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Everything posted by Twenty114

  1. Thanks, I will be sure to look at them when I have my free time. And no need, you don't have to make it. I've been thinking about it more it doesn't sound hard but it is better to try than have someone else do it for yah.
  2. I've been playing Skyrim since it was released, and there has been something that I've been thinking about. Ever since I got the Mace of Molag Bal, and Dawnbreaker I came up with the idea about instead of the weapons physically being in your inventory, why not have them be summoned from oblivion? Sadly I am no modder and it may or may not work. But here is something that I thought about: When you finish a Daedric Quest that gives you a weapon: Dawnbreaker Mace of Molag Bal Ebony Blade Rueful Axe Mehrunes' Razor (Maybe; Wabbajack, Sanguine's Rose, Skull of Corruption) You can craft the artifact with a bound sword tome, and it will give you the tome to summon the artifact you craft to it. Plus when you do summon them, they are more powerful since you are summoning them straight from oblivion. To me it would be so helpful so I can have them without being in my inventory and if I do have them storage somewhere, I don't have to go all the way back to get them. But who knows, maybe when I decide to stop being both lazy and busy I might learn how to do it myself. Thanks for reading this!
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