to get this problem after I do any Hunterborn-related things (skinning, field-dressing, etc.) Haven't managed to fix it yet, will edit this if I find a fix. Fixed: NMM places .esp's incorrectly by default, running BOSS fixes it.
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