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Everything posted by Agracul

  1. well, you can click the image for the fullsize view. ill try this in a minute, thanks upd: yeah, the character assets feet meshes solved the issue, thanks
  2. Hi pals, I'm having these weird bug, where male feet (didnt check the female though) are corrupted: http://imageshack.us/scaled/landing/703/2012111200002.jpg I'm running the following mods: 1) ApachiiHair 2) ApachiiHairMales 3) BBLS + BBLSGuysApachii 4) Geonox Face textures 5) the underwear version of http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26145 I wonder what went wrong, i already uninstalled Skyrim to get a clean set up but the feet bug again :( Wonder if anyone had that issue too and looking for help with solving it :S Thanks ahead!
  3. hey guys, i'm looking for a save or any clues which mod can bring me that pretty face aoki uses in hes screenshots, like this one: http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/2488-1-1326992752.jpg also, is this roberts or FS?
  4. hey, thats my old character, unfortunatelly, the pc with oblivion installed no longer works and i cant manage out the names of the addons i previously used. any ideas on the armor addon? Please keep in mind that we frown upon adult themed images in the forums. Now that Floydian has helped you, I've removed this one. -myrmaad
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