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About ZjemTwojegoKota

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  1. Hey, now I face the same problem, but when I was looking for BSConnectPoint node for other existing helmets in game, there is no such node, and helmets aren't upside-down. :( I don't know how to fix that.
  2. I wish NMM would support the same method of injecting paths like MO was..
  3. Today I watched this movie again... and started looking if someone made such armor for skyrim... aparently not... But this topic was posted 3 years ago so maybe this time someone will be interested? Who will pickup the challenge?
  4. Maybe. But lack of nicely crafted dev tools and good documentation, makes this very dev unfriendly. Even you possess some knowledge, work with this thing is so inefficient. For me looks like you have to spent hundred of hours to get small thing...
  5. I bet you meesed up your SKSE install. Try this. Maybe will help you http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31737/?
  6. so... why don't you just update SKSE? http://skse.silverlock.org/ and do you run skyrim via skse loader?
  7. Did you try to google about this before you posted this message?
  8. I give up. After years with Java and C# this thing (papyrus+ck) is for me like a piece of s***. I have no idea how people originally can work with this effectively. I spend whole day to search for reference and solution and I was not able even to run simple script after loading the game. It would be easier to learn an assembler...
  9. In short, if your follower mod uses esp/bsa and meshes are located in the archive, you need to check what files it uses for a body, and in which location. If you know this, just put meshes with the same name in the same older structure into Skyrim\Data folder If meshes are not in the archive it's even simpler.
  10. Some time ago I decided to make a mod which allow me to select various poses using slider. The same way like you can do it using racemenu and xpmse plugin. I don't have any experience with papyrus scripting language, but I know languages like Java, JavaScript or C# so it's not a problem for me... To check if I will be able to do anything I started with SkyUI MCM tutorial. After successful creation of simple MCM menu, under single button I put simple code to SendAnimationEvent to the player (having knowledge about animation name for Pinup poser) and this actually works! The thing is... MCM is not the way I would like to use this mod... I would like to have small window with slider/s like in racemenu. Which means, game have to be unpaused to see immediate effect. The goal is to quickly show the window, change pose to desired and hide window using single key. The question is how to create such UI? I was not able to find anything usefull so far in the internet :sad:
  11. Is there a chance to improve NMM interface performance in next release? I experience slowness, while switching tabs, scrolling, etc.
  12. For advanced users or maybe not. If someone would like to determine which files in Skyrim folder are hardlinked you can install this tool http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/linkshellextension.html. This tool is not made by me but I tested it already and works perfectly. This is shell extension for Windows explorer, which will add red arrow shortcut (overlay icon) for all hardlinks, green arrow for symlinks. For me it's usefull, maybe someone will take advantage of it too.
  13. In response to post #22104034. #22104314 is also a reply to the same post. True. I had the info from M$ from 2011 :) Looks like M$ changed something. I tested that out, so shouldn't be a problem anymore. At least from total free space perspective.
  14. In response to post #21986184. #21986639, #21986744, #21987694, #21989439, #21990029, #21994814, #21995034, #22104714 are all replies on the same post. Not true... Skyrim folder without hardlinked mods (clean install) ~8,7 GB Skyrim folder with hadlinked mods (in my case) ~20 GB Windows explorer do not count size correctly.
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